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Everything posted by crashfly

  1. You should check the 'Download' section of wincert. here: http://www.wincert.net/forum/files/file/12-windows-7-sp1-refresh-iso/
  2. It would depend on what you mean by "hiding" it. If the partition actually shows up as a drive letter in Windows explorer, then you need to go to "Administrative Tools" > "Computer Management" > "Storage" > "Disk Management". Once there, select the partition that has the drive letter you want to remove. Right click on that partition and select "Change drive letter and paths". When the dialog box shows up, select remove the drive letter. If the drive is showing up because you are booting from it, then you are going to have to fix your booting to another partition. You would have to use a partition program to make those changes. Technically you can do it with diskpart to make another partition active, but I will leave that as an exercise for you if this one is your problem. Side note: If the partition is the standard one Windows 7 creates on an empty disk (and you want to get rid of it), you are going to have to "pre-partition" the drive, or use the command line tool diskpart to partition before Windows 7 gets a hold of the partitions (<Shift>+<F10> will get you to a command prompt in the setup program).
  3. Unfortunately, I cannot read that language (German I think). If you can translate it for the English readers, we might be able to properly help you.
  4. Microsoft has the resources to "fight" that kind of attack. Be it by 'load balancing', 'virtual servers', or whatever it is they do. A majority of the updates are not an issue as they are accessible by everyone. The *special* updates that are rarely handed (have no direct links) out would be my only concern. Just remember, WinToolKit's primary goal is to be able to install / integrate the updates into a Windows source. It is only as a secondary function can you also download the updates from the tool.
  5. While the old updates will be replaced by the newer updates (kind of a microsoft thing), I agree with the sentiment above. When performing fresh updates, one really needs to start with a clean source. This will seriously reduce the *wonkyness* of any problems. +1 to bphlpt
  6. While it was easier to remove items from Windows XP and previous Windows OSes, it is not easier in the newer Win 7 and 8. While "technically" the packages can be removed from the installation source, the saving of space is not that great and you will *definitely* have problems if a program requires the packages you remove. To fix the "problem" of removed packages would require a complete reinstallation from a complete install source. IMHO, it is not worth it just for that small amount of space savings. And for the record, I completely agree with bphlpt and Kelsenellenelvian.
  7. WinToolKit uses the newer Windows 8 dism execuatble.
  8. I think there *used* to be a way to do it. However, that may have been in a much older version of WinToolKit. As an alternative (if you do not mind batch files that is), you can do something similar with a batch file that will ask the question of which profile you want to run installers for. Edit: But as a side note, I think the idea does have merit. It truely would make WinToolKit a more complete tool.
  9. I think the difference here is that he wants to be able to select what to install at the time Windows is installed. There is already a way to do that, but I am not entirely sure how it works.
  10. Only the standard "WinToolKit" log. It list located under "%windir%/system32/WinToolkit_RunOnceLog.txt".
  11. I think there are more than one question there Legolash2o. The first one should be these options: The second question relates to the enabling / disabling of jump lists.
  12. From what you wrote, it would seem that however we sort the list, WinToolKit integrates in that order? (This is just for clarification.)
  13. More specifically, it is in relation to using the service "dnsmasq". There are options to point to a tftp server. (If set up correctly, the server could even be the router itself, but then that requires storage, optware, and etc.) The information regarding dnsmasq on the wiki is here: http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/DNSMasq_as_DHCP_server. More answers can be gained by perusing the "Broadcom SoC based Hardware" forum (possibly searching for tftp and dnsmasq) here: http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewforum.php?f=1.
  14. Yes, a big thanks needs to go to Legolash2o. Without his hard work, the program WinToolKit would not be possible. Thank you Legolash2o. :icon_cool:
  15. You can actually do this without "directly" having a server. A router that supports the custom firmware DD-WRT would be able to easily perform the same actions as the server. If I am not mistaken, I think there are even a few basic tutorials over on the www.dd-wrt.com wiki that show how to set it up.
  16. While I realize it is not necessarily the purview of WinToolKit to look for Komm's download tool, maybe there should be an option to start up that tool for downloads from Komm's server. Possibly a button to his website for the tool, then you can easily remove his server and let his tool take care of the downloads.
  17. What version of WinToolKit are you using x23piracy? The most recent ( has made some changes to the install directory. WinToolKit now looks for a 'WinToolkit_Apps' folder. See thread here: http://www.wincert.net/forum/topic/10928-optional-location-for-apps-folder/
  18. I do believe the newer dism is already included. If not, he is working toward using the newer dism.
  19. 1) Yes, easily. 2) Yes*, but does not entirely remove from install wim. 3) Yes, with addons or silent installers. 4) Yes, many customizable in the program, plus you can import your own tweaks. 5) Yes, easily. Yes, WinToolKit can do what you want. Your biggest limitation with WinToolKit (so far) is going to be item removal. WinToolKit uses the program "dism" to select items for 'removal'. Now, that may stop the package from installing, however it does not forcefully remove it from the image. (Although I do believe that Legolash2o is working toward that direction.) Be cautious with RT7 lite and vlite, as I believe those items *forcefully* remove items from the image (and supposedly remove those items in a hackish way). If you are intent on using those programs to remove items, beware that you could have problems with the install later.
  20. Yes, I had a hand in the original reporting. At least I am glad I am not the only one that noticed it.
  21. Did you make the partition active on the USB 3.0 stick? I had a similar issue on one that I used. I used diskpart to clean and create the partition. I just happened to skip the step of making that partition active on the USB stick. Once I made the partition active, Win7 booted just fine.
  22. There might need to be a separate sub-forum for peoples integration guides. I have started on a guide myself, but have not yet finished it (life gets in the way). Thank you for this thread compstuff. It just gives me more incentive to complete the guide I am working on.
  23. You would need to test for the archeticture bitness in the batch file. There have been several discussions on how to properly do that. Try searching for those. After that is put in, running the correct updates should be rather easy.
  24. PLEASE NOTE: This will not be the case after the "test" version is released. The path will change to "WinToolkit_Apps", and there may be some other changes on the horizon.
  25. I have also ran into the strange editing issues when "quoting" or "coding". Trying to clean up formatting is very difficult due to the losing of the entire "quote" / "code" box.
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