Reputation Activity
Legolash2o got a reaction from SunLion in Guide: Creating addonsThere should be a box at the top with the default name ie Win7Addon.7z
Just before you click ok just type in .WA instead, if that still does not work then you might have to show all extensions and rename it manually, or just use the Addon Maker tool within W7T.
Legolash2o got a reaction from SunLion in Addon MakerThis tool lets you create addons for Windows 7 Toolkit, this tool has a lot of potential, more than people realize! Used correctly, this tool can have your progams pre-installed after Windows installation.
This tool is the most complex, but you becomes very easy to use ones you get your head around it but this is not for the faint hearted. So good luck!
Note: I will only be covering the basics!
This is one of the easier screens and is pretty self explanatory and i'm pretty sure you can figure this out.
This will copy file to the mounted wim image when someone adds this addon. So go ahead and click 'Add Files' at the bottom.
1. Click the folder button and browse to the file you wish to copy.
2. Select the destination, you can choose to a pre-defined area and then add '\\filenameyouwant.exe'
You can also type it in manually like 'C:\Windows\System32\RunOnce.exe' but you would not type the beginning 'C:\' so it would be 'Windows\System32\RunOnce.exe'
Same as above, select the folder you wish to have installed and then select where you want the folder to go.
Add any *.reg files you wish to have installed or required for your addons, some users use a program like InstallWatch which tells you what registry/file changes where made to your computer during an installation. You then export the registry changes and import them here.
Delete Files
Type in the location of the file you need deleting for example 'Windows\System32\Example.exe'
This is where you can create shortcuts for the program you made. You can just copy and paste a pre-existing shortcut from an installation in the 'File' tab and tell it where it needs to go i.e. Desktop.
You don't need to use 'Icon' if the exe you pointed too already has one. Also 'Arguments' is mostly left blank as you don't need anything like /s /q /quiet, etc..
This is for commands which you want to run after Windows has been installed.
It doesn't seem like it has alot of potential but trust me it does! Used correctly, you can do anything with this tool.
As mentioned above you can use InstallWatch to record what an installation does, so that you can use that information to make an addon which then has that program pre-installed when you have Windows installed.
Any questions about this tool (not bugs) just post in here and i will try to reply.
Legolash2o got a reaction from vaveasna in All-In-One IntegratorFor some reason your DVD folder will be set to read-only. Right click on the folder and untick read-only.
Legolash2o got a reaction from vaveasna in All-In-One IntegratorDepends on the addon, most addons you can't remove at all unless you manually remove all the files which the addon added. Some addons however just add a silent installer which you can simply just delete from the 'Apps' folder on your dvd source.
Legolash2o got a reaction from vaveasna in All-In-One IntegratorIntroduction
The 'All-In-One Integrator' is one of the most important tools available in Windows 7 Toolkit, this is the tool which lets you integrate everything into your image such as Updates, Drivers, Wallpapers, Tweaks, Gadgets, etc... but it also lets your remove things too, so lets get started...
Selecting your image
When you first load the 'AIO Integrator' you will be asked which image you wish you use, if the list it empty, click 'Browse' and select your extract ISO or select the install.wim directly. Once done you should see a list of images, you can either double click an item or press select.
TIP: You can hold ctrl or shift to select more than one image, once done press 'Select'.
Select your preset
If you have used this tool before then you will be greeted by a list of things you have previously done, you can simply select a previous tasks and click 'Load Preset' or if you want to start fresh and do something different then press 'Skip (No Preset)'.
This tab has all the most important tools, to get the most basic jobs done such as integrate updates and drivers. I recommend beginners or new users to stick to this tab.
Basic: Addons
Addons are pre-installed programs which have been created by other users (usually *reaper*), they have the file extension *.WA, I would probably say programs such as crap cleaner and flash are the most common.
If you have any addons then press 'Add Addons' at the top or the green '+' button on the left to add them to this list.
Basic: Drivers
Drivers are what make your devices and hardware work, sometimes its easy just to them them already installed after you have installed Windows. If you want to add some you just have to press 'Add Drivers' and browse to the folder which contains your drivers (*.inf files).
You may notice that not all of them get added, this is because W7T does not include duplicate drivers with the same MD5 files and not all *.inf files are actually drivers and just normal inf files.
Red: If the user has selected an x86 image and then adds an x64 driver to the integration list then that driver will display red.
Blue: When adding drivers to the list Win Toolkit also makes note of the *.inf MD5 hash, if there's another driver with the same MD5 hash then the items will change to a blue.
