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Everything posted by KSM 8

  1. I'm running Windows Server 2016, All Servers in domain obtain IP address automatically and DNS addresses are set manual: Primary DNS Secondary DNS I create a 3rd DC ( and promote it as Primary DC (Move all FSMO roles successfully). I want to change the primary DNS on all servers (about 50) to the new PDC So I create a batch file with the following script: @echo off set dnsserver= set dnsserver2= for /f "tokens=1,2,3*" %%i in ('netsh interface show interface') do ( if %%i EQU Enabled ( rem echo change "%%l" : %dnsserver% netsh interface ipv4 set dnsserver name="%%l" static %dnsserver% both netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver name="%%l" %dnsserver2% index=2 ) ) Then I create a GPO and link it to my domain. Computer configuration | Policies | Windows Settings | Scripts | (Startup\Shutdown) | Choose Startup In Scripts Properties I added the batch file. In Security Filtering for this Group Policy I keep the Authenticated Users, add Domain Admins Group and some servers to test it. I logon to these servers run gpupdate /force but with no luck, GP is not applying the script. Please I need your help with this matter, just I want to change the DNS IPs on all servers with no restart or logon. Note: Script is correct, I run it manual as admin and it change the DNS IPS.