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  1. Can you elaborate on your choice of hotfixes? I cross-referenced your download list with: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4009469/windows-7-sp1-windows-server-2008-r2-sp1-update-history Here are unique entries from that list (without rollups) that do not present in yours: <snip> This guy's list appears to have them since his count is up to 85: https://www.raymond.cc/blog/create-an-integrated-up-to-date-windows-7-install-disc/ UPD: Nevermind, I see you've superseded it with January 14, 2020—KB4534310 (Monthly Rollup) and for some reason also on top of it January 31, 2020—KB4539601 (Preview of Monthly Rollup) Rollups are the biggers offender in terms of included telemetry crap UPD2: Okay, I've checked his list and compared to yours, here is what he has extra: Windows6.1-KB971033-x64.msu (Activation Check Update) Windows6.1-KB2716513-x64.msu (IIS exploit, relevant to developers who install Visual Studio) Windows6.1-KB2719033-x64.msu (IIS exploit, relevant to developers who install Visual Studio) Windows6.1-KB3020393-x64.msu (telnet bug fix) Windows6.1-KB3118401-x64.msu (Universal C runtime update) He also has 2 extra IE11 updates: IE11-Windows6.1-KB4230450-x64.msu IE11-Windows6.1-KB4511872-x64.msu () The only relevant one is latest since they are cummulative. Essentially, you only need KB3185319 and KB4511872 at all for IE11 and you've included the December 2018 one that is superseded by August 13 2019 UPD3: Interesting, VM test showed that WSU still wants to install January rollup. Also, missing kb2706045 Important and as I mentioned - IE11 updates not up-to-date