Basic: Gadgets
Gadgets are those little widgets things on your desktop, for example 'CPU Meter'. On Vista they had the gadget bar but on Windows 7 you can place them anywhere. If you want to have addons pre-installed then click 'Add Gadgets' and select all of your *.gadget files.
Basic: Theme Packs
These area of the tool lets you add your Windows themes, so when you have installed Windows you can select from your favourite theme packs. Just click 'Add Themes' and select your *.themepack files.
Basic: Updates + Languages
Its very handy to have all of the Windows updates installed. This makes sure your computer is up-to-date, bug free and more secure. Click 'Add Updates' and simply selected your *.MSU or *.CAB files and they will be added to the list, alternatively you can change the drop down box from MSU/CAB to EXE which will allow you to install Internet Explorer 9 and Windows XP Mode.
NOTE: If you wish to install updates in LDR/QFE Mode then the option to do that is on the 'Options' tab at the top.
Basic: Wallpapers
As usual, this one is pretty self-explanatory, here you can add your favourite desktop wallpapers so that they are ready to be selected after Windows installation.
Users who have more experience with Windows 7 Toolkit or experience with modifying images can use this tab, i wouldn't recommend new users to start using this until they gain a bit of confidence.
Advaned: Component Removal
Windows comes with features already installed, this features can be anything from Windows Media Player, Internet Explorer, Windows Media Center to more important features. The list you see here is not a full as the list from 'Component Remover' because the AIO contains a pre-defined set of features which i've manually added whilst 'Component remover' actively scans your image and lists everything including updates.
I wouldn't recommend this to new users at all, and just to note that once something has been removed it can't be returned without using a fresh ISO. This tab doesn't do a full removal like vLite and uninstalls the features using DISM.
Advanced: vLite
Some users may instantly know what this does, this is similar to Component Removal but actually deletes files and therefore reduces the image size more significantly. It quite a new tool so there's not many items yet but i will hopefully add more as time progresses.
Advanced: Files
This replaces files within your image, so if for example you modify system32 files, you can import them into your image using this tool. This will most probably be used by users who have custom 3rd party theme files. Caution though as replacing an important file with a bad one can and most probably will make your ISO unbootable, so be very careful!
Advanced: Services
As you know Windows has many services running in the background. This part of the tool lets you reduce that and get the best performance from your computer. As you can see on the picture (below) you have to click the item in the column to change its value. You can also choose from 'BlackVipers' presets depending on what you use your computer for, you can also use the shortcut buttons on the left to do the same thing.
NOTE: Services which are important are not available in the list, if you don't know anything about a service you can press the purple 'i' button on the left sidebar.
Advanced: Silent Installs + SFX
A lot of users like to have programs installed silently after Windows has completely installed, simply click 'Add Silent Installer' and select your EXE, you may have to go on google to find it's silent switch which is usually something like '/s /q /qn /quiet /silent' and so on.
TIP: Some developers have already created silent installers so you can leave that box blank. If you have a folder full of silent installers then you can select them all and they will be added in bulk.
Option: Always Install
If you tick this option the the program(s) you add will be installed automatically, if it's unticked then it will ask the user what program(s) they wish to install straight after Windows installation.
Option: Copy Folder
Some programs such as Office have a setup.exe and then a bunch of other needed files in the same/sub-folder as the installer. Tick this option to include those files. This option is not usually needed.
Advanced: Tweaks
Most users will add tweaks to their install, there are literally hundreds to describe them all here but hopefully the descriptions are detailed enough for you. Just simply tick the ones you want.
You don't really have to change these, most of them are used by me (Legolash2o) to debug issues. If you need to know what something is then just put your mouse over its name and a tooltip will appear.
I will mention that the 'Prompts' items are they ones which tell you after AIO has finished what has been integrated successfully.
OK now your ready, click start and you will be asked to enter a name, this is so you can use the same session next time you use AIO Integrator, similar to vLite/nLite last session presets.
The image will automatically mount if not mounted:
It will then integrate everything, green means the update has been integrated sucessfully, whilst yellow is the current item it's working on:
Once done the image will save all the changes:
Some drivers or language packs need to mount the boot.wim if, if it does then it will mount it now. Drivers are ususally ones for SCSI, HDD and SATA devices:
Once everything has been completed it willre build the image to decrease it size so your ISO will be much smaller (hopefully).
