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  1. Sorry for excess words in last post. Still getting used to the formatting.
  2. I am just beginning to analyze the requirements of the extender by Mov AX, 0xDEAD ...I don't know how openly we can discuss this here since some of it will require discussion of reverse engineering. I was at win-raid when it was shut down for something similar.. I have a fair amount of experience with reversing and that's the main reason I can understand the extender from an OS point of view. Any way we can discuss this in more detail? On another site, we got around that by not discussing specific software.
  3. What's going on? Just noticed my last post is first in 5 weeks.
  4. Howdy everyone...been AWOL for a bit. I was playing a game in XP recently and tried to start another. I got an error claiming my video card does not have directdraw. Another games claimed it did not have direct3D and I know it has both, it's an Nvidia GT1030. Then it came back to me, we don't have an XP driver for a GT 1030 yet. Has anyone attacked the problem recently? I have read that Nvidia uses a new series of drivers for the 1030 but I have it running on XP at a basic level and it will play games using Scummvm. In dxdiag, it indicates directdraw as being OK but no direct3D. I have a bigger problem, however. I want to run softice on my 32-bit XP but it too complains of no directdraw. If I recall, it would run basically on a GT730 but I have other issues. Softice is a great 32-bit debugger but it's very high maintenance. I don't want to keep swapping video cards but I may have to. Or does anyone know of a decent video card that will run on XP and allows W7 to play newer games? I dual boot XP with W7 and W10 and it's not convenient to keep swapping cards.
  5. Hi guys...just checking in. Nothing to say, so I'll shut up.