Everything posted by crashfly
WinToolkit v2.x Development
[req] remove win 10 upgrade nag screen
And in that topic you posted, I submitted the following that "should" keep most people from seeing the nag. Supposedly, the following reg file will make it so the OS does not offer you a Windows 10 upgrade. [Yes this still allows the updates, but for those computers that you just do not want the end user attempting to upgrade to Windows 10, this should work.] Save the following as a registry file and have Windows 7 load the file: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Gwx]"DisableGwx"=dword:00000001
FREE / HOME / PRO Editions
That is cool. I will probably make another donation anyway. I am doing better than I used to be (not great, but better). Edit: I just realized, how does one make a donation now, or is there an "automated" way or what?
WinToolkit v2.x Development
Glad you are back Liam. I hope you are doing well. Internships can be "fun". (Depends on how you define fun. ) Side note, my question here is still unanswered. Edit: Yeah, it got answered.
How to avoid being "upgraded to Win 10" against your will?
This thread is very informative. I appreciate the information provided. For additional useful information, (and those that still want the updates but not windows 10), there is an option to make sure the OS does not offer you a Windows 10 upgrade. [Yes this still allows the updates, but for those computers that you just do not want the end user attempting to upgrade to Windows 10, this works wonders.] Save the following as a registry file and have Windows 7 load the file: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Gwx]"DisableGwx"=dword:00000001
FREE / HOME / PRO Editions
I have not been around for a while and have a question about this new pricing scheme. (Forgive me if someone has asked it already elsewhere.) If a person made a donation while WTK v1.x was being developed, will that carry over to v2.x? I just need to determine if I need to save up for a donation on this newer version. (Currently running on limited funds.)
[Repak] DAEMON Tools Lite
Awesome. Thanks for the info. I will check it out.
[Repak] DAEMON Tools Lite
Awesome repak ricktendo. Is is also possible to disable the installation of the gadget that is included? (or maybe have a separate installer for that option disabled?)
Win Toolkit v2.x
I realize you are working on rebuilding WinToolKit into a better tool. On your other post, you list the above "completion" percentages. Does this mean your v2 is working as good as your v1 code (minus the not completed stuff), or do I just need to stick to v1?
Discard image and rebuilding?
Awesome Legolash2o! I love the change you are implementing.
- Autoruns - v12.03
Literal bug
The best way to explain the situation is to say that someone is complaining about something that is free. Legolash2o deserves our support and not our condemnation.
include drivers, but remove unused after install?
bphlpt was right, I was referring to the "SAD2" method. It allows leaving the drivers or deleting them after completing. I have used this method myself, and it seems to work well. You still integrate the basic drivers storage & chipset drivers, but everything else is put on the separate updatable disk/usb.
include drivers, but remove unused after install?
Do as suggested above, except move all of the non-integrated drivers to their own DVD. Over at the driverpacks website, there is a solution for an all inclusive install media that will install only what your computer needs. (It uses a batch file to scan your drivers and only add those that need to be added.)
[ERROR] File corrupted when trying to combine WTK with RT7
RT7 is a much older program that removes items from Windows 7 install image in a "non-standard" way. Therefore any resulting image will likely have some kind of issues due to the "non-standardness" of the removal process. If you can stand to not remove anything from the install image, and instead create an automated install that can *not* install those components you do not want, then that would be the safer way to create an install image.
7-zip unspecified error halting autounattended install
This *might* be better directed toward Reaper's specific 'addon' page. In short, without further testing, there is no way to determine if it is an addon issue, WinToolKit issue, or even possibly just a Windows install issue. More testing will likely be needed.
Corrupt Log Files A Small tip for DISM Users
Any simple / easy suggestions on how to do that?
- 1 reply
- Corrupt log
- UTF8
- UCS2
+6 more
Tagged with:
- SCRIPT - Add Language into Windows Setup Windows 7
Remove single components via command possible?
Unfortunately, Windows 7 does not have that option with DISM to remove/disable components from the DVD. That feature was added to the Windows 8 DISM (but also is not able to remove/disable items under Win7). An alternative way around that is to use an autoattend.xml to install *only* what you want from your install disk. That is about the only way to "not" have some items installed under Windows 7. SIDE NOTE: It appears that the "optionalfeatures.exe" does not have any command line options. (One *might* be able to use an autoit or vbs script to automate an option removal, however this would only be able to be performed on a live working system.)
Liams Iso (KB2533552 & .Net Framework 4.5.2) integratable without RunOnce?
That is best explained this way: Technically, the Reverse Integration method is not slipstreaming. The Reverse Integration method captures the Windows image during the installation process and then that Windows image file is applied to the original Windows 7 install files.
Move files into mount
If you were referring to the $OEM$ folders option, you can actually create an unlimited amount of folders (only limited by space/filesystem) with the appropriate variable names for the $OEM$ folder documentation. Microsoft has had OEMs do it this way for years. That is why many OEM install disks include way too much crapware. SIDE NOTE: The following link can help with some of the folder 'variable' names you can use: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766228%28WS.10%29.aspx
Final Year Project Details
To possibly save you some trouble, (or at least move you along when creating your own 7zip support), you might consider using the dlls written for 7zip. The following is a quote from the 7zip.org faq. I see no reason for you to "reinvent the wheel" when the code is already available for you.
Move files into mount
To be safer for most installations, the \$OEM$\C\Users\Public\Desktop\Optional_Programs_to_install should be rewritten as one of the following: \$OEM$\$1\Users\Public\Desktop\Optional_Programs_to_install or \$OEM$\$Docs\Public\Desktop\Optional_Programs_to_install The first option takes care of those who choose not to use the "C" drive as their install drive. The second option is for those who also decide to rename their "Documents and Settings" folder. It keeps your Windows setup working like it should.
Final Year Project - WinToolkit v2 [Approved]
While I realize you are using WinToolKit as a project for your final year project, should you continue working on this "project" after you graduate, it would be nice to see some modularity. Likely it is a bit much for now, but at least allow for the possibility after you have graduated. Modularity was something I suggested, so I would say table that suggestion for now. If it is possible later, then I would still like to see that.
WTK Bug? - Windows 7 install fails, CD/DVD driver missing
You might need to rename the title of your thread to include "possible bug in WinToolKit". I think that Legolash2o would take a look at this thread then.