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Everything posted by Legolash2o

  1. 2.0.5651.42063 released New WTK Icon + other iconsFixed all blurry imagesAdded new error box and featuresUpdated WIM ManagerAdded WHDownloader linkRemoved menu bar on main menu and added About tabAbout tab shows license informationFixed all screens having thick window bars on both sides of a screen.Debug menu now visible
  2. My new HDD caddy as arrived so I will be able to release a new v1 and v2 release tonight UPDATE: v1.5.4.1 test build available.
  3. I added the text but changed the heading to 'Attention'.
  4. They are generated automatically. Newer versions will ALWAYS be a higher number.
  5. Oh that icon means it will be integrated into the boot.wim as well
  6. If i'm honest I can't even remember what the icons look like let alone what they mean lol. Thankfully I will be improving on this for WTK v2 so thanks for posting this as it's given me some ideas to note down The blue ones mean that you've added an inf in the list which has the same MD5 value. If you take a screenshot/describe the icon, it may jog my memory.
  7. All done. Any more suggestions? These updates go into their own group which gets integrated last. EDIT: It now remembers what you last unticked so each time it appears, the ones you've unticked previously will already be unticked.
  8. Did you have an anti-virus running during integration? Try turning it off temporarily if you did.
  9. Pretty much nearly done. I shall upload a screen shot but that top text will be changing.
  10. Hello, clearly there is an issue of what happens when a known update is moved to the silent installers. I'm planning on designing a screen which appears when know updates are detected and you will untick the ones you wish to keep in the Updates lists. Does anyone have any ideas, suggestions, etc... Quick design:
  11. With the error dialog done (apart from uploading). Today I'm taking the time to update the icons and GUI of existing screens, and most likely bug fixes too. Not all icons are final but any feedback which you can provide will be helpful.
  12. I plan on making a release as soon as my new HDD dock arrives, old one broke :'(
  13. Done with a 10MB limit.
  14. Done EDIT: Maybe the ability to attached files as well?
  15. Today I have been working on what happens during an error. If anyone has any ideas or general feedback, let me know UPDATE 20/07/2015: Further improvements have been made to the error handling system, which are the following: ScreenshotsScreenshots of the each window are automatically taken and shown in the 'More Information' section. Save XMLYou can now save the xml generated by an exception. <Error Type="Highest" Date="20 June 2015 13:11" WTK="2.0.5649.23735" DLL="2.0.5648.34733" Lang="en-US" Name="WIN-V5HL24AUG8N"><!-- Unhandled Exception -->Test<!--System.Exception: Test at WinToolkitv2.FrmMain.BtnTestBrowser_OnClick(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) in e:\WinToolkit_v2\WinToolkit\frmMain.xaml.cs:line 202 at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised) at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args) at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnClick() at System.Windows.Controls.Button.OnClick() at System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.RibbonButton.OnClick() at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e) at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target) at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised) at System.Windows.UIElement.ReRaiseEventAs(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args, RoutedEvent newEvent) at System.Windows.UIElement.OnMouseUpThunk(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target) at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs) at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised) at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args) at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseTrustedEvent(RoutedEventArgs args) at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessStagingArea() at