Everything posted by Dissscount
Problem with WMP12
OMG!!! It's a glitch OR feature like excluding ??!
Windows 7 Shutdown and after-sleep freezing
Windows 7 RTM is out now
Problem with WMP12
I have all music, as i choose Delete only from Library..And i want get them all back again(To Library)
Problem with WMP12
After i ereased all my Music Library, i tried re-add music, but WMP12 won't do it...I try adding the Folders, but it says they are empty(Windows Media Player is 12.0.7600.16385)...Any fix is better..
Kaspersky CBE [Free IS Edition] 2009
You can
Almost strangest issue i ever see
Hello, i have problem with Windows XP PRO..(SP3) I dont know HOW, but none of USB Devices appears in Device Manager..USB Flash Drives not working(not installing own drivers too) ,same with printer and scanner...I tried all USB driver available on Internet until i get BSOD :sweatingbullets: ... Now i don't know what to do - pc is 60% workless...Please help..Need a drivers, which this XP don't have :confused02:
Please help with Eset SS 4
I have found a way to remove the firewall [COMPLETELY] from the ESET SS [4]. 1.Toogle to Advanced View 2.Press F5 3.Expand Personal Firewall and Click on System Integration 4.Change System Integration to "Personal Firewall is completely disabled" 5.Click ok and restart computer Thanks to ESET for a brilliant option!!!!!!
Please help with Eset SS 4
Then, instead of use ESS, i should use EAV? And if i got Office 2010, i shouldn't need spam protection..Ok..
Please help with Eset SS 4
Hello, i need a help..Eset 4 is so /g/o/o/d/ :giveheart: , but it's firewall is just a *wrong* side of best products, -no HIPS, no IPS, dont block 20 % of attacks from a single port!All i need from ESET is Antivirus, Antispyware, Anti :hatespam: ,System Tools and superboosted performance...I'm not good at modyfing setup(especially MSI) and i dont know how to install ESset without Firewall...!HELP! I know all of you is smart :thumbsup_anim: !!
Installed Windows Vista SP2(final) Integrated..
This is SP2 from RTM branch(6.0.6002.18005)It's officially RTM !!
Installed Windows Vista SP2(final) Integrated..
Well, if i could, i reinstall SP2, but it's Vlited...Cannot reinstall Windows( it's not my computer, and my friend says:Do anything, but not the reinstall :sweatingbullets: ) I dont know, where to start..But i want to stick with idea (replace files) from your SP2 edition...Thanks anyways :giveheart:
Installed Windows Vista SP2(final) Integrated..
Hello, i could say, that i have crashed my PC with Vista's SP2!? None of games are working now(from Microsoft) and Game Explorer won't open! And some programs like Windows Media Center have version from SP1, like its not updated...Please, if you have SP2, could you upload me Windows Media Center files (all ehome folder) But only if you have version from SP2
My take on Windows 7
I like all functions of Windows Vista prepared, but i am in shock that something like Windows 7 prepared- Device Stage, Superbar, JUMPLISTS, Core and Kernel optimizations and other "fun"..Like i said, i am happy with Vista(ok taking many resources, but you should know, Win7 is based on Vista Core (6.1) and for those optimizations, which MS maded is for better User Experience, not for the flight-performance* ) and Windows , but MS give more better OS, if they know what WE(users) needed- I saw in Windows 7 site "Over the past few years, you've asked us to make some changes to Windows. We listened closely. Now it's time to share an early look at how we've used your feedback. Windows 7 is faster, more reliable, and makes it easier to do what you want....." And yes, they were listened CLOSELY!
Problem with updating
I dont have that registry key Stuck at Security->
Problem with updating
Hello, yesterday i installed a MS .NET Fwork 1.5, 2 and 2 SP1..Now i need 3 and 3.5 SP1 Cannot install 3.- Error: EventType : wap10setup P1 : 13165 P2 : 3.0.04506.30_waprtm_x86_sfx P3 : mc P4 : inst P5 : f P6 : P7 : 0x80131107 P8 : 1603 P9 : commit P10 : windows communic Now i stuck with it...
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
A problem with Windows IE8, after installing IE8, connection to all programs(except Skype, MS Update) weren't working..seems needs an update
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
Ok, now Norton was expired anyway-Using Security Combination from ultimate11(Mininova) about Media Player gadget-HAVE ALL: IE7,WMP11, SP3 W ALL UPDATES AFTER IT, ALKY 1.1... Any way- throws RED "X"
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
Some problems: *Media Player Gadget*Bad compatibility with ffshow (video playback is strange)-buttons will double, half of video flashing... *Media Player Gadget*None of thumbnails are appearing... :crying_anim02: :crying_anim02: I see only red "X" *Norton 2009&Norton 360*Gadget wasn't change it's status! *Norton 2009&Norton 360* After Norton uninstalling, sidebar uninstalling too And a question*?* Do you create Service Pack 2 Sidebar(seems it use 50% less memory) :thumbsup_anim:
InkBall For XP SP3 ALL
InkBall is good game, which is very funny, so try: http://www.mediafire.com/?mkqmjozczda http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SCUPL9QN http://letitbit.net/download/741615311071/InkBall.rar.html
Aero Cursors on Windows XP Login Screen?
WoW, awesome!
If you are planning to VLite Vista....
Its a new release (from 1.3GB WAIK, not <1GB)
If you are planning to VLite Vista....
Hello, know that Vlite was started to be mad?! 1.2 version needs to download 1.3 GB file, but i will share you 1.3 MB WIM driver, which only needs for Vlite... Heres the links http://www.mediafire.com/?ymrbxazmdux http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GIQ6CI8A
Windows 7 Taskbar 4 Windows XP
Sorry, but can you make it work with vista
ist possible to install Vlited Vista from harddisk?
Well, maybe, Vlite uses bootcode, which isn't working with Started Windows
Windows Vista SP1 final smashes its new feature called Create an Recovery CD
Hello, know that Vista OS stops working sometimes? Needs a fix..Sp1 delivers this feature, but SP1 RTM seems crashed it..This tutorial helps you! Firstly, check if its working or not -> Go to Start, All programs _> Maintenance..If you see Create an recovery disk.., click on it, but if nothiing appears then go to Secondly step Secondly, download an SP1 RC2 Refresh file from Here , Here Thirdly, go to C:/Windows/system32 and locate recdisk.exe Now steps: Right click on the recdisc.exe file,choose properties and change the security settings. (right click on the file then) Select the “Security” tab and click “Advanced”. Select the “Owner” tab and click “Edit…” you first need to add your user account under ownership to full access. Then (from the main file security setting screen click edit to) change the user access rights to full. once this is done copy the RC2 Refresh file accross into the system32 folder and replace. double click to run or create a shortcut on the desktop if you want to run it easily. It's worked 100% on all the systems I have done this on. Easy, but many steps!