Now that everything is done, you can review what got integrated, now you can use the ISO Maker to create an ISO or just copy it to your USB device (assuming it's bootable).
Legolash2o got a reaction from pawelnrg in Win Toolkit - Current Version ('ve pushed a fix onto the original GitHub for those KB updated. Since @Unantastbar has updated to, they should hopefully see the fix in frmAllInOne.cs (lines 5473 to 5491).
Legolash2o reacted to NIM in Win Toolkit - Current Version (, I'm fine, a lot of things happened, but still alive and kicking while getting older
Legolash2o reacted to NIM in Win Toolkit - Current Version ( Lego,
glad to see you back man! 💪
Legolash2o got a reaction from mooms in Win Toolkit - Current Version ( mooms, glad you're still around as well. I remember you and various other users who contributed to WTK.
Legolash2o reacted to mooms in Win Toolkit - Current Version ( Lego, glad to see you're still around.
I don't use WTK anymore but it was useful in the Win7 days. Thanks.
Legolash2o reacted to Thiersee in Win Toolkit - Current Version ( mooms, hi Liam,
nice to see you again, I hope you are well!
I'm still using WinToolkit for Win 10 & Win 11.
Legolash2o got a reaction from mooms in Win Toolkit - Current Version (! I hope everyone is doing well and finding Win Toolkit still useful.
Time unfortunately.
Legolash2o got a reaction from mouradbenhelli in PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTINGThis area of the forum is provide information about each tool.
Please do not post bugs in this forum or ANY of the topics.
Please do not post issues in this forum or ANY of the topics.
If I have missed out any information which other users may find helpful, then feel free to post it in the correct topic.
If you have any questions about a tool such as 'how can i do this or that?' then ask in the correct post.
Legolash2o got a reaction from bawarmk in Addon MakerThis tool lets you create addons for Windows 7 Toolkit, this tool has a lot of potential, more than people realize! Used correctly, this tool can have your progams pre-installed after Windows installation.
This tool is the most complex, but you becomes very easy to use ones you get your head around it but this is not for the faint hearted. So good luck!
Note: I will only be covering the basics!
This is one of the easier screens and is pretty self explanatory and i'm pretty sure you can figure this out.
This will copy file to the mounted wim image when someone adds this addon. So go ahead and click 'Add Files' at the bottom.
1. Click the folder button and browse to the file you wish to copy.
2. Select the destination, you can choose to a pre-defined area and then add '\\filenameyouwant.exe'
You can also type it in manually like 'C:\Windows\System32\RunOnce.exe' but you would not type the beginning 'C:\' so it would be 'Windows\System32\RunOnce.exe'
Same as above, select the folder you wish to have installed and then select where you want the folder to go.
Add any *.reg files you wish to have installed or required for your addons, some users use a program like InstallWatch which tells you what registry/file changes where made to your computer during an installation. You then export the registry changes and import them here.
Delete Files
Type in the location of the file you need deleting for example 'Windows\System32\Example.exe'
This is where you can create shortcuts for the program you made. You can just copy and paste a pre-existing shortcut from an installation in the 'File' tab and tell it where it needs to go i.e. Desktop.
You don't need to use 'Icon' if the exe you pointed too already has one. Also 'Arguments' is mostly left blank as you don't need anything like /s /q /quiet, etc..
This is for commands which you want to run after Windows has been installed.
It doesn't seem like it has alot of potential but trust me it does! Used correctly, you can do anything with this tool.
As mentioned above you can use InstallWatch to record what an installation does, so that you can use that information to make an addon which then has that program pre-installed when you have Windows installed.
Any questions about this tool (not bugs) just post in here and i will try to reply.
Legolash2o got a reaction from ionelbumbaru42 in WinToolkit v2.x DevelopmentI've decided to experiment with having some sort of development cycle. This will give me an aim to do for the day and let you know what to expect at each nightly build.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
New Features The focus of these releases will be to add as many features as possible for you guys to test.
Wednesday and Saturday
Enhancements These releases will take feedback and put them into practice. This includes bug fixes and improving upon existing features, or just improving some code.
Translation The en-US template will be updated so any new features will be translatable.
Note: I'm tempted to move translations to the 'Enhancement' days.
Automated Testing The goal of this task is to add more automated testing. I will be just sat at my desk thinking of tests so no new features will be added.
Documentation Comments within the code will be updated which makes things easier in the long run. Also the WTK 2.x documentation will be updated if required.
Yes there is documentation for WTK 2.x, currently standing at 15,000+ words (60 pages).
