[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
Thanks Rick -- AVG 8.0 goes wacky on hidec if "PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) detection is enabled . . . an option in the resident scanner. Not hard to understand why it would be something to trigger the PUP as it's something malware could use to hide doing something in a DOS window. Turned that off temporarily during install and reboot cleanup and all went well. That could be why you get reports of AV software triggering on your installers at times from small numbers of users . . . if PUP detection is turned on it could trigger alerts about a number of common tools used for "silent" installs. I'm happy to have "5744" up and working on the XP /x64 desktop box. Added the additional gadgets from the "6000" distro. I'll likely tinker with the "6000" installer on it from time to time, and I need to learn how get more out of nLite in slipstreaming extras into an XP install CD. Been very handy incorporating Service Packs to avoid huge update downloads during an O/S re-install, but that's all I've really done with it in the past. One last question . . . I noted that 5744 has a very narrow white line on the left side of the sidebar whereas 6000 doesn't. I believe this has been mentioned before in the 5744 thread. Is this a default "style" difference (i.e. a style change using Sidebar Styler could make come or go) or a deeper one embedded in the differences between sidebar versions beyond the "style" changes a Styler can make. I'm assuming it's not my graphics hardware doing this. Best Wishes! -- John
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
First -- thanks for making this available and doing what is obviously a lot of work setting up an install. I'm new to this forum and set it up without any problems on a laptop with WinXP-Pro SP3. The instructions were perfect. Everything working including the WX updating properly via wireless. Now for the headache . . . I've got a desktop box running WinXP-Pro /x64 SP2 and I'm having the infamous: error message. Been through everything Ambo and Lancelot did . . . still getting that message. I was able to get the "5744" version working briefly with VAIO, but AVG 8.0 does not like hidec.exe. I see references to nLite in reading the "manual" install instructions. I've used this for slipstreaming /x64 SP2 into my /x64 SP1 distro, but little else. Would nLite work for getting it onto the /x64 machine without the error message . . . without needing the /x86 tskill.exe? Is there a thread you can point me to that has information about how to embed Alky and the Sidebar using nLite? I presume I'd have to also slipstream all the .net installs, IE 7, WMP 11, C++ runtimes, etc. Checked the nLite site but it doesn't have much there (that I could find). Thanks! -- John P.S. -- As I understand the history of WinXP /x64, it was created from the 2003 Server /x86. Shortly after that it started to branch into 2003 Server /x64 and XP-Pro /x64, but only briefly. The branching was pulled back together and now they're one and the same . . . two names for exactly the same O/S . . . likely because MS couldn't see the point in allowing it to branch and be saddled with maintaining two XP /x64 configurations. As a last thought . . . the reason I'm a bit loathe to revert to /x86 on the desktop is /x64's stability . . . *much* better than XP /x86 Home or Pro has been (SP3 may help) . . . otherwise I'd be seriously tempted.
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