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ExtremeGrief reacted to George King in XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern HardwareCompiling ACPI v2.0 driver for Windows XP SP3 and Windows 2003 SP2 (x32/x64)
Here are compiled ACPI2.0 v4 from latest sources 1) x86 Windows XP x86 SP3 (5.1.2600.7777.4) + Windows Server 2003 SP2 (5.2.3790.7777.4) debug and free 2) x64 Windows Server 2003 / XP SP2 (5.2.3790.7777.4) debug and free https://www.mediafire.com/file/wsqgptapdrxhidf/ACPI2.0_v4_x86+x64_5.1+5.2.7z/file
Extras included:
a) _OSI extra OS list to unlock hidden devices
b) modded acpiosnt.rc to overwrite PruductVersion attribute in file info, replaced "," with "." so it's now in same logic as other standard files, added .4 to easily detect which patch was used as build base
ExtremeGrief reacted to George King in Vista/W2k8 x64 on Modern HardwareACPI A5 Patch same as we have for Windows 7
acpi.sys 6.0.6002.24312 (vistasp2_ldr_escrow.180308-1636)
84 C0 75 13 To
84 C0 90 90 From
C0 59 59 7D To
C0 59 90 90
84 C0 75 1F To
84 C0 90 90 From
85 C0 78 2E To
85 C0 90 90