Reputation Activity
Dietmar got a reaction from imadam__ in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern HardwareI just build an XP SP3 with the Sata driver from Kai and the storport.sys with SMART support, with all updates for XP and my last acpi.sys from last August.
For USB I use the from Win8.1 ported driver.
It boots XP SP3 on all(!) my Intel boards from x58 to z690, always all USB works,
Dietmar reacted to George King in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern HardwareCompiling ACPI v2.0 driver for Windows XP SP3 and Windows 2003 SP2 (x32/x64)
 Here are compiled ACPI2.0 v4 from latest sources  1) x86 Windows XP x86 SP3 (5.1.2600.7777.4) + Windows Server 2003 SP2 (5.2.3790.7777.4) debug and free  2) x64 Windows Server 2003 / XP SP2 (5.2.3790.7777.4) debug and free
Extras included:
a)Â _OSIÂ extra OS list to unlock hidden devices
b) modded acpiosnt.rc to overwrite PruductVersion attribute in file info, replaced "," with "." so it's now in same logic as other standard files, added .4 to easily detect which patch was used as build base
Dietmar got a reaction from George King in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern HardwareI make some more fun:
Here I compare a 12600 against an i980 on a x58 Sabertooth board with generic XP SP3.
This x58 board has onboard USB3 (Nec, 214MByte/s RW) and also 6 GByte Sata (Sata3).
Voila, geekbench 2 shows about 14000 points for the 12600 cpu and about 12000 points for the i980 cpu.
Hm, this means nearly no difference in speed in 11 years old cpu
PS: All USB works with the nice win8 driver from @Mov AX, 0xDEAD .
Dietmar got a reaction from Strange_Aeons in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware@Strange_Aeons
This is the website frome @daniel_k .
There are also new usb drivers for XP SP3
Dietmar got a reaction from Strange_Aeons in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware@Strange_Aeons
Here it is from @Mov AX, 0xDEAD
For me, this USB driver works on all Intel boards,
have a nice day
Dietmar got a reaction from George King in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware@pappyN4
Here it is.
Pass is my name from the deleted Fernando forum thread
Dietmar got a reaction from pappyN4 in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware@pappyN4
Here it is.
Pass is my name from the deleted Fernando forum thread
Dietmar got a reaction from Andalu in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern HardwareI just build an XP SP3 with the Sata driver from Kai and the storport.sys with SMART support, with all updates for XP and my last acpi.sys from last August.
For USB I use the from Win8.1 ported driver.
It boots XP SP3 on all(!) my Intel boards from x58 to z690, always all USB works,
Dietmar got a reaction from Toopins in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware@Vertex
Use the Sata driver from Kai Schtrom.
This are the most generic drivers for AHCI devices until now
Dietmar reacted to pappyN4 in XP/W2k3 x64 on Modern HardwareBuild ISO with nLite
WinXP64 ISO and updates
WinXP ISO and updates
Note: order matters, in nlite have the UpdatePack run first, then the POSReady updates
Note2: in POSReady updates, entries_POSUpdates.ini has a bug with nlite, you will need to comment out these lines
;Prevents Windows Setup copying drivers from that the integrator failed to update ;drvindex.inf|ks.sys||2 ;drvindex.inf|termdd.sys||1 ;drvindex.inf|hsf_fs|hsf_fsks.sys|1
Compile NTOSKRNL_Emu;
Backport drivers/ create whatever patch files from above.
Install nLite
extract Windows ISO to folder
run nlite, customize as you want, make sure to import the update packs
once you get to the create ISO stage stop
open nlited ISO folder and extract (XP), (XP64) to a folder
replace acpi.sys, add storport.sys, storpor8.sys, ntoskrn8.sys to folder
use CabPack1.4 to recreate and replace cab file from ISO folder
replace ACPI.SY_, add STORPORT.SY_, STORPOR8.SY_, NTOSKRN8.SY_ to I386 (XP), AMD64 (XP64) folder
use cabsdk to compress eg: "CABARC -m LZX:21 N ACPI.SY_ ACPI.SYS"
(I386 folder for XP) (AMD64 folder for XP64)
in DOSNET.INF add   (x64 already has a storport.sys line)
in TXTSETUP.SIF   add   (x64 already has a storport.sys line)
for SETUPREG.HIV use offlinereg-win32.exe by Erwan to add
copy to AMD64 folder or I386 folder
=================Other Patches=====================================
replace SHELL32.DL_ patched version to AMD64 or I386 folder
replace TCPIP.DL_ and TCPIP6.DL_ patched version to AMD64 or I386 folder
for x86 replace sndrec32,disk,partmgr, and other files from AVX/PAE patch to the I386 folder or the as needed
=================Make ISO======================================
make ISO in nLite and test.Â
Dietmar reacted to gordo999 in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern HardwareHi guys...just checking in. Nothing to say, so I'll shut up.
