Registry Key Help Please....
Thank you Geej for the registry enries. Those were the exact key and values that I accidently deleted. My question still is what are they for?
Registry Key Help Please....
I'm sorry. It's Home Editon SP3.
Registry Key Help Please....
Thanks for the assurance.
Registry Key Help Please....
Hello Board ! I accidently deleted the registry key SMDEn in the Regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsrt\CurrentVersion\SMDEn. My Questions: * Can anyone help to reinstall it? * Also, what is it and is it really critical for the computer operation? It does not seem to affect my computer so far that I am awared of. Please help me. Thanks for any reply.
Get Vista Snipping Tool, Sticky Notes, Inkball, Texas Hold'em RTM Ported to Xp
Very extensive list. I enjoy it very much especially the Snipping Tool if I could only executed. the Snipping Tool.exe. I did everything as directed yet unsuccessful.
TUTORIAL: Transform Windows XP into Windows Vista
Hello! I just want to say hello to everyone here. I'm very glad that I stumbled upon this site. It is very informative. This would be my first post since I only joined this forum today. So please allow me to post a question asking for your help that hopefully will ease my mind and possibly relieve my frustrations. I have very limited knowledge of how computer works. So please excuse my ignorance. O.K...I will try my best to make it as clear as I can. * OS: Windows XP Home Edition SP3 * Version 2002 * Computer: Intel Pentium Dual CPU * 12370 1.73GHz * 794 MHz 0.99GB of RAM This is where I need help. I downloaded the Vista SP1 Sidebar v6.0.6001.16549 to my XP. However , when I was asked for the location to save & extract the file, I selected the desktop since it was a .RAR file. Everything went smoothly until I decided to delete it, for it slows the Startup down quite a bit. So I deleted it through the Control Panel>Add/Remove Program, Program Files, Temp File, & on the desktop itself but to no avail. Everytime I restart my computer, all of the extracted files reappear on my desktop regardless of how many times I delete them. Please advise me of what I should do next, maybe try the regedit route? I hope not. I'm very frustrated and in desperate need of any help from the members of this forum. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance.
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