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Everything posted by Legolash2o

  1. I'd appreciate if you would test this?
  2. I've just had a look at this issue and i think it's fixed!
  3. Does your key require Auto-activation? If so then i can remove that message. Edit the .xml file in notepad and manually remove the skip-auto activation string and then try. It should let you uncheck it if you entered the serial first. Meanwhile, i'll have a look at my code to make sure it's correct
  4. you need to install DISM if you are on XP/Vista, but they are available to download separately here. You need to make sure they are in the system32 folder although W7T will pick up WAIK if it is installed.
  5. I no longer work on this app however i when you click the 'Download' button from the link above, it gives you the option to download it's source code.
  6. v1.3.0.86B released! since v1.0.1.x, W7T has been downloaded over 53,079 times which is over 50GB since i started keep track of downloads so it's probably a lot more than that!^FIX: Some issues unmounting images When you closed WIM Manager it prompted to unmount images, however W7T did not check if the image was corrupted or not and when users tried to commit the image it caused an error. W7T will not longer prompt you to unmount the image.^FIX: Hopefully fixed an issue unmounting image with Registry Hive Mounter Untested: There was an issue where W7T would try to mount and unmount an image incorrectly, hopefully this has been fixed.^FIX: Issue with Language Pack Converter Someone tried to add W7T.exe into the language pack list and it caused an error (uploaded a log), from now on it will just say this does not look like a language pack with no log uploaded.^FIX: Issue with rebuilding on CDs and DVDs Some users tried rebuilding an image when the image was on 'CDRom' which is not possible due to it being read-only. W7T will not londer rebuild to CDRoms or anything with 0 free space.
  7. Can you please attach the registry file you're trying to import, seems like a few users are having the same issue. I don't really use this feature to notice if it's working or not but i'd sure like to fix it
  8. v1.4.0 will have some more work with removing components
  9. Those seem to be silent installers, you can either just simply delete them from the DVD root (Apps folder) which is the quickest option, you can also use Registry Hive Mounter to go to HKLM\\WIM_Software\\W7T and delete the registry key.
  10. I have noticed from the logs that MANY people are running older versions of W7T, i would like to remind everyone that as soon as a new version is released then the ALL of the older versions become instantly unsupported. So please make sure you're using the latest version of Windows 7 Toolkit. Thank You --------------------------------------- Also if you are wondering why there has not been many releases recently it is because i have to revise for an exam and do some coursework which are due in the next week or two.
  11. This will only appear if you have added either an addon or silent installer.
  12. I've literally just released a new version fixing this issue and welcome to Wincert
  13. Hey, guys i will read all of your posts so don't worry that's a strange issue, what files are in those folders? was it just wallpapers you integrated? LDR on it's own should be fine That error was caused because the addon is trying to add them to the silent installer which is not what addons are for.
  14. I think i'll just leave it, Windows 7 SP2 should be out soon...
  15. yeah these guys seem to know more about me when it comes to integrating drivers, i just use dism.exe. Ricktendo how good is pnputil, what advantanges is there to using it and should get W7T to use it?
  16. Happy new year guys...
  17. On the silent list, just add the exe, give it a quick name like 'Office 2007' and leave the switch/syntax file blank and click add, should work fine.
  18. I haven't read all of this topic but sometimes like intel, they don't like users integrating drivers properly so somehow prevent them from being integrated.
  19. crashfly, im planning on changing that
  20. Fixed, it will create a folder called 'OfficeUpdates' within the folder you select.
  21. Just wishing you all a merry Christmas, hope you all have a great day!
  22. Your probably did select IIS, which removes all .NET Frameworks You shouldn't have to write a list as a log is saved automatically. P.S. I'm moving this to the normal forum as this is not a feature request.
  23. @Everyone, it seems like people are posting bugs in here, they need their own thread. Which update was it superseeded by? Yeah seems like a feature request and needs to go in the request forum.
  24. Select the tweaks you want, go to options tab, click 'Current OS' and click yes. That will apply all tweaks to the current OS, you may need to restart
  25. Fixed the AIO Disk bug and some others, haven't fixed the AIO one
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