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Everything posted by Legolash2o

  1. Anyone having any issues with the latest build?
  2. Everything seems to look fine, i will have to check when i find my SP0 disk.
  3. SP0 might not have that screen, i will check is a do have a SP0 disk lying around. From the screen you last put it seemed the languages integrated fine but your missing that screen you wanted I have 2 tasks for you. 1. Can you please attach Sources\lang.ini from the setup dvd please? 2. Mount the 2nd image (Microsoft Windows Setup (x86)) in Boot.wim and attach the Sources\lang.ini from that too please rename the attachments so i know which one is which
  4. Seems to be working for you, your just missing the initial screen. Which language are you trying to integrate? What language is currently installed on your current computer? Is the DVD Windows 7 SP1 or SP0?
  5. Which version of Windows are you integrating into, WIndows 7 Ultimate x64? for example. Does the install.wim have both x86 and x64 images? (All-In-One) It would be great if you could open a new thread in the Windows 7 Toolkit subforum.
  6. v1.0.2-7F, some very important fixes... Also there is a bunch of links added to the 'Download' menu on the main tool selection screen. EDIT: Build 8 released with a fix to unattended creator, it now only shows current serial key when you edit the Serial Key instead of all inputboxes.
  7. W7T automatically added quotes, but even if you had used them for the other program it would not work, luckily someone provided me the source code on another topic and i managed to modify it and fix a bunch of bugs. Double quotes and normal quotes just did not work but it should work now. The external program open another command prompt tool and it did not add the quotes. So is it all working properly now?
  8. Ok im home now and finished work, just to clarify. The following driver types will integrate into boot.wim and install.wim HDCSCSIADAPTERSYSTEMMTD1394 Everything else is just install.wim
  9. Yeah correct, mass storage drivers go into both boot and install.wim
  10. Depends on the type of driver, I don't knowte types of the top of my head but display, audio, Ethernet don't go into te boot.WIM but drivers for SYSTEM/SATA/SCSI/HDC do. Why you ask?
  11. v1.0.2-6F released. Just some GUI changes to the Tools Manager (main screen). Disabled buttons now say why they are disabled.
  12. Done. This is in build v1.0.2-6F.
  13. v1.0.2-5F released. You should notice an improve on the startup speed on this version, some new Tools Manager icons, they have been re-arranged in alphabetical order. Also their is now an option for 'Quicker Merging' which radically speeds up the Create AIO Disk tool and 'Merge Image' in WIM Manager however the wim may be bigger because it does not rebuild the original wim before adding the new one.
  14. Go to W7T Options and uncheck Verify Images and Check Images. Then save. Although disabling 'Check Images' should speed up rebuilding on its own EDIT: Looks like i found a but when disabling 'Check Images', ill fix it now. EDIT: Fixed, will be in v5 which i will release soon.
  15. Which rebuild button did you use, WIM Manager? How many images are in the wim you want to rebuild?
  16. Can you please upload a unmodified 'x:\Sources\SPWIZIMG.DLL' to an external site please. I can't use Restorator as it's trial software. Also don't try the tweak with Windows 8 until it's working on Windows 7. The tweaks seem to be working for everyone else.
  17. v1.0.2-3F released. *FIX: Component Remover did not work if mount path had spaces in it *Also made a lot of fixes to an external program.
  18. ChiefZeke for some reason the packages program i use to show hidden packages does not like spaces in the mount path ie. C:\W7T\Mount, seems to be ok C:\W7T\Test Mount 1, seems to error. EDIT: I have used the source code of that program to fix the issue, it should now support spaces on the next version. Hopefully
  19. Same here, i did re-upload it but the new version did not work either. It may fix itself so try again later
  20. Which nvidia driver?
  21. What is your current OS, Windows 7 Ultimate x64? I mean the current installed OS which W7T is running on, not what you are integrating into.
  22. Upload it on another site like imageshack.us
  23. Strange, what image are you trying to add ?please upload. What version of Windows?
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