[AddOn] Microsoft Photo Story 3
Hi George I'm very new at creating addons and I had a bit of trouble getting this addon to work so I made a few modifications to your code, would you mind if I were to post my version of your addon over at RyanVM Forums, with your permission of course. trippinferret
[AddOn] Media Center 2005 (English) January 24 2012
Hi Ricktendo Can you please re-upload the conversion for the first link. Requires .NET Framework 1.1 sp1 and WMP10/11 March 11, 2011 MD5: 46b9eb33893aee27b44583e522bf1ccb Size: 165 MB Thanks.
[AddOn] Media Center 2005 (English) January 24 2012
Thanks ricktendo64 Thanks again for still supporting this.
[Addon] Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.30514.0
Hi User Hidden You released this very quickly, will try it out, see how it goes. Thanks
Windows 7 Hotfix repository
Thanks ricktendo64 Will download now and give your x86 update pack a try, will let you know how it goes. Excellent pack, worked perfectly, many thanks to you SoLoR
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
Hi ricktendo 64 Just finished integrating a few packs with Nlite on a clean XP SP3, could you please tell me what order I should put the sidebar in. User_Hidden Post SP3 OnePiece Net Framework 1.1 Onepiece WMP 11 OnePiece IE8 Ricktendo MCE 2005 Ricktendo Win7 MCE I will do a fresh integration in the order here, would I put the sidebar to be integrated last any suggestions would help. Thanks
[Editable] RunOnceEx Windows Defender
Hey ricktendo64 Do you know if this will work with your MCE2005 Transformation Pack ? I will give it a try and let you know. Thanks
[AddOn] Media Center 2005 (English) January 24 2012
Hi Ricktendo64 Just finished integrating your pack and a few others, here's what I did. Onepiece IE8 1.9.0 Onepiece Windows Media Player 11 v2.0.0 Onepiece Net Framework 1.1.4322.2443 User_Hidden QFE Updatepack 1.2.0 Ricktendo64 XP to MCE05 All integrated successfully in the one go, but let NLite choose the order in which to slipstream and you will have a fully patched XP SP3 Media Center Edition DVD, formatted the hard drive and it installed perfectly. Thanks to all who made it possible.
[AddOn] Media Center 2005 (English) January 24 2012
Hi ricktendo64 Thanks for this brilliant addon, I updated my xp sp3 disc with your MCE2005 addon and used Onepiece's net framework 1.1, media player 11 and internet explorer 8 and it works perfectly are you going to continue support for this MCE2005 addon, Thanks :thumbsup_anim:
- Microsoft.NET Framework True AddOn
[AddOn] Media Center 2005 (English) January 24 2012
Hi You know what would really be good, does this work with windows xp x64 sp2 or could you make a build that would work with x64
[AddOn] Media Center 2005 (English) January 24 2012
Hey ricktendo64, I just finished integrating all again and tried RVMUpdatepacksp3_1.0.3, NR_IE7_ADDON_2.0.4a, ONEPIECE_WINDOWS_MEDIA_PLAYER_11_TRUE_ADDON and Ricks_XP_To_MCE2005, all with the latest nLite, in that order and it came out perfectly, installed without a hitch. Thanks for the help.
[AddOn] Media Center 2005 (English) January 24 2012
Yes I used nlite for the MCE2005 pack, so your saying I should integrate latest RyanVM Updatepack first then, I found onepiece's media player 11 pack at RyanVM.net, integrate that next and then finally the MCE2005 pack and you say I should integrate it all with latest nlite.
[AddOn] Media Center 2005 (English) January 24 2012
Hi ricktendo64, I just downloaded and tried out you latest MCE2005 Addon but came back with a couple of errors, what I did was first slipstream RyanVM 1.0.3 updatepack then your MCE2005 pack and then booogy's media player 11 with all updates, all on a clean XP SP3 CD and it displayed "cannot find ICFGNT.DLL, Internet Explorer Configuration Utility" and also that media player 11 does not install but would on a clean XP disc with RyanVM pack, Internet Explorer 7 and media player 11. I understand a lot of work has gone into this pack and thank you for it but could you please give me a solution. Thanks
[AddOn] Ubuntu Cursors
Yeah, they look real good downloading now
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