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  1. Respectable Wincert Forum I want to make a question: I own 2 computers Acer Ferrari 1100 in which was running Windows Vista 32 Bit. Both computers have broken and inside where installed some registered program that were one license. As I don't remember which were these programs I need an external program that, after having inserted the old hard disk in an external box, can make me read the system register as if the hard disk is still installed on a computer as primary disk. Thank in advance to all those that want to answer to my question, I get the occasion to salute all this Forum.
  2. Respectable Forum I want to make a question: I own a registered copy of Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 with Product Key that was installed on a computer Acer Ferrari 1100 that has broken without giving me the possibility to uninstall the program. Trying to find a solution to my problem I have started to search in internet and my attention has been attracted by the program Winsows Iso Downloader. When I have downloaded I have noticed that it starts from office 2010. Now I want gently to know where I can download a previous copy of Windows Iso Downloader that can give me the possibilty to download a copy of Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 and a legal product key that can give me the possibility to install the program in another computer. Sorry to have disturbed, thank to all that want to answer to this topic, I get the occasion to salute all this forum.
  3. Respectable forum I want to make a question: I own a Computer Acer Ferrari 1100 In which I had installed a registered copy with Product Key of Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 32 bit. Unfortunately this computer has broken without giving me the possibility to uninstall this program. Now , as I have bought a new computer without hard disk in which I would like to install this program, I would like to know where I can download a new Product key of Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 because the copy I own can be installed only on one computer. Sorry to have disturbed, thank to all that want to answer to my question , I get the occasion to salute all this forum.