System.Windows.Input.InputProviderSite.ReportInput(InputReport inputReport) at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.ReportInput(IntPtr hwnd, InputMode mode, Int32 timestamp, RawMouseActions actions, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 wheel) at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.FilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled) at System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.InputFilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled) at MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled) at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)--><Software Arc="x64" Name="Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview" Version="6.3" Build="10147.0.amd64fre.fbl_impressive.150613-1600"><Directory>C:\WINDOWS\system32</Directory><Anti-Virus>false</Anti-Virus><Browser>C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe</Browser><DISM Version="10.0.10147.0" Type="System" Location="C:\WINDOWS\System32\\Dism.exe"/></Software><Hardware><CPU Name="Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3110M CPU @ 2.40GHzMhz" Speed="2400Mhz" Cores="4" Load="7%" Status="OK"/><RAM Used="3,571 MB" Free="4,496 MB" Total="8,067 MB"/><Display Width="1366" Height="768" Depth="32"/><Drive Letter="C:\" Type="Fixed" Used="41.10 GB" Free="78.91 GB" Size="120.00 GB" Label="Windows 10"/><Drive Letter="D:\" Type="Fixed" Used="13.18 GB" Free="16.83 GB" Size="30.01 GB" Label="Misc"/><Drive Letter="E:\" Type="Fixed" Used="31.71 GB" Free="40.84 GB" Size="72.55 GB" Label="WinToolkit"/><Drive Letter="F:\" Type="Fixed" Used="13.94 MB" Free="487.05 MB" Size="501.00 MB" Label="University"/><Drive Letter="G:\" Type="Removable"/><Drive Letter="H:\" Type="CDRom"/></Hardware><Options><GetMD5>False</GetMD5><MainMenuAdvanced>False</MainMenuAdvanced><MainMenuAutoHeight>True</MainMenuAutoHeight><MainMenuAutoWidth>False</MainMenuAutoWidth><MaxThreads>3</MaxThreads></Options><StackTrace><Stack>GetStackTrace</Stack><Stack>.ctor</Stack><Stack>Show</Stack><Stack>CurrentDomain_UnhandledException</Stack><Stack>CatchException</Stack><Stack>TryCatchWhen</Stack><Stack>LegacyInvokeImpl</Stack><Stack>SubclassWndProc</Stack><Stack>DispatchMessage</Stack><Stack>DispatchMessage</Stack><Stack>PushFrameImpl</Stack><Stack>RunDispatcher</Stack><Stack>RunInternal</Stack><Stack>Main</Stack><Stack>_nExecuteAssembly</Stack><Stack>ExecuteAssembly</Stack><Stack>RunUsersAssembly</Stack><Stack>RunInternal</Stack><Stack>Run</Stack><Stack>Run</Stack></StackTrace><Processes><Process Name="ApplicationFrameHost" Desc="Application Frame Host" RAM="20.71 MB"/><Process Name="chrome" Desc="Google Chrome" RAM="65.45 MB"/><Process Name="chrome" Desc="Google Chrome" RAM="80.16 MB"/><Process Name="chrome" Desc="Google Chrome" RAM="39.73 MB"/><Process Name="chrome" Desc="Google Chrome" RAM="158.13 MB"/><Process Name="chrome" Desc="Google Chrome" RAM="104.46 MB"/><Process Name="chrome" Desc="Google Chrome" RAM="83.28 MB"/><Process Name="conhost" Desc="Console Window Host" RAM="3.62 MB"/><Process Name="conhost" Desc="Console Window Host" RAM="3.64 MB"/><Process Name="conhost" Desc="Console Window Host" RAM="3.62 MB"/><Process Name="conhost" Desc="Console Window Host" RAM="3.70 MB"/><Process Name="conhost" Desc="Console Window Host" RAM="3.74 MB"/><Process Name="conhost" Desc="Console Window Host" RAM="3.68 MB"/><Process Name="conhost" Desc="Console Window Host" RAM="3.63 MB"/><Process Name="conhost" Desc="Console Window Host" RAM="3.58 MB"/><Process Name="CSISYNCCLIENT" Desc="Microsoft Office Document Cache Sync Client Interface" RAM="27.55 MB"/><Process Name="dasHost" Desc="Device Association Framework Provider Host" RAM="8.21 MB"/><Process Name="devenv" Desc="Microsoft Visual Studio 2013" RAM="770.33 MB"/><Process Name="dllhost" Desc="COM Surrogate" RAM="8.81 MB"/><Process Name="dllhost" Desc="COM Surrogate" RAM="11.02 MB"/><Process Name="dllhost" Desc="COM Surrogate" RAM="8.47 MB"/><Process Name="dwm" Desc="Desktop Window Manager" RAM="40.13 MB"/><Process Name="explorer" Desc="Windows