Reputation Activity
Windows XP Media Center 2010 (English)
Info: This is a true addon featured Windows 7 Media Center ported to Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 along with Update Rollup 2, KB887410, KB925766, KB956148, KB973768, KB2502898, KB2619340 and KB2628259 updates.
Special thanks to ricktendo64, visit https://www.deviantart.com/ricktendo64/art/XP-Media-Center-2010-147661074
Also includes "Plus" programs a.k.a. Windows Digital Media Enhancements (some removable thru Add/Rem Windows Components):
- Windows Dancer
- Windows CD Label Maker
- Windows Audio Converter
- Windows Party Mode
- Themes and Screen Savers (Aquarium, Space, Da Vinci, Nature, My Pictures Premium)
- Royale Theme (Energy Blue)
- Media Center Edition skin for WMP
(June 16, 2013) (requires .NET Framework 1.1 and WMP10/11)
(June 16, 2013) (requires .NET Framework 1.1 and WMP10/11)
Milk-Chan reacted to LosVagos997 in [LosVagos997] OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack en-US FINAL v1.1.0 and Embedded FINAL v2020.12.10Thanks, but I have some Windows 7 Media Center ported to XP MCE 2005 with some addons. You can visit my MCE2010 at:
Milk-Chan reacted to dougiefresh in [May 2024 Update] All XPtsp Packs and Batches can be found here....All XP Theme Source Patcher packs and batch files can be found at the following link:
Apologies for the links to xptsp.com being down.... I was forced to shut down the website because I didn't have the money to keep it going. Losing one's job will cause one to reassess priorities.... I regret to say that the site will not be coming back up. To buy the domain name again would cost me $8,389.25 USD (as of this writing).... I don't have that kind of money and I wish I never let it go.... Amazing that domain name sellers can charge an exorbitant price for something like that....
Milk-Chan reacted to LosVagos997 in [LosVagos997] OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack en-US FINAL v1.1.0 and Embedded FINAL v2020.12.10These packs are created by LosVagos997 via from OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 v1.0.9 and I integrate Embedded updates using DXUPAC from updates according to this Embedded Updates list for English language only, it also compatible as part of XP2ESD project to simplify Windows XP setup in 2024+
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.1.0 FINAL ENU (English) - v1.0 (includes IE8, WMP10, Silverlight 5.1.50918 and Flash Player
Update (May 15, 2019)
Update (May 15, 2019)
SHA-1: BAA167C193ABA8F8B69C0B3811B25E92F6E9213E
Filesize: 212872868 bytes (203 MiB)
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.1.0 FINAL ENU (English) - v2.0 (includes IE8, WMP11, Silverlight 5.1.50918 and Flash Player
Update (May 15, 2019)
Update (May 15, 2019)
SHA-1: 51896A2CCECFA8A346784F8FA217579FA543B076
Filesize: 216430127 bytes (206 MiB)
OnePiece Windows XP Embedded Post-SP3 True AddOn v2019.08.20 FINAL ENU (English)
Update (August 20, 2019)
Update (August 20, 2019)
SHA-1: 73F5284AEFD17EF80068B937034DB53BB9C73BFF
Filesize: 30029431 bytes (28 MiB)
OnePiece Adobe Flash Player v32.0.0.465 True AddOn ENU (English)
Update (December 9, 2020)
Update (December 9, 2020)
SHA-1: E437560AC5D54907C1285834B1B5589A
Filesize: 10138051 bytes (9 MiB)
Milk-Chan reacted to Gta Gaming in Tablet PC is arrivingWindows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 is coming to my new addon starts November 25 at 9/8c
Milk-Chan reacted to Gta Gaming in [Addon] Tablet PC 2005Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 (English)
Info: This is a true addon that fully converts Windows XP Profesional into Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 along with KB955534-v2, KB981835 and KB2835364 updates.
Note: This addon is already includes Microsoft .NET Framework 1.0.3705 Service Pack 3 with all updates.
Size: 81.74MB
Milk-Chan reacted to George King in [REPACK] OnePiece XP Post-SP3 AIO International Update Packs FINAL v1.1.0@Milk-ChanThanks, I have already updated x64 Update Pack to 2019-08 version. It's not released standalone, but link can be found in XP x64 Modern HW topic.
Milk-Chan got a reaction from George King in [REPACK] OnePiece XP Post-SP3 AIO International Update Packs FINAL v1.1.0Files Patch Here
Milk-Chan reacted to George King in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern HardwareCompiling ACPI v2.0 driver for Windows XP SP3 and Windows 2003 SP2 (x32/x64)
Here are compiled ACPI2.0 v4 from latest sources 1) x86 Windows XP x86 SP3 (5.1.2600.7777.4) + Windows Server 2003 SP2 (5.2.3790.7777.4) debug and free 2) x64 Windows Server 2003 / XP SP2 (5.2.3790.7777.4) debug and free https://www.mediafire.com/file/wsqgptapdrxhidf/ACPI2.0_v4_x86+x64_5.1+5.2.7z/file
Extras included:
a) _OSI extra OS list to unlock hidden devices
b) modded acpiosnt.rc to overwrite PruductVersion attribute in file info, replaced "," with "." so it's now in same logic as other standard files, added .4 to easily detect which patch was used as build base
Milk-Chan reacted to George King in [Addon] Windows 10 TimeZones settings for Windows XP / 2003 - MultiLanguageThis pack update Windows XP / 2003 TimeZones to latest ones that can be found in Windows 10 21H2 v10.0.19041.906 (WinBuild.160101.0800).
This package is MultiLanguage and support all 24 languages. If you need you can install it on live system by extracting TimeZone.inf and install it using right click.
Windows 10 TimeZones settings for Windows XP / 2003 - MultiLanguage
Update (11 April 2023)
SHA-1: 10FBB91C683C9E09C16A478F066DE9D787FB0A34
Filesize: 86016 bytes (84 KB)
TIP: Use this pack after [REPACK] OnePiece XP Post-SP3 AIO International Update Packs FINAL v1.1.0 and [REPACK] OnePiece XP Embedded Post-SP3 International True AddOn v1.0.2 to fix TimeZones strings.