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  1. Hello there! I'm building my own W10 LTSB 2016 v1607 x64 pt-BR ISO fully updated. However I didn't find KB4049411 and KB4033631 in Microsoft Update Catalog and I don't know where I can find these KBs. pt-BR = Portuguese Brazil Can someone help me? Thanks
  2. Responding me... Yeap, it looks like yes!
  3. @OnePiece, two doubts: 1) Is this Addon to install the WGA Notification or to Hide him from WU List of updates? 2) Does it works with any language? Mine is pt-BR (Brazilian). Thanks
  4. Maybe i'm wrong, but It looks like this link is redirecting us to 'OnePiece XP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn' instead the Language Pack stuffs.