Explorer" RAM="97.70 MB"/><Process Name="FCUpdateService" Desc="Foxit Cloud Safe Update Service" RAM="6.07 MB"/><Process Name="igfxCUIService" Desc="igfxCUIService Module" RAM="8.09 MB"/><Process Name="igfxEM" Desc="igfxEM Module" RAM="13.99 MB"/><Process Name="igfxHK" Desc="igfxHK Module" RAM="9.70 MB"/><Process Name="InstallAgent" Desc="InstallAgent" RAM="8.09 MB"/><Process Name="IntelCpHeciSvc" Desc="" RAM="6.34 MB"/><Process Name="IntelliTrace" Desc="IntelliTrace.exe" RAM="49.71 MB"/><Process Name="IpOverUsbSvc" Desc=" " RAM="11.23 MB"/><Process Name="lsass" Desc="Local Security Authority Process" RAM="16.13 MB"/><Process Name="mbam" Desc="Malwarebytes Anti-Malware" RAM="55.14 MB"/><Process Name="mbamscheduler" Desc="Malwarebytes Anti-Malware" RAM="11.53 MB"/><Process Name="mbamservice" Desc="Malwarebytes Anti-Malware" RAM="127.89 MB"/><Process Name="Microsoft.Alm.Shared.Remoting.RemoteContainer.dll" Desc="Microsoft.Alm.Shared.Remoting.RemoteContainer.dll" RAM="99.42 MB"/><Process Name="MSBuild" Desc="MSBuild.exe" RAM="23.77 MB"/><Process Name="MSBuild" Desc="MSBuild.exe" RAM="25.52 MB"/><Process Name="MSBuild" Desc="MSBuild.exe" RAM="36.60 MB"/><Process Name="msdtc" Desc="Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Service" RAM="7.83 MB"/><Process Name="msvsmon" Desc="Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor" RAM="86.12 MB"/><Process Name="officeclicktorun" Desc="Microsoft Office Click-to-Run" RAM="30.30 MB"/><Process Name="OneDrive" Desc="Microsoft OneDrive" RAM="28.88 MB"/><Process Name="ONENOTEM" Desc="Send to OneNote Tool" RAM="1.73 MB"/><Process Name="PresentationFontCache" Desc="PresentationFontCache.exe" RAM="19.05 MB"/><Process Name="RuntimeBroker" Desc="Runtime Broker" RAM="30.07 MB"/><Process Name="SearchIndexer" Desc="Microsoft Windows Search Indexer" RAM="38.57 MB"/><Process Name="SearchUI" Desc="Search and Cortana application" RAM="75.94 MB"/><Process Name="SettingSyncHost" Desc="Host Process for Setting Synchronization" RAM="4.36 MB"/><Process Name="ShellExperienceHost" Desc="Windows Shell Experience Host" RAM="58.42 MB"/><Process Name="sihost" Desc="Shell Infrastructure Host" RAM="18.75 MB"/><Process Name="spoolsv" Desc="Spooler SubSystem App" RAM="15.70 MB"/><Process Name="sqlwriter" Desc="SQL Server VSS Writer - 64 Bit" RAM="6.83 MB"/><Process Name="stacsv64" Desc="IDT PC Audio" RAM="9.45 MB"/><Process Name="svchost" Desc="Host Process for Windows Services" RAM="66.66 MB"/><Process Name="svchost" Desc="Host Process for Windows Services" RAM="17.77 MB"/><Process Name="svchost" Desc="Host Process for Windows Services" RAM="27.87 MB"/><Process Name="svchost" Desc="Host Process for Windows Services" RAM="20.77 MB"/><Process Name="svchost" Desc="Host Process for Windows Services" RAM="19.34 MB"/><Process Name="svchost" Desc="Host Process for Windows Services" RAM="25.03 MB"/><Process Name="svchost" Desc="Host Process for Windows Services" RAM="7.93 MB"/><Process Name="svchost" Desc="Host Process for Windows Services" RAM="56.73 MB"/><Process Name="svchost" Desc="Host Process for Windows Services" RAM="39.27 MB"/><Process Name="svchost" Desc="Host Process for Windows Services" RAM="10.41 MB"/><Process Name="svchost" Desc="Host Process for Windows Services" RAM="20.42 MB"/><Process Name="svchost" Desc="Host Process for Windows Services" RAM="30.67 MB"/><Process Name="SynTPEnh" Desc="Synaptics TouchPad 64-bit Enhancements" RAM="5.05 MB"/><Process Name="SynTPHelper" Desc="Synaptics Pointing Device Helper" RAM="556.00 KB"/><Process Name="taskhostw" Desc="Host Process for Windows Tasks" RAM="15.88 MB"/><Process Name="TeamViewer_Service" Desc="TeamViewer 10" RAM="16.00 MB"/><Process Name="TSVNCache" Desc="TortoiseSVN status cache" RAM="10.87 MB"/><Process Name="TSVNCache" Desc="TortoiseSVN status cache" RAM="8.68 MB"/><Process Name="VsEtwService" Desc="Visual Studio Debugger ETW Service" RAM="6.59 MB"/><Process Name="vstest.discoveryengine.x86" Desc="vstest.discoveryengine.x86.exe" RAM="47.76 MB"/><Process Name="vstest.discoveryengine.x86" Desc="vstest.discoveryengine.x86.exe" RAM="47.58 