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Everything posted by Legolash2o

  1. The name didn't disappear then. Slightly more confused Anyways I best get ready for University.
  2. Released. Also just incase I've made the RunOnce installer say hello, just in case it IS running and then just disappearing.
  3. I will try changing it to RunOnceEx. Then release a build before I go to University. Have you integrated any updates?
  4. I'm aware that there is an issue with the RunOnce installer. I've been up early hours of the morning investigating this issue. Apart from 1-2 hours at University and then 2 hours later at the gym later on (Yoga & Cardio). I have the entire day to work on the problem. I will keep you all up-to-date here. Special thanks to all of the users who have been helping me find it.
  5. Have you tried post 10? http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/12091-is-it-possible-to-integrate-sp1-into-windows-7-with-wintoolkit/?p=106027
  6. Can you help pinpoint where the name disappears? Is it: 1. During the first integration attempt 2. After the first integration attempt 3. During the retry. 4. After the retry 5. After moving it to the silent installs Thanks.
  7. Thanks KEiGHT. When I get back from University, I have the entire day to work on it. What I need to do is: Add logging back into the RunOnce so we can finally find the issue.Add a screen which notifies the user there is no installations and close after 10 seconds.Been up since 6am (8:13 now) for the past three days to find this issue lol.
  8. It doesn't disappear for me which is strange. Which means it's most likely a multi-threading issue. Ughhh.
  9. The RunOnce will ALWAYS check X:\Sources\WinToolkit_Apps and X:\WinToolkit_Apps by default. Anything you put in the ini is extra. Just updated the default ini to mention that
  10. Oh the name disappears during integration?!?! I've been looking in the wrong place. Testing...
  11. KB2670838: <assembly manifestVersion="1.0" description="Platform Update for Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2" Other updates: <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3" manifestVersion="1.0" description="Fix for KB2640148" It's something Microsoft have done.
  12. Install locations can now be specified in DVD\sources\install.ini
  13. Some times the updates integrate correctly, but prevent installation and cause some kind of error/issue during installation.
  14. So just to confirm, it's not getting the name of the msu file and it's remaining blank?
  15. Oh that description is NOT a bug. I wanted it to show that if I remember correctly.
  16. Preparing the upload now. Should take about 5 mins UPDATE: Uploaded
  17. Just finished fixing it now, just testing.
  18. Ahh i thought you was using the msu file. @Everyone. I found a bug which affects the RunOnce and also Universal Theme Patcher not being added. Hunting the :censored: down right now!
  19. Don't forget that with each release, you have to at least mound and then save the image to update the RunOnce features Missing?
  20. Don't worry about it Kels. All you hard work is definitely enough
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