Any questions?
Legolash2o got a reaction from bawarmk in All-In-One IntegratorIntroduction
The 'All-In-One Integrator' is one of the most important tools available in Windows 7 Toolkit, this is the tool which lets you integrate everything into your image such as Updates, Drivers, Wallpapers, Tweaks, Gadgets, etc... but it also lets your remove things too, so lets get started...
Selecting your image
When you first load the 'AIO Integrator' you will be asked which image you wish you use, if the list it empty, click 'Browse' and select your extract ISO or select the install.wim directly. Once done you should see a list of images, you can either double click an item or press select.
TIP: You can hold ctrl or shift to select more than one image, once done press 'Select'.
Select your preset
If you have used this tool before then you will be greeted by a list of things you have previously done, you can simply select a previous tasks and click 'Load Preset' or if you want to start fresh and do something different then press 'Skip (No Preset)'.
This tab has all the most important tools, to get the most basic jobs done such as integrate updates and drivers. I recommend beginners or new users to stick to this tab.
Basic: Addons
Addons are pre-installed programs which have been created by other users (usually *reaper*), they have the file extension *.WA, I would probably say programs such as crap cleaner and flash are the most common.
If you have any addons then press 'Add Addons' at the top or the green '+' button on the left to add them to this list.
Basic: Drivers
Drivers are what make your devices and hardware work, sometimes its easy just to them them already installed after you have installed Windows. If you want to add some you just have to press 'Add Drivers' and browse to the folder which contains your drivers (*.inf files).
You may notice that not all of them get added, this is because W7T does not include duplicate drivers with the same MD5 files and not all *.inf files are actually drivers and just normal inf files.
Red: If the user has selected an x86 image and then adds an x64 driver to the integration list then that driver will display red.
Blue: When adding drivers to the list Win Toolkit also makes note of the *.inf MD5 hash, if there's another driver with the same MD5 hash then the items will change to a blue.
Basic: Gadgets
Gadgets are those little widgets things on your desktop, for example 'CPU Meter'. On Vista they had the gadget bar but on Windows 7 you can place them anywhere. If you want to have addons pre-installed then click 'Add Gadgets' and select all of your *.gadget files.
Basic: Theme Packs
These area of the tool lets you add your Windows themes, so when you have installed Windows you can select from your favourite theme packs. Just click 'Add Themes' and select your *.themepack files.
Basic: Updates + Languages
Its very handy to have all of the Windows updates installed. This makes sure your computer is up-to-date, bug free and more secure. Click 'Add Updates' and simply selected your *.MSU or *.CAB files and they will be added to the list, alternatively you can change the drop down box from MSU/CAB to EXE which will allow you to install Internet Explorer 9 and Windows XP Mode.
NOTE: If you wish to install updates in LDR/QFE Mode then the option to do that is on the 'Options' tab at the top.
Basic: Wallpapers
As usual, this one is pretty self-explanatory, here you can add your favourite desktop wallpapers so that they are ready to be selected after Windows installation.
Users who have more experience with Windows 7 Toolkit or experience with modifying images can use this tab, i wouldn't recommend new users to start using this until they gain a bit of confidence.
Advaned: Component Removal
Windows comes with features already installed, this features can be anything from Windows Media Player, Internet Explorer, Windows Media Center to more important features. The list you see here is not a full as the list from 'Component Remover' because the AIO contains a pre-defined set of features which i've manually added whilst 'Component remover' actively scans your image and lists everything including updates.
I wouldn't recommend this to new users at all, and just to note that once something has been removed it can't be returned without using a fresh ISO. This tab doesn't do a full removal like vLite and uninstalls the features using DISM.
Advanced: vLite
Some users may instantly know what this does, this is similar to Component Removal but actually deletes files and therefore reduces the image size more significantly. It quite a new tool so there's not many items yet but i will hopefully add more as time progresses.
Advanced: Files
This replaces files within your image, so if for example you modify system32 files, you can import them into your image using this tool. This will most probably be used by users who have custom 3rd party theme files. Caution though as replacing an important file with a bad one can and most probably will make your ISO unbootable, so be very careful!
Advanced: Services
As you know Windows has many services running in the background. This part of the tool lets you reduce that and get the best performance from your computer. As you can see on the picture (below) you have to click the item in the column to change its value. You can also choose from 'BlackVipers' presets depending on what you use your computer for, you can also use the shortcut buttons on the left to do the same thing.