Dietmar reacted to pappyN4 in XP/W2k3 x64 on Modern HardwarePatches
shell32 missing icon notification patch (x86/x64)
tcpip & tcpip6 max connection limit patch (x86/x64)
WinXPPAE v3.5 patch not needed, XP64 is good up to 128GB of ram.
AVX/AVX2 patch (only x86 version exists)
GPT native support on data volume. With XP32 you have to copy disk.sys and partmgr.sys from server2003x86, but with XP64 its based on 5.2 (like 2003x64).
sndrec32 2GB patch (only needed for x86, x64 does not need patch)
Patch for applications
4GB patcher to add /LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag for EXEs. Otherwise 32bit process is limited to 2GB. This would allow it to use all 4GB. Useful for some games or apps that can use a lot of RAM.
Dietmar got a reaction from Toopins in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware@Toopins
Yes, no Hibernation of XP for board >=Skylake
Dietmar got a reaction from George King in I am looking for a PCIe card for WinXP debugging@Gelip
I did step by step exact what you wrote.
Does not work.
On second boot step of XP there is no connection to the PCIe slotcard on the Asrock z370 k6 board, no matter which (now I have 5 different cards) you use for this
PS: Sundos shows D000 & COM1
and an extra test confirm this with
-d 40:0 confirms Com port on COM1 with 00 D0.
Dietmar got a reaction from George King in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern HardwareLooks, like Gigabyte enables full CSM support on this board
Gigabyte Z690 UD DDR4 (rev. 1.0)
with Bios F5.
"Add Legacy Game Compatibility Mode option"
I will test this board with 12900k cpu in next days for XP SP3 boot
Dietmar got a reaction from George King in I am looking for a PCIe card for WinXP debugging@Gelip
Before I get nuts, I go back to my Asrock z370 Fatalty gaming K6 board.
Oh..what a nice boardđ. At once normal Windbg works through its internal COM1 port.
Tomorrow I try your methode on this board with one after the other of all my PCIe serial slot cards. By the way, I just ordered your Card PCIe Sunix SER5427A also
Dietmar reacted to Gelip in I am looking for a PCIe card for WinXP debugging@Dietmar @infuscomus
Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaa!!! đđđđ
It finally worked ! Tested debug WinXP SP2 64-bit
If the PC has a integrated COM port on the motherboard, turn it off in the bios I plugged my PCIe RS232 Sunix SER5427A card into the PCIe x1 slot Check I/O port my card in Debian or Windows with pciutlis - lspci -s xx:xx.x -v, my card has D000 Mod kdcom.dll x64 in offset 1024 change F803 to 00D0 (little endian) Replace kdcom.dll in WINDOWS\system32 on debuged PC We set up debug in boot.ini: /debug /debugport=COM1: /baudrate=14400 On host PC run WinDbg baudrate 115200 Boot debugged PC to MS-DOS 6.22 with tools debug.exe and grub.exe (GRUB4DOS) Insert I/O addres to memory 40:0 for COM1 (my is D000) (or simply run sundos.exe)
-e 40:0 00 D0
-q Run GRUB4DOS (grub.exe) Boot WinXP (menu.lst): default 0 timeout 5 title Boot WinXP map (hd0) (hd1) map (hd1) (hd0) map --hook find --set-root /ntldr chainloader /ntldr P.S. If on a computer with WinDbg we have a modern PCIe card with an RS232 port that allows higher speeds, then you can set the maximum to what both PCIe cards allow, for me you can do this:
boot.ini - 57600 & WinDbg 460800đ
Dietmar got a reaction from infuscomus in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware@infuscomus
Thanks a lot!
This weekend I have crazy work with examen from pupils.
But on next weekend (or even 2 days earlier) I will try this new acpi.sys .
Have a nice day
Dietmar reacted to infuscomus in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware@Dietmar
OK, I've resolved the missing exports for vista beta 5112 acpi.sys chk build.
Can you please debug when you have time?
Dietmar reacted to iyut in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware16 messages about Quantum theory from the former thread, if you allow to post it.
Perhaps such conversations are a pleasant offtopic.
Dietmar reacted to infuscomus in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware@Dietmar
here you go.
P.S I included HALs too but have not yet tested them.
Dietmar reacted to iyut in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern HardwareHello colleagues,
here is an archive of forum's topic "Windows XP, 2003 x32 on modern hardware" (2018-2021) from, for the benefit of WinXP' admirers.
EDIT: above is a new link, with small corrections, and divided into 5 parts. If one-page, consumes 190 mb of RAM in Firefox.
View in Firefox, because Chrome doesn't support spoilers.
(If you have downloaded the previous file, please delete, this one is better).
Dietmar got a reaction from George King in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware