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Everything posted by cotty59uk

  1. Thanx for Sharing, DaRk MaDnEsS Very Much Appreciated Mate.
  2. Thanx Very Much Kel, Very Much Appreciated Mate. ;)
  3. Thanx Very Much, bjfrog Works Great & Very Much Appreciated Mate.
  4. Thanx for the very prompt Update, MrNxDmX :thumbsup: Very much appreciated Mate.
  5. Thanx Very Much Rick, :thumbsup_anim: Very Much Appreciated Mate.
  6. Klite Mega Codec Pack v4.31 is out
  7. Thankyou So Much for this awesome Addon Kel, Very much appreciated Mate.
  8. Thanx Kel, Very much appreciated Mate.
  9. Hi Kel, I was wondering if it would be possible to fix the "Download" link as it is not working for me at all, This is just the Add-on i'm looking for and i would be very grateful. Thanx Mate.
  10. Thanx Kel, Awesome package and very much appreciated Mate.
  11. Thanx Rick, Very much appreciated Mate.
  12. Thanx Jonnyboy, Works great and very much appreciated Mate.
  13. Thanx Rick, Very much Appreciated Mate
  14. Thanx, this is Awesome Jonnyboy, Very much appreciated Mate.
  15. Thanx Ricktendo64 Very Much Appreciated Mate.
  16. First thing i would like to state is that this is my first post and also that i am pretty new to this fantastic forum, secondly i would like to hold my hands up in pure guilt and state that it is probably me that has downed all the Add-ons from the forum over the past few weeks without so much as an acknowledgement or a thanx to all those wizards who build these brilliant Add-ons, the reason being that i work away from home all the time and have to grab these awesome pieces of brilliance at just a moments notice and so i think that i am well overdue as to come onto the forum expressing my sincere gratitude not only to all the wizards who build these masterpieces, but also to every member for their excellent help in helping others. "Thanx Guy's For Everything". Thankyou so much for this Awesome Add-on -Ricktendo64 - :thumbsup_anim: It's very much appreciated Mate and works flawlessly.