Everything posted by x-shadow-x
Bah, why get that, when you can get Fusion I/O Xtream. Click!
Whats your Windows 7 desktop looking like now?
Why is everyone else's so...... Clean.
Need Some Testers For A New Nero 9 App
I need a few testers for a new Nero app that is in the make. Someone with a valid key (not a trial key) would be nice as I am running off of the trial. Post here or PM me. Sorry if this is in the wrong spot.
[Tool] NAR - Nero Application Remover
Sorry, I have not been on for a while. PM me and we will talk.
Hide files within an image file.
Yes it does.
Hide files within an image file.
I made an app to do this a while ago. It also works with gif, bmp, and a bunch of others.
Mobile CPU's on Desktop Mobo
Exactly, make sure the pins are correct. And as ccl0 said, you may have to modify the mounting bracket for the heatsink. You might be able to pick up a universal bracket online for a few bucks.
Whats your Windows 7 desktop looking like now?
Mine. Do you think you could link to the w-paper?
Issues with RAM after Gaming
Its is definatly Punkbuster, It does not like W7 (as of now, I dont know about any of the newer builds).
Which version of 7 you getting?
The only reason I would get Ultimate is, because I can pretty much.
Which version of 7 you getting?
Pro or ultimate, haven't decided yet.
[Exclusive] Windows 7 RTM by June 26?
Thanks mate.
What is your Internet Connection Speed.
Nice, id rather your net then mine (because of the upload).
Win a Free Copy of Windows 7 Ultimate.
Would be nice if someone won on the forums. Also threw my name in there.
Vista style modified 7-zip
Yes, this is very nice. Going to download rite away.
[Request] Donate your old PC parts
Im sorry I havent responded in a while, I was away for a bit. I have a bunch of parts to send you way in a bit.
My reviews of Antivirus softwares
I have also been using it from v2, and now its at v4 and there have been ALOT of changes. Much better scanning speeds, really good virus definition base, doesn't flash to many false positives (compared to others, almost none). I wont change av until something better comes out.
Please help with Eset SS 4
It also slows down your internet (I find) so I switched to just av.
What is your Internet Connection Speed.
Pretty good download, crappy upload. But for $10 a month (for the first 1 year), is good (goes up to $20 after). Now I just wish I got those actual speeds when downloading :icon_cool: .
Please help with Eset SS 4
It would almost be impossible to do it too, because the GUI is built for the firewall plus all of the other stuff (anti-spam, tools...). In the end it probably wouldn't work when it comes to updating anyways. As N1K said, just get the antivirus.
Program to remove monochrome/16 bit icons
Ah thats crappy. Well time to get to work. :thumbsdown_anim:
Program to remove monochrome/16 bit icons
Is there a program to remove monochrome/16 bit icons from an exe/dll? I have been looking around, but havent really found what I was looking for. I am doing the removal in mass quantities so I do not want to do it by hand if necessary. Sorry if this is in the wrong spot.
Happy Birthday snakecracker
Happy B-Day mate.
[Request] Donate your old PC parts
Ha ha, ill see if I can get a bunch of stuff together. I have some more dual cores around here somewhere...
[Request] Donate your old PC parts
If I remember correct, I think it might have been a E6300. I might also be able get a bunch of other stuff, as I am always making computers for people, they just want to get rid of there old ones.