MB"/><Process Name="vstest.executionengine.x86" Desc="vstest.executionengine.x86.exe" RAM="31.71 MB"/><Process Name="vstest.executionengine.x86" Desc="vstest.executionengine.x86.exe" RAM="31.68 MB"/><Process Name="winlogon" Desc="Windows Logon Application" RAM="7.56 MB"/><Process Name="WinStore.Mobile" Desc="Store" RAM="52.32 MB"/><Process Name="WinToolkitv2.vshost" Desc="vshost.exe" RAM="102.23 MB"/><Process Name="WmiPrvSE" Desc="WMI Provider Host" RAM="10.80 MB"/><Process Name="WUDFHost" Desc="Windows Driver Foundation - User-mode Driver Framework Host Process" RAM="6.78 MB"/><Process Name="XDesProc" Desc="Microsoft Visual Studio XAML UI Designer" RAM="172.70 MB"/></Processes></Error> Save ScreenshotsYou have the ability to save screenshots to a specified location. BundlesThis will automatically compress the XML generated and all the screenshots into a zip file which can be uploaded.
  16. There is an option on the 'Options' tab to disable moving known updates to silent installs Anyone else has input?
  17. Thanks, I've made note of them
  18. 2.0.5647.42687 released. KNOWN ISSUES ISO Maker CrashWhen you click Create ISO, it crashes after the calculator, it is not known what causes this so further investigation will be required. WIM Manager / AIO Integrator translationsIt is not yet possible to translate the two tools yet. This will hopefully be done by tomorrows release.
  19. That's ace!
  20. It only happened 3 days ago so they could still ask for it back lol. I don't use a KVM switch, forgot they even existed lol. Yeah I have my own separate router in my room (Tenda N60) which everything plugs into. I tend to install the minimum on my computers so no extra crap, they basically have the same software installed on each one I like to use my desk for programming because I have the multi-monitor setup which comes in very handy for coding. I'm tempted to add a third screen which I have spare. Yeah I have Windows 10 10135 10147 on all the computers as it's running pretty stable for my needs. I also like to test and report feedback as Win 10 develops. I tend to use VMs most of the time or if need be, just format my HP. The most the HP does these days is prepare images or long running stuff. I love Windows 10 so far so don't need a 3rd party theme
  21. An old DLL?
  22. Both issues have been noted in my OneNote file, so they will be looked into Thanks.
  23. 2.0.5646.40639 available. AIO Integrator interface has been started. Feedback would be nice KNOWN ISSUES AIO IntegratorWhen you open up AIO Integrator and select current, it will NOT be available next time. Also from that point onwards, Updates/Driver Installer can't be opened. This is because a flag is set to TRUE but does not get set to FALSE when AIO Integrator (Current) closes. ISO Maker CrashWhen you click Create ISO, it crashes after the calculator, it is not known what causes this so further investigation will be required. WIM Manager / AIO Integrator translationsIt is not yet possible to translate the two tools yet. This will hopefully be done by tomorrows release.
  24. For those who are interested in what my desk looks like. This is my 'work' desk where I do all my programming although SVN does allow easy programming on my laptop when in bed Although you can't properly see it. That's the AIO Integrator being worked on. Hardware You can only see half of it, there's another two computers None of them are designed for games as I don't really play them. Lenovo C260 AIO, Intel J2900 Quad Core, SSD, 8GB RAM, touch screen, secondary monitorLenovo C260 AIO, Intel J2900 Quad Core, 4GB RAM. They sent two C260 by accident.HP DV7-5000CTO, i7 Quad Core with HT, 8GB RAM, SSDToshiba i5 Dual Core with HT, 8GB RAM, SSD. Provided by the UniversityDNS-320 4TB NAS to hold ISO images, addons, wallpapers, SVN, etc.... Software Windows 10 10135 10147Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 w/ ReSharperOneNote 2013 - Keep note of bugs, issues, todo lists, etc..Paint .NETNotepad++Google ChromeTortoiseSVN
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