Everything posted by thilakshan
Help i need some assistance
please help Hi i tried a slient install with nero 7.10 and i edit the cong and excluded all the things i don't need, i only included burning rom and nero vision. it installs perfectly fine without any error, but when i open to check it don't have nero vison or the ablility to burn dvd's. i teseted it with virtual pc i have "WAREZ", and i tried to edit the config not to show to complete message, but every time during the runoncex the "WAREZ" installs fine but then shows the completeion notice, can some one show me how to install adobe cs3, i have adobe cs3 master edition but i only want adobe photoshop cs3 to install unattended how can i make only that program install thanks for ur help
[AddOn] The KMPlayer v2.9.4.1433
is it possible to put these assosiations on the addon, media and audio i don't like it open images and bins with kmplayer, it would be really nice if it just has the media and audio such as these i think these are most of the known file extension for audio and media, pleaase remove any that are not nessacray for movies or add any that i might of missed that is a imparatant video or audio file extensions thank you very much ".3gp"="KMPlayer.3gp" ".ac3"="KMPlayer.ac3" ".asf"="KMPlayer.asf" ".avi"="KMPlayer.avi" ".dat"="KMPlayer.dat" ".flv"="KMPlayer.flv" ".m1v"="KMPlayer.m1v" ".m2v"="KMPlayer.m2v" ".m3u"="KMPlayer.m3u" ".m4a"="KMPlayer.m4a" ".m4v"="KMPlayer.m4v" ".mid"="KMPlayer.mid" ".mka"="KMPlayer.mka" ".mkv"="KMPlayer.mkv" ".mov"="KMPlayer.mov" ".mp2"="KMPlayer.mp2" ".mp3"="KMPlayer.mp3" ".mp4"="KMPlayer.mp4" ".mpg"="KMPlayer.mpg" ".ogg"="KMPlayer.ogg" ".qt"="KMPlayer.qt" ".rm"="KMPlayer.rm" ".rms"="KMPlayer.rms" ".rt"="KMPlayer.rt" ".swf"="KMPlayer.swf" ".vob"="KMPlayer.vob" ".wav"="KMPlayer.wav" ".wma"="KMPlayer.wma" ".wmv"="KMPlayer.wmv"
[AddOn] The KMPlayer v2.9.4.1433
that would be awsome, it says u just updated the addon, so if i use this addon will km player be the default for video,dvd, and audio
[AddOn] The KMPlayer v2.9.4.1433
yes that would be great thanks alot i want it to play all media types all file associations thank you
[AddOn] The KMPlayer v2.9.4.1433
Hi i used the addon for kmplayer and it works perfect, i was just wondering if there is a way to make the kmplayer the default player with the unatteneded cd so instead of media player opening up i want km player to do it at the first logon thank you
Boot Screen How Long It Last
is that the only was or is there another way of patchin it after the update
Boot Screen How Long It Last
wht is the best way to repatch it
Boot Screen How Long It Last
will the integrated vista rtm bootscreen work for ever, or would we have to keep updateing it for example i have the latest sp3 update and vista bootscreen interegrate will the boot screen work even when windows get new updates or will we need to be replaceing the bootscreen every major updates thank you
[Addon] Bootscreens for xp sp3 v5.1.2600.5657
Hi, I tried intergrading the addon useing nlite but i am still haveing trouble with the boot screen, i still get the normal windows xp bootscreen, is there another way of install your boot screen. thanks