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  1. Like
    This thread is very informative.  I appreciate the information provided.
    For additional useful information, (and those that still want the updates but not windows 10), there is an option to make sure the OS does not offer you a Windows 10 upgrade.  [Yes this still allows the updates, but for those computers that you just do not want the end user attempting to upgrade to Windows 10, this works wonders.]
    Save the following as a registry file and have Windows 7 load the file:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Gwx]"DisableGwx"=dword:00000001
  2. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from alfreire in How to avoid being "upgraded to Win 10" against your will?   
    This thread is very informative.  I appreciate the information provided.
    For additional useful information, (and those that still want the updates but not windows 10), there is an option to make sure the OS does not offer you a Windows 10 upgrade.  [Yes this still allows the updates, but for those computers that you just do not want the end user attempting to upgrade to Windows 10, this works wonders.]
    Save the following as a registry file and have Windows 7 load the file:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Gwx]"DisableGwx"=dword:00000001
  3. Like
    crashfly reacted to *Reaper* in Autoruns - v12.03   

    This utility, which has the most comprehensive knowledge of auto-starting locations of any startup monitor,
    shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login, and shows you the entries in
    the order Windows processes them. These programs include ones in your startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other
    Registry keys. You can configure Autoruns to show other locations, including Explorer shell extensions, toolbars,
    browser helper objects, Winlogon notifications, auto-start services, and much more. Autoruns goes way beyond the
    MSConfig utility bundled with Windows Me and XP.
    Autoruns' Hide Signed Microsoft Entries option helps you to zoom in on third-party auto-starting images that have
    been added to your system and it has support for looking at the auto-starting images configured for other accounts
    configured on a system. Also included in the download package is a command-line equivalent that can output in CSV
    format, Autorunsc.
    You'll probably be surprised at how many executables are launched automatically!
    Version: 12.03
    Addon Release Date: September 17, 2014
    Shortcut created in: Control Panel
    Uninstallable: Yes
    Credit: *Reaper*

    NOTE: This is a dual addon... If your using a x64 system, it will install the x64 version. If your using a x86 system, it will install the x86 version.
    Must use Win Toolkit or higher!

