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  1. CAD 2010 EDITON uses switches.. if your talking about like shortcut targets if you launch it from a shortcut it is "C:\Program Files\CAD 2010 EDITION\cad2010.exe" -lockcomputer and the other switch is -changepassword this is for the v2.0
  2. Did you try to change the font type in the language.txt I hope this is beta 2 that your using lol. Find out what font type that your text language is in. Im not sure I know like people that are from russia had problems as well with the type of fonts like the text didn't show up correctly, I would try a different font type, first thing to try to do is find out what type of font that shows up correcly for your language. Like try it out in notepad change font until it comes up. then use the font type. Another thing you can do is send me your language.txt and keep your language on it for me to try, im on Windows 7, and I wanna see if it does anything different, it could be just a font issue that I don't know of like a out dated font file. Im really not sure I only speak english, But thanks for showing me both of how it looks and how it should look, I asked the guy from russia to do the same and he didn't understand me or something, because I don't know how it should look, you know. But I do see how it's different from your screen shots.
  3. I need to really know this... What part of the program does the text not appear correctly? And What language are you trying to translate it to?
  4. Yes, im working on the configuration area in language.txt right now so you can: change color change size change font type So maybe that will make it work correctly in all languages.
  5. I got some notes on deviantart that people wanted some things done to my old cad 2009 edition v1.6, that they want to change the font color to what they want. So I thought of bringing the project back, so now it will be named cad 2010 edition, I never thought I would have to bring the project back after making cad 2009 edition v1.6 final, but I have been so bored anyway so there is not problem of doing this of re-newing the project... I have taken out the icon folder so far and the png folder, so now you will need like resource hacker to mod the images in cad 2010 edition. this way it was more easy to manage the project. I have also taken out the sounds folder, now that will also require resource hacker to change the wave files in the project. So far it's coming around nicely, I have been wanting to make the backgrounds for cad 2010 edition to be part of the res file inside of cad2010.exe, the only problems im running into is getting the program to detect the correct resolution and change it, or if it can not find the background to choose a different one. The main reason I posted this forum is to let people know about the new project, and what else would people like to be done for changes from v1.6 to this new project? Please ask any questions if you have any. The new CAD 2010 EDITION has a new setup method like how vistart from lee-soft the OneStep setup. Location to cad 2009 edition v1.6 http://www.flawless02.deviantart.com
  6. Well this will be making a come back! Im gonna fix it up alot more, and I have people asking me to do some things yet. So I guess v1.6 will not be the final One of the things im really gonna try to do is add the sound files into a resource file and combine the wav's into the cad2009.exe makes it more fun for people to use resource hacker to mod it im gonna try to add the hand cursor into it as well with the sound files, I thought about the background images but ill look into to see if it is even possible. So yeah, im just letting you all know it's comming back. oh yeah almost forgot, since it's 2010 I might change it to cad 2010 edition
  7. I just got it installed, and I don't understand it. It seems like you can mod the installer and uninstaller doing scripts. but these would be the things I want it to install. During Install: #1 Install the debugger method. #2 The new cad 2009 edition may start up next time when the computer loads, the code will be put in the registry, when they click Lock this computer for protection, I want it to delete that string if it exist. Uninstall: #1 Remove the taskmgr.exe key that links with debugger and the path to the cad2009.exe #2 Remove the start up method if it exist. #3 Remove everything on uninstaller, where it will delete all files, and the main folder, that the installer created. If your good at making this would you help me for next releases? The main real installer is listed at http://www.flawless02.deviantart.com Shout back.
  8. The installer and uninstalling problem is not my fault. it's just the way inno setup works. which I did try to see if there was some sort of script like crap to fix the registry installing and uninstalling the project. and leaving the folder there. that also sucks I know. Im not to happy with the installer methods either. I dont know why there is a Configuration.exe in the folder, I didn't do that. the COMDLG32.OCX is only for the configuration program, for browsing for the cad2009.exe... The cad 2009 edition does not use that ocx. but does use pngloader.ocx
  9. Is it only the drive letter that is different or the path? This new one has drive config in the icontray.. if you click on the arrow pointing up. and the tray box will show, you will see drive config, you can select the drive letter. so if it is C: that is the problem or just the path period let me know. Because I made a cad screen awhile back and during the translate of it I was talking to a guy that had a german OS and he said the path's are the same, but I dont know about your's... Let me know asap and ill see what I can do.
  10. Hello... Everyone, I just did this short quick and fast screen shot of the new Beta 3, this is not released yet. As you can see ive been Busy! LOL... Details about Beta 3 ----------------------- I have not gotten any help to get the taskbar to detect the current windows open to show icons in the taskbar instead of using a list box. Still currently using a list box. Gotta glass effects on certain stuff, Going back and forward on everything as I go. The Start menu is built in... BUT!! you can still use your Normal Windows Start Menu Someone asked me on deviant to make it when you hide quick launch for the 3 big buttons to move left by the start button, and yes it works... The internet connection computers in the Clock tray area, and yes they detect internet traffic and if you disabled your internet connection. It also has a window to see how many bytes are being incomming and out going bytes. I fixed the Speaker with the Volume Control when you click once you get the single volume bar... Also if anyone has errors before because your drive is not C:\ well I have a drive config on here where you select your drive letter... Also I have alot of people asking to get it to work on Vista... I don't like vista, I won't even touch vista... For people that want it on vista, just get a theme for your vista. But here is a screen shot of the Windows 7 Taskbar For XP...
  11. Here is Windows 7 Taskbar Beta 2 For Windows XP Home/Professional. I think this program only supports on 32-bit OS. If there is anyone that would like to be a beta tester please let me know. Or also help contain some Windows 7 Blue Taskbar for me so I can make this blue like Windows 7... This is basicly the default Windows 7 Taskbar style. Beta 2 Release: http://flawless02.deviantart.com/art/Windo...or-XP-105261766