NOTE: Services which are important are not available in the list, if you don't know anything about a service you can press the purple 'i' button on the left sidebar.
Advanced: Silent Installs + SFX
A lot of users like to have programs installed silently after Windows has completely installed, simply click 'Add Silent Installer' and select your EXE, you may have to go on google to find it's silent switch which is usually something like '/s /q /qn /quiet /silent' and so on.
TIP: Some developers have already created silent installers so you can leave that box blank. If you have a folder full of silent installers then you can select them all and they will be added in bulk.
Option: Always Install
If you tick this option the the program(s) you add will be installed automatically, if it's unticked then it will ask the user what program(s) they wish to install straight after Windows installation.
Option: Copy Folder
Some programs such as Office have a setup.exe and then a bunch of other needed files in the same/sub-folder as the installer. Tick this option to include those files. This option is not usually needed.
Advanced: Tweaks
Most users will add tweaks to their install, there are literally hundreds to describe them all here but hopefully the descriptions are detailed enough for you. Just simply tick the ones you want.
You don't really have to change these, most of them are used by me (Legolash2o) to debug issues. If you need to know what something is then just put your mouse over its name and a tooltip will appear.
I will mention that the 'Prompts' items are they ones which tell you after AIO has finished what has been integrated successfully.
OK now your ready, click start and you will be asked to enter a name, this is so you can use the same session next time you use AIO Integrator, similar to vLite/nLite last session presets.
The image will automatically mount if not mounted:
It will then integrate everything, green means the update has been integrated sucessfully, whilst yellow is the current item it's working on:
Once done the image will save all the changes:
Some drivers or language packs need to mount the boot.wim if, if it does then it will mount it now. Drivers are ususally ones for SCSI, HDD and SATA devices:
Once everything has been completed it willre build the image to decrease it size so your ISO will be much smaller (hopefully).
Now that everything is done, you can review what got integrated, now you can use the ISO Maker to create an ISO or just copy it to your USB device (assuming it's bootable).
Legolash2o got a reaction from Luân Nguyễn in Release 2.0.5546.22023Just updated the link in my signature
UPDATE: Also fixed an error when trying to download.
Legolash2o got a reaction from GlacialMan in WinToolkit v2.x DevelopmentSorry guys, I stopped to focus on my academic work. I have just released the source code on Git.
Legolash2o got a reaction from klotz in Language Pack ConverterThe Language Pack Converter tool converts your langauge packs from the .EXE form to the .CAB form so you can use them to integrate into your Windows image, using either the All-In-One Tool or another program from a different developer.
Step 1: Add the Langauge Pack(s)
Click the Add button, browse for your language packs.exe
Step 2: Starting the process
Press the Start button and select the folder you want the .cab to go
Step 3: Wait
Items that go Green mean they have converted successfully, that's pretty much it.
Legolash2o got a reaction from energetika in WTK v2 Source CodeThe source code for WinToolkit v2 can be found below:
WinToolkit v2:
The topic for WTK v1 source code can be found here.
Legolash2o got a reaction from geodasoft in Addon MakerThis tool lets you create addons for Windows 7 Toolkit, this tool has a lot of potential, more than people realize! Used correctly, this tool can have your progams pre-installed after Windows installation.
This tool is the most complex, but you becomes very easy to use ones you get your head around it but this is not for the faint hearted. So good luck!
Note: I will only be covering the basics!
This is one of the easier screens and is pretty self explanatory and i'm pretty sure you can figure this out.
This will copy file to the mounted wim image when someone adds this addon. So go ahead and click 'Add Files' at the bottom.
1. Click the folder button and browse to the file you wish to copy.
2. Select the destination, you can choose to a pre-defined area and then add '\\filenameyouwant.exe'
You can also type it in manually like 'C:\Windows\System32\RunOnce.exe' but you would not type the beginning 'C:\' so it would be 'Windows\System32\RunOnce.exe'
Same as above, select the folder you wish to have installed and then select where you want the folder to go.
Add any *.reg files you wish to have installed or required for your addons, some users use a program like InstallWatch which tells you what registry/file changes where made to your computer during an installation. You then export the registry changes and import them here.
Delete Files
Type in the location of the file you need deleting for example 'Windows\System32\Example.exe'
This is where you can create shortcuts for the program you made. You can just copy and paste a pre-existing shortcut from an installation in the 'File' tab and tell it where it needs to go i.e. Desktop.
You don't need to use 'Icon' if the exe you pointed too already has one. Also 'Arguments' is mostly left blank as you don't need anything like /s /q /quiet, etc..
