I tested a new 7-Zip Addon intergrated using nLite on a Windows MCE SP3 platform and received the following errors at T-13. and then after clicking OK this error Anyone have this happen? I will try another release, but I wonder what went wrong. Thanks! ********************************* Entries_7-Zip.ini ;====================================== ; 7-Zip Archiver addon by ricktendo64 | ;====================================== [general] builddate=2009/01/03 description=7-Zip Archiver. language=Multilanguage title=7-Zip version=4.64 website=http://www.7-zip.org/ [sysoc] 7-Zip=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,7zip.inf,HIDE,7 [dosnet_files] d1,7zip.cab d1,7zip.inf [txtsetup_files] 7zip.cab = 1,,,,,,_x,,3,3 7zip.inf = 1,,,,,,,20,0,0 [i386_compress] rvmtemp\extracted\7zip.inf ********************************* 7zip.inf ;--------------------------------- ; r i c k t e n d o 6 4 2 0 0 9 | ;--------------------------------- [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" [Optional Components] 7-Zip [DefaultInstall] CopyFiles =Main_App,Lang_Files ProfileItems=7zFM_AddShortcut,Help_AddShortcut RegisterDLLs=7z_ShellExt AddReg =7Z_AddReg [7-Zip] OptionDesc ="7-Zip" Tip ="Open source Windows utility for manipulating archives." Modes =0,1,2,3 CopyFiles =Main_App,Lang_Files ProfileItems=7zFM_AddShortcut,Help_AddShortcut RegisterDLLs=7z_ShellExt AddReg =7Z_AddReg [SourceDisksNames.x86] 1="Windows CD/DVD-Rom","7zip.cab",,"i386" [DestinationDirs] Main_App =16422,7-Zip Lang_Files=16422,7-Zip\Lang [SourceDisksFiles] 7-zip.chm=1 7-zip.dll=1 7z.dll=1 7z.exe=1 7z.sfx=1 7zCon.sfx=1 7zFM.exe=1 7zG.exe=1 7zip_pad.xml=1 af.txt=1 ar.txt=1 ast.txt=1 az.txt=1 ba.txt=1 be.txt=1 bg.txt=1 bn.txt=1 br.txt=1 ca.txt=1 copying.txt=1 cs.txt=1 cy.txt=1 da.txt=1 de.txt=1 descript.ion=1 el.txt=1 en.ttt=1 eo.txt=1 es.txt=1 et.txt=1 eu.txt=1 ext.txt=1 fa.txt=1 fi.txt=1 fr.txt=1 fur.txt=1 fy.txt=1 gl.txt=1 he.txt=1 History.txt=1 hr.txt=1 hu.txt=1 hy.txt=1 id.txt=1 io.txt=1 is.txt=1 it.txt=1 ja.txt=1 ka.txt=1 ko.txt=1 ku-ckb.txt=1 ku.txt=1 License.txt=1 lt.txt=1 lv.txt=1 mk.txt=1 mn.txt=1 mr.txt=1 ms.txt=1 nb.txt=1 ne.txt=1 nl.txt=1 nn.txt=1 pa-in.txt=1 pl.txt=1 ps.txt=1 pt-br.txt=1 pt.txt=1 readme.txt=1 ro.txt=1 ru.txt=1 si.txt=1 sk.txt=1 sl.txt=1 sq.txt=1 sr-spc.txt=1 sr-spl.txt=1 sv.txt=1 ta.txt=1 th.txt=1 tr.txt=1 tt.txt=1 uk.txt=1 Uninstall.exe=1 uz.txt=1 va.txt=1 vi.txt=1 zh-cn.txt=1 zh-tw.txt=1 [Main_App] 7z.dll 7z.exe 7z.sfx 7zCon.sfx 7zFM.exe 7zG.exe 7-zip.chm 7-zip.dll 7zip_pad.xml copying.txt descript.ion History.txt License.txt readme.txt Uninstall.exe [Lang_Files] af.txt ar.txt ast.txt az.txt ba.txt be.txt bg.txt bn.txt br.txt ca.txt cs.txt cy.txt da.txt de.txt el.txt en.ttt eo.txt es.txt et.txt eu.txt ext.txt fa.txt fi.txt fr.txt fur.txt fy.txt gl.txt he.txt hr.txt hu.txt hy.txt id.txt io.txt is.txt it.txt ja.txt ka.txt ko.txt ku.txt ku-ckb.txt lt.txt lv.txt mk.txt mn.txt mr.txt ms.txt nb.txt ne.txt nl.txt nn.txt pa-in.txt pl.txt ps.txt pt.txt pt-br.txt ro.txt ru.txt si.txt sk.txt sl.txt sq.txt sr-spc.txt sr-spl.txt sv.txt ta.txt th.txt tr.txt tt.txt uk.txt uz.txt va.txt vi.txt zh-cn.txt zh-tw.txt [7z_ShellExt] 16422,7-Zip,7-zip.dll,1 [7zFM_AddShortcut] Name =7-Zip File Manager CmdLine =16422,7-Zip,7zFM.exe SubDir =7-Zip WorkingDir=16422,7-Zip [Help_AddShortcut] Name =7-Zip Help CmdLine =16422,7-Zip,7-zip.chm SubDir =7-Zip WorkingDir=16422,7-Zip [7Z_AddReg] HKCR,"*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\7-Zip",,,"{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000100020000}" HKCR,"Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\7-Zip",,,"{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000100020000}" HKCR,"Directory\shellex\DragDropHandlers\7-Zip",,,"{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000100020000}" HKCR,"Drive\shellex\DragDropHandlers\7-Zip",,,"{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000100020000}" HKCU,"Software\7-Zip","Path",,"%16422%\7-Zip" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\7-Zip","Path",,"%16422%\7-Zip" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\7-Zip",,,"{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000100020000}" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\7-Zip",,,"{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000100020000}" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\Directory\shellex\DragDropHandlers\7-Zip",,,"{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000100020000}" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Classes\Drive\shellex\DragDropHandlers\7-Zip",,,"{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000100020000}" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\7zFM.exe",,,"%16422%\7-Zip\7zFM.exe" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\7zFM.exe","Path",,"%16422%\7-Zip" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved","{23170F69-40C1-278A-1000-000100020000}",,"7-Zip Shell Extension" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\7-Zip","DisplayIcon",,"%16422%\7-Zip\7zFM.exe" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\7-Zip","DisplayName",,"7-Zip 4.64" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\7-Zip","UninstallString",,"""%16422%\7-Zip\Uninstall.exe""" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\7-Zip","NoModify",0x10001,1 HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\7-Zip","NoRepair",0x10001,1 HKCU,"Software\7-Zip","Lang",,"%LANG%" ; English (default or if locale not supported) [Strings] ; L o c a l i z e d LANG="-" ; 0407 is the language ID for de-DE (German - Germany) [Strings.0407] ; L o c a l i z e d LANG="de" ; 0C0A is the language ID for es-ES (Spanish - Spain) [Strings.0C0A] ; L o c a l i z e d LANG="es" ; 040C is the language ID for fr-FR (French - France) [Strings.040C] ; L o c a l i z e d LANG="fr" ; 0410 is the language ID for it-IT (Italian - Italy) [Strings.0410] ; L o c a l i z e d LANG="it" ; 0413 is the language ID for nl-NL (Dutch - Netherlands) [Strings.0413] ; L o c a l i z e d LANG="nl" ; 041F is the language ID for tr-TR (Turkish - Turkey) [Strings.041F] ; L o c a l i z e d LANG="tr" ; 0804 is the language ID for zh-CN (Chinese - China) [Strings.0804] ; L o c a l i z e d LANG="zh-cn" ; 0404 is the language ID for zh-TW (Chinese - Taiwan) [Strings.0404] ; L o c a l i z e d LANG="zh-tw"