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  1. The installers of Net Framework 4 slim with the switch /y ... Yes. even thought it is the latest version dated 20120612 which is suppose to have the June updates, go figure. I downloaded the Windows Updates and converted them using your tool to where it shows fix for KBXXXXXX whatever the update was. and lately the Wallpapers are not showing up in the backgrounds in winkit either. According to Rick has Net Framework 4 Slim version has the latest updates, but for whatever reason, it doesn't show the last 2 updates, so I started from scratch, with my original ISO images, and extracted them back to my work folder, Same result ..... checking M$ Updates 13 important updates.... It should be 3 (MSE, KB26x1033) and M$ malicious Software Remover update June 2012) NDP40-KB2656386 v2 x86.exe Update for NFW 4. NDP40-KB2686827 x86.exe Update for NFW 4 I tried using the normal update, but since these are executables, it's a no go, so my only way I thought would work is to do a /y switch but no errors, still needed the update. IE9-Windows6.1-KB2699988 x86 Update for IE9 during integrating shows no errors but after activation and reboot, still gives me the update flag. I even went back and accepted the fact, that it just wouldn't work. unless those updates are needed at the very end, so I made a backup of the work, and tried to add the other updates again, I used the tool to convert the M$ updates, now they all but the NFW4 Updates say Fix for KBXXXXXX when integrating the hotfixes. Same result !!!!! I am using the Windows Updater list from 20120612 list, which shows about 100 updates only one file never works which is KB2604047 which turns red, all the other updates are green. Thanks for help Gary
  2. Perhaps the settings log and registry files had some old info, I started this project using 1.40.17 and upgraded to .26 version by the time the June updates where finished. I'm going to start from the beginning and redo all of my images, I also noticed my wallpapers where not being installed either, so hopefully starting with a clean install of the program and my image file should solve the problem .
  3. Ok thanks my version is 6.12.2012.1 , strange, I'll download it again and try it, Oh my bad , the switch is /ain I left running for over a half hour or more, I don't recalling it taking that long to install, but I rather take care of the updates first though. Thanks for the fast reply. Gary
  4. Hi I am installing this with the Win Toolkit latest version and I'm using the /y switch , and I have no issues installing, however after checking for updates with M$ I get KB 2656368 and KB2686827 testing on VM x86 so I would imagine I would be getting the same results with x64. Also I tried using the silent install with /yim switch I believe but it hangs during the installation, I left it to do it's processing, however after 30 minutes I figured it didn't do anything. Is anyone else missing the last 2 updates after doing an install ? Thanks Gary
  5. I have tried many times to slip the latest updates from M$ and from Mc Rip updates but i get the same 12 updates, KB 2656373 NFW 3.5.1 KB 2686831 NFW 3.5.1 KB 2656368 NFW 4 tried /y and no switches on this update KB 2686827 NFW 4 tried /y and no switches on this update KB 2667402 Security Update KB 2685939 S U KB 2709163 S U KB 2677070 Win 7 Update KB 2699779 W7 U KB 2709630 E7 U and the latest IE9 update I didn't copy the update number the funny thing is, is that I get no errors and everything ran perfect before June 12th, Net Framework slim dated 20120612 was used and still got the same updates to do. I am using x86 and x64 versions with the same results, I took my work folder and ran VM latest version and and made an ISO image, The silent installers work., as far as VB CFJ Redist with the /y switch and NFW 4 with just 2 updates, Silverlight installed using no switches, however the others would not work with any other switches like /aif I even took the work folder and added the updates, just to make sure I had the correct updates, 12 known updates and 3 optional updates, Any clues on what may be going on. Thanks Gary
  6. [it seems like it was server problem with Mediafire, I just finished downloading the file... perhaps using one of those multi-fiole servers might be worth looking into, you upload the file to one server and it tranfers to like 5 or 6 different servers. It just seems like Mediafire has been troublesome since they started the multiple popup ads that open, when you click on the download clink for the files. Thanks Gary
  7. The file is not downloadable, it shows in in the folder, but after you click to download the file, it say's requesting file, and stalls out. Another message states "No available servers have the requested file at this timw" Can you please upload the file on hotfile or Rapidshare, megaupload file servers, I have noticed that Mediafire has some bandwidth issues in the past few months. Thanks Gary
  8. Thanks for the links, look very useful What are junction points? thanks
  9. Hi am new here to the board... I really enjoy the software, I just started to use it last week. Although I have been having trouble with the toolkit since, not sure if anyone has been having the same trouble, I looked all over the place to see.. The file attached has the errror message, I used version 2a, 3a and 5a of the toolkit, so I don't think it is on my end, I started with a clean copy of Windows x86 and added the M$ updates from the list of http://www.softwarepatch.com/windows/index.html http://www.softwarepatch.com/windows/windows-7-security-updates-2009.html and http://www.softwarepatch.com/windows/windows-7-security-updates-2010.html I did not use the beta update packs from M$. My suggestions for the next release wouold be able to change the junction points or add a fake juction point to the following... Program Files, Users folder, Temp folder. I did this with Windows XP and because I partitioned the drives the hard drive performance was always 150-300% faster in reading and writing files in NTFS format not to mention Scan disc and defragging the drives were muich faster too, I could set it up to defrag drive D and go to lunch and come back and it would be waiting for me to do something. Thanks for your help.
  10. Problem solved.... if your want to use Kels addons, if you use the intergrator program that is... 1st use the interator for all your addons, then the last process, use Nlite. This works for me, but lately I have been using Nllite for mostr of my works with Windblows XP. Not to worry though Windows 7 the new OS will be out next year, either in January or June. to replace Vista.