    - 247 kb
    - 96e7a333f93f66e4be8b248cf7a5b7ff
  4. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from eroder in [Solved] using tweaks takes a lot of time since beta 7   
    And we shall call this Legolash2o's axiom. lol
  5. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from abbodi1406 in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7   
    My apologies on that bphlpt.  I got a little exuberant on people complaining about stuff in the wrong thread.  That and I jumped all over the wrong person.
    Apologies to abbodi1406.
    As for mattew, he should post in the appropriate thread (or create his own).  In that post he should include more information about what he was trying to do.
  6. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from ricktendo in [Solved] Sorry, no updates until 2014   
    Sorry to hear that.  Hopefully you get the computer up and running soon.
  7. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from alfreire in Update Catalog   
    I wanted to thank you for this link RicaNeaga.  It helped with the installation and update of my Windows 7 disc.  Thanks.
  8. Like
    crashfly reacted to RicaNeaga in Update Catalog   
    Didn't know that, thank you for confirming.
    I'll update it every month (the complete archive) until another ''open-source'' alternative is online.
    I don't recommend KUC for offline integrations (especially with Win Toolkit), only for online (live) installs. Also KUC isn't up-to-date, last it was updated in october.
  9. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from pianomanx in Is WinToolkit dead ?   
    I just don't get what you people are smoking.  Just because Legolash2o has a real life and cannot put as much work into this "free" project, then his work gets claimed as dead.
    I myself would not call his work dead.  A bit slowed down (due of course to real life), but not dead.  That is unless it is posted that he is done with working on WinToolKit.  (But don't count on that last one.)
    Give the man some time.  Hell, donate the man some money.  He will update soon enough.
  10. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from alfreire in Is WinToolkit dead ?   
    I just don't get what you people are smoking.  Just because Legolash2o has a real life and cannot put as much work into this "free" project, then his work gets claimed as dead.
    I myself would not call his work dead.  A bit slowed down (due of course to real life), but not dead.  That is unless it is posted that he is done with working on WinToolKit.  (But don't count on that last one.)
    Give the man some time.  Hell, donate the man some money.  He will update soon enough.
  11. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from CrAzYs in Is WinToolkit dead ?   
    I just don't get what you people are smoking.  Just because Legolash2o has a real life and cannot put as much work into this "free" project, then his work gets claimed as dead.
    I myself would not call his work dead.  A bit slowed down (due of course to real life), but not dead.  That is unless it is posted that he is done with working on WinToolKit.  (But don't count on that last one.)
    Give the man some time.  Hell, donate the man some money.  He will update soon enough.
  12. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from skax in Quick Test   
    Don't feel bad about that. I learned what the "original" definition of Gigabyte was before the storage companies decided to change it. That is why I still answer 1 GB = 1024 MB. Say what you will about the storage companies that changed the definition, I will stick with what I learned.
  13. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from CrAzYs in Thank You to the Community and a big hug to Lego   
    Yes, a big thanks needs to go to Legolash2o.  Without his hard work, the program WinToolKit would not be possible.
    Thank you Legolash2o. :icon_cool:
  14. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from CrAzYs in Updates in "prerequisite"-section   
    Maybe this needs a 'non-hardcoded' solution?  Would it be possible to have a "default" set of prerequisites and supersedes, and a way to change them (maybe saved in a text file or something)?
    This would help resolve the problem of (if) WinToolKit (ever) stopped being maintained and it would still allow for updates to be properly prepared.
  15. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from CrAzYs in Bad News [SSD]   
    Been there. Done that.  I have seen bad hard drives come and go.  I understand your pain Legolash2o.  I hope your computer gets fixed soon.
  16. Like
    crashfly reacted to ricktendo in LDR-QFE updates option in W7 tool kit?   
    They are a mixture of both (GDR+LDR and LDR only,) note that all hotfixes have a LDR branch inside but the ones with both LDR and GDR by default will install the GDR branch unless a previous hotfix with LDR only files was installed, this is the reason for the LDR placeholders...with w7t you dont need to integrate the LDR placeholder hotfixes to force a superseding hotfix to install the same branch, this is what the QFE/LDR option does
    More info on LDR/QFE and GDR http://blogs.technet...r-hotfixes.aspx
    So in a nutshell: if you want only the security fixes let the hotfix install the default GDR branch...if you want the security+bug fixes force install the LDR branch
  17. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from Uncle_Gadget in Windows 7 Toolkit v1.3.0 BETA   
    All of those "tweak" requests should go here: http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?/topic/8743-tweaks-merged/
  18. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from mraeryceos in changes in registry architecture between xp and vista/7   
    Do realize that I am giving an opinion, so what I tell you is not based on fact, but observation. I do believe that the primary differences between the XP registry and Win7 registry is probably subtle and in the way it is stored. Kind of like the differences between different versions of a DB program. The Win7 registry is probably more efficient and may having settings stored in a slightly different location (for the newer settings), otherwise it is backwards compatible because any and all settings can be exported to a common text based format. If you have ever noticed, the export of a setting into a reg file gives version 4 for XP and ver 5 for Win7.
    The conclusion is that you will not directly see differences in the registries if only because they are *only* accessed on the OS they were made for. The export format is the same, so how the registries are used does not matter to the programs. As long as the correct data is returned, it should not matter the differences.
  19. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from Er1ch in Some AIO Tool How-to Questions   
    You have to remember, there are actually 5 "separate" images in the WIM. Those images are reduced in size only because the files are reduced to only 1 copy. In other words, if you have 5 versions of the same kernel.dll, then one 1 file is reference by all 5 images.
    You can rebuild the WIM, however it can only reduce the size if there are the same files on each image. It might also do a mild recompression at the same time, but I am not sure on this one.
    This "hi" and "bye" is probably a result of test code put in there by Legolash2o at the time of importing the registry settings. You may want to make a comment to him on that.
    Yes. The install setup does wait. However, there is also an option in W7T that you can set on the installers of "not always installed". This just means W7T will ask you at the beginning of the installer section which ones you want to run.
    FYI, SoLoR Updates do have IE9 and "XP Mode". You just have to go the specific directories to get them.
    There is a specific updated installer for IE9 that includes all of the latest updates. You may have to look around for the correct one as I believe solar has include the "zeroth" version. There is an up to date one that I use.
    Yes, there is a tab for that in the AIO button under W7T.
    It is not a bug. The "off-line" registry is likely loaded to that spot in the current registry. The modifications are made to loaded "off-line" registry and then unloaded. (Also the result of the "hi" and "bye" issue noted.)
    Edit: I forgot to mention, it does not matter where the IE9 update gets added. Beginning or end, it works just the same. (FYI, I have tried both. It does not matter)
  20. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from NIM in WinCert.net downloads manager   
    Having downloads limited to forum members would definitely be a good thing. At a minimum, it should tell you how many people are benefiting from the downloads. Maybe some of those who sign up, would then be able to contribute back to the forum.
  21. Like
    crashfly got a reaction from sirtex in Tweaks [Merged]   
    I would like to suggest a "re-work" of your 'Start Menu' options.
    The final option information I have deals with the default option of the "Shutdown menu"
    A. 'Log off' (dword:00000001)
    B. Shutdown (dword:00000002)
    C. Restart (dword:00000004)
    D. Sleep (dword:00000010)
    E. Switch User (dword:00000100)
    F. Lock (dword:00000200)

    At a minimum, I would like to have the new options for the directories with three choices. The rest you can work in (or not) as you see fit.
  22. Like
    crashfly reacted to Legolash2o in W7T Option to auto (or not) delete ei.cfg   
    v27 will no longer prompt you this, 'Create AIO Disk' has the option to remove it by renaming it to ei.cfg.bak
    I'm also just adding code that if a ei.cfg is detected it will make the image it is locked to appear green in the list, this should help users know which image to edit.