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Everything posted by Legolash2o

  1. For some reason those 6 files get corrupted when they are download :/ UPDATE 1: I think it's McRips Win 7 server (http://hotfix2.cesidian.info), the Win8 server works fine. UPDATE 2: I've got it working. McRip has been changing his server settings but i've added some code to the download request so his server knows it Win Toolkit download the files. I can't really be annoyed with him as I definitely appreciate his hard work!
  2. Unable to.....?? Just copy and paste the some (not all) of the errors between then dashed (--------) lines.
  3. Win Toolkit v1.5.0 is finally being worked on!

    1. ssingh.pabla


      sir when it will release?

  4. Beta test 7 released. *^FIX: Hopefully no more hanging when compressing images *^FIX: AIO > Files would not work properly if user put C:\ in save to path *^FIX: McRip servers now working *^FIX: Silent Installer should now work on Windows 8 *^FIX: AIO > Files could did not work properly without file extensions *^FIX: Could not change Unattended serial *^FIX: Fixed form showing transparent on startup *^FIX: Fixed TransparencyAll settings and set forced minimum of 40% *^FIX: WIM Registry Editor did not load default key *^FIX: Statusbar flickered when adding updates in AIO Integrator *^FIX: Options column in AIO Integrator was not the correct size *^FIX: Fixed user from being able to open multiple AIO Integrators *^FIX: Fixed user from being able to open multiple Component Removers *^FIX: Fixed user from being able to open multiple WIM Registry Editors *^Improved Win Toolkit startup time! *^Improved AIO Integrator LDR update integration *^Added more screen resolutions for logon background tweak *^Logon Background tweak will automatically new screen resolutions *^More start menu options in AIO > Tweaks *^KUC updates now available via Update Catalog *^Showing Components in Component Remover is faster P.S. I wish someone said that the loading list part in Component Remover took ages!!!!! I actually thought it had hanged when I first loaded it
  5. Any errors messages? Are you using All-In-One Integrator or Component Remover? What does DISM say? Pending Uninstall?
  6. As i said above, the error is because some server settings have been changed and it has already been fixed (beta). EDIT: KUC server seems to be down now, despite pinging fine :/
  7. If I'm honest I like the current setup, what does everyone else think? I will add though that this program shouldn't be used by 'lusers' anyway...
  8. KUC updates are now available via Update Catalog. I'm not going to add the code which detects if an update is needed or not. DISM does that but more important Komm (i think that is their name) still currently works very hard on KUC and I don't want to take that away from him. Just seems disrespectful. I don't really have his permission to use his exe anyway, so I can't
  9. I think McRip has changed some server settings as the pings returned error 500, however i've updated my code and now detects if the server is online correctly.. HOWEVER: When you select an item from the list it returns an error 403: Forbidden, so McRip has definitely changed some settings. This is out of my hands. EDIT: I've managed to fix the second issue as well, so McRip doesn't need to change anything
  10. Done.
  11. Again, not able to do as the servers don't contain the information required to separate the critical from non-critical.
  12. Done.
  13. I could add the option but there's no chance in hell that it will be enabled by default.
  14. Any error messages, screenshots, etc??
  15. Any other suggestions?
  16. 1. Not really easy to answer that, check for CPU/RAM usage, general responsiveness, benchmark tools, less bugs/bsod/problems. Someone else may be better at explaining that. 2. Answered in above post. 3. Can't answer that question either, each person uses their PC differently so each have their own needs.
  17. Keep the ISO with all of the updates integrate separately, then use WinToolkit to remove components. If something goes wrong then you can simply just extract the ISO with all the updates integrated again.
  18. Test 5 is being uploaded now, got to rush off back to University now.
  19. Already fixed. I should be releasing test 5 within the next hour.
  20. Just fixed this.
  21. EDIT: I'll fixed this now. EDIT2: Fixed.
  22. Not compatible with 7601: 'C:\Users\Liam\Desktop\Windows6.1-KB971033-x86.cab' It's an RTM update, already in SP1....
  23. I'm sure this could be done as an Addon, so I don't think I will implement it.
  24. I'll fix it once I get home
  25. Sorry didn't see that post, that's a bug. It's there but never gets set to visible because I'm a silly sausage lol.
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