This is for commands which you want to run after Windows has been installed.
It doesn't seem like it has alot of potential but trust me it does! Used correctly, you can do anything with this tool.
As mentioned above you can use InstallWatch to record what an installation does, so that you can use that information to make an addon which then has that program pre-installed when you have Windows installed.
Any questions about this tool (not bugs) just post in here and i will try to reply.
Legolash2o got a reaction from rulman in [Solved] Language Pack IntegrationFOR THE THIRD TIME NOW.... PLEASE READ!!!!!!
When you add a language pack into a normal windows 7 image i.e. Ultimate. It will automatically mount the boot.wim and add the required files so that you can select that language during install. You DO NOT have to mount the boot.wim manually and add the packages. This will be the last time I will be replying to this thread.
Besides your above issue is DISM/PKGMGR related so there is nothing i can do about it anyway...
Legolash2o got a reaction from Pommern Power in All-In-One Disk CreatorThe 'All-In-One Disk Creator' lets you create all in one disks, so for example you can have Windows 7 SP1 x86 and Windows 7 SP1 x64 in disk, you could further include Vista or 2008 server if you wished.
Step 1: Select your first image.
Press the 'Browse' button and select your first install.wim, you should then see all the images get lists
Step 2: Select your second image
Press the 'Browse' button again and select your second image, you should now see even more images added.
Optional 1: Add more images
You can keep hitting browse and add more and more images until your ready.
Optional 2: Delete the images you dont want!
Step 3: Press Create
W7T will then merge all of the images together, it will also try the best it can to resolve name conflicts however you may have to use the 'Edit' button and change some names to that NONE of them are the same, don't worry about descriptions, they won't conflict.
WARNING: It is really important that none of the images have the same name, W7T will try for example add 'x64' or 'x86' to the names of the images to remove conflicts, however sometimes this is not enough.
Optional: Rebuild
You can choose to rebuild your newly created image so that it can produce a smaller ISO.
Optional: ISO Maker
Self-explanatory, make a new ISO with your new creation.
Unlock All Editions
Usually an image is locked to one edition i.e. Ultimate, so when it comes to install you don't have the option of choosing. Unlocking them will ask you which version of Windows you wish to install after booting from the ISO/USB.
x64 Recovery Mode
This will copy the 64bit Recovery Mode files, so if something happens to your computer and it's 64bit, you can use this option.
Legolash2o got a reaction from vacbanned607 in FreeRAM Tool
Let me know what you guys think
Legolash2o got a reaction from Sajedur0 in Addon MakerThis tool lets you create addons for Windows 7 Toolkit, this tool has a lot of potential, more than people realize! Used correctly, this tool can have your progams pre-installed after Windows installation.
This tool is the most complex, but you becomes very easy to use ones you get your head around it but this is not for the faint hearted. So good luck!
Note: I will only be covering the basics!
This is one of the easier screens and is pretty self explanatory and i'm pretty sure you can figure this out.
This will copy file to the mounted wim image when someone adds this addon. So go ahead and click 'Add Files' at the bottom.
1. Click the folder button and browse to the file you wish to copy.
2. Select the destination, you can choose to a pre-defined area and then add '\\filenameyouwant.exe'
You can also type it in manually like 'C:\Windows\System32\RunOnce.exe' but you would not type the beginning 'C:\' so it would be 'Windows\System32\RunOnce.exe'
Same as above, select the folder you wish to have installed and then select where you want the folder to go.
Add any *.reg files you wish to have installed or required for your addons, some users use a program like InstallWatch which tells you what registry/file changes where made to your computer during an installation. You then export the registry changes and import them here.
Delete Files
Type in the location of the file you need deleting for example 'Windows\System32\Example.exe'
This is where you can create shortcuts for the program you made. You can just copy and paste a pre-existing shortcut from an installation in the 'File' tab and tell it where it needs to go i.e. Desktop.
You don't need to use 'Icon' if the exe you pointed too already has one. Also 'Arguments' is mostly left blank as you don't need anything like /s /q /quiet, etc..
This is for commands which you want to run after Windows has been installed.
It doesn't seem like it has alot of potential but trust me it does! Used correctly, you can do anything with this tool.
As mentioned above you can use InstallWatch to record what an installation does, so that you can use that information to make an addon which then has that program pre-installed when you have Windows installed.
Any questions about this tool (not bugs) just post in here and i will try to reply.