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  1. I also forgot to add the Slipstream guide that I used. It was created for sp2 but worked fine for me using sp3. http://www.winaddons.com/nlite-14-tutorial/
  2. Just simply add the addon without unzipping into the Hotfixes, Addons and Update Packs when are prepping your slipstream disc. It's working great for me... Thanks Rick for this cool addon.
  3. Never mind I figured it out.
  4. Thank you Proxis. But I would like to be able to use the Vista addons. I don't believe you can with the Rainbar.
  5. Thanks for the replies. So I just add the download directly to the slipstream? No other programs needed? Also where can I pick up the add on?
  6. Hello all, I was wondering if there was a guide on how to slipstream Windows Sidebar into XP? I have been learning on how to slipstream. But still new to this. Thanks...