XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware
Finally I find the solution! I disabled some drivers directly in registry (putting Start = 4)...and now XP run fine! I disabled SoundMax drivers, Intel SMBus driver, Sunix serial PCI driver and some other unknown. I realized that if XP works in SAFE mode it must works also in NORMAL mode...it's just a matter of the number of kernel driver loaded: in SAFE mode only a limited set of drivers are loaded, excluding all others that could be 'unsafe'. With this in mind I start excluding drivers until Win XP booted fine. Learned a new lesson, the hard way. @Andalu: Acronis TI, Macrium Reflect and other similar tools can just restore the bootability of the operating system adapting the registry to start the proper 'Mass Storage Driver'...but if Windows start in safe mode it means that is not a problem of 'Mass Storage Driver'! Here the problem was one (or more?) bad driver(s).
XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware
After importing the registry entries you suggested and others (all the Enum portion 🙂 and more!) finally I have SAFE MODE working, with keyboard and mouse operating correctly: But, as usual, If I try to boot XP in normal mode, I have the following image on the screen, and after a few seconds the PC reboots: Using the boot option that inhibit automatic reboot in case of fault I'm able to see the cause of BSOD, is exactly the same I have already posted: "PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA". This is the detail: What can I do more? And I'd like to know what is the differences between SAFE and NORMAL mode, to restrict the search of the "offending" driver or service loaded at boot time...anyone?
XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware
I repeated one more time the procedure I wrote above to be sure to do not forget any step. The BSOD screen is still the same I attached in my previous post (please note: is visibile only pressing F8 at startup and selecting "do not automatically restart in case of failure", otherwise I just see for a second the classic XP boot screen). In SAFE mode Windows XP start, but I cannot do nothing as keyboard and mouse do not work...and network is unavailable so I cannot use Remote Desktop... Any hint?
XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware
XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware
Yes, all needed files have been copied as well explained in README.TXT file. And yes, I recreated "storahci" and "usbxhci" services in registry...but no luck up to now. This afternoon I attempt an alternative way to restore image, but I had same result...i proceed in this way: - restored disk image on VMWare virtual machine. - added virtual USB3.1 controller and AHCI SATA controller - replaced ACPI.SYS file with the modded one dated 2021/08/28. - manually installed 'Kernel-Mode Driver Framework 1.11', 'MovAX-Gen2 SATA driver v2.0' and 'MovAX-Gen2 USB3.X xHCI driver v2.2', with additional files "ntoskrn8.sys", "storpor8.sys" and "storport.sys" copied in 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers'. - verified that the virtual machine still boots fine and all the entries in DeviceManager are ok. - added a key below "CriticalDeviceDatabase" with PCI_ID and VEN_ID relevant to Intel SATA AHCI controller on physical machine (VEN_8086&DEV_A102), with entry "Service" = storahci, and proper "ClassGUID". - create a disk image of the above virtual PC and restored it on final physical hardware BUT AGAIN RESTORED PC DOES NOT WORK 😞
XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware
I need to reuse a complete working solution, with specific set of users, relevant permissions on folder/files, a gigantic set of binary files sparse on two partitions, ecc. So the reason why I need to start from a disk image and just "inject" the minimum set of drivers/patched system files to have XP booting again. The good thing is that I know for sure that a clean install of XP IE, with options 1,3 and 4, works! So I have to understand how to "capture" the added files and registry settings and restore them, while offline, on restored disk image.
XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware
I read XP2ESD thread, seems to me that this is a powerful tool to create a Windows XP install disc that is similar to Win7 installer. But I don't think that this can help me, as I don't want to install XP from scratch, I want to restore an XP image injecting drivers and patched file(s) (like ACPI.SYS) to have XP booting again on a new hardware. Or I misunderstood the way to use XP2ESD?
XP/W2k3 x86 on Modern Hardware
I'm experimenting with latest release of Windows XP Integral Edition: using options 1,3 and 4 (MovAX-Gen2 SATA/AHCI driver + MovAX-Gen2 USB3.X xHCI driver + ACPI Patch) I succeeded installing XP o.s. on a recent motherboard with Intel SkyLake processor. Without using all the above options together I just obtained BSOD during first part of XP installation. And now the question, where I need your help. Verifying the possibility to install XP on a new hardware was just my first step, my goal is to have the XP operating system 'alive and kicking' starting from a XP disk image of a working PC. Consider that I was able to restore it on a virtual machine without any trouble, but restoring this disk image on a real hardware and have XP booting again is a different job! As I discovered that the 3 above mentioned options was needed to have XP working on my hardware, I tried to patch the restored XP disk-image, injecting the modded ACPI.SYS file and the 2 drivers (SATA and USB3). All the modification was performed booting the PC with WinPE. I also added the needed "Kernel-Mode Driver Framework 1.11", played with regedit performing offline mods (mainly 'Services' section) taking as example INF files for the options needed. At the same time I imported the whole "Enum" portion of the registry taken from the working installation of XP IE on the same hardware, hoping that restoring it was enough to have XP booting...but I was wrong 😞 Result: when I try to boot the patched XP I'm only able to see for few second the XP bootlogo and then the PC freeze and reboot...same situation for "Safe mode". I performed other minor tweaks and now I have a BSOD with error "PAGE FAULT IN NON PAGED AREA". See attachment... Can anybody help me? I really don't know what to do...thanks!
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