Everything posted by MANIKANT.S.GUPTA
Forum upgraded to the latest version of forum software.
Thank you, Now it's working properly. Till now very much confused with Forums new look and option available, I had to search many times for option to see where it is. But the web pages are loading fast, Thanks for that.
Windows 7 Antivirus or Internet Security.
I am also thinking for Eset Nod32, but i will wait for others members vote. Is
Windows 7 Antivirus or Internet Security.
Thanks don't know how i had forget to add Eset Nod32. Now i had added Eset Nod32 option. Yes i am also getting false Warning, that's why i am really worried for my Windows 7.
Forum upgraded to the latest version of forum software.
This is what i am getting if i am clicking +
Windows 7 Antivirus or Internet Security.
Guys, i am very much confused and worried which Antivirus or Internet security to use in my Windows 7, I am really worried about this, Right now i am using Avg Internet Security 8.5, In Windows Vista or Windows XP i was using Bitdefender Total Security and was very much Satisfied with it, But it's having Compatility issue in Windows 7. I had tried installing the latest Beta Bitdefender total security for windows 7, But if often crashes so i have uninstalled it and Now iam using Avg Internet Security 2009. So please help me by making Vote to make my Windows 7 Secure. Please also mention in the post so i can have a look which members is using which Antivirus or Internet Security. Thanks.
Windows 7 Avi's for XP.
Windows 7 Avi's for XP.
As i promised you for posting the new Screenshot today, Still i had not completed it but i thought to post it till what i had completed now so you can have a look. It's a normal version with a windows logo, Still i had to add Aurora, Stars effects in it . Today whole night i will work on it and will post the screenshot of it. The Screenshot Avi sample is of Deleting items... Hope you will like it. Did you like the colour?????? Should keep the Red colour for Deleting Items... or Should i keep same Blue colour, What's your opinion Guys, Please let me know.
Project Windows WinStyle 2008
Yes it's was released on 7 thJuly 2009. You can download it from the below link.
Windows 7 Avi's for XP.
Thanks trying my best.
Windows 7 Avi's for XP.
Yeah, But actually i had to work on it because as the progress arrow goes on it gets stretched and that's the :grin: problem i will try to rectify it :type: .
Windows 7 Avi's for XP.
This is how the New Version Avi will look while Moving Files , with a New Blue Arrow Progress Bar.
Windows 7 Avi's for XP.
Thanks. Right now working on Third Avi Sample of Deleting Items... Will try to release it on Sunday or Monday (if possible). , since i had made some changes in this new version, so once again i had to work on Copying Items... Avi.
Windows 7 Avi's for XP.
Well i am ready with my Second Avi Sample and this time i had made some changes and the changes are as Follows :- Changelog 1.0 to 2.0 : - [1] Windows Logo Colour changed to match exactly as Avi Background, in Previous version it was not Matching. [2] One more Star Effect is added in Right side of Text Effect. [3] It will be now available in different sizes as previously it was of 405 x 55, It will be available in 405 x 50, 350 x 50.. I hope you will Accept and like this New Version. Well i will post the Third Avi Sample Tommorow. Till then Bye and Have a Nice Day. N "Enjoy". :thumbsup_anim:
[AddOn] Axialis IconWorkshop 6.80
Thanks :thumbsup_anim: rick for this Addon, I love Axialis Iconworkshop i personally use this to make icons.
Windows 7 Avi's for XP.
Thanks and will post the New Sample of Moving Items... with some changes for better look, I hope you will also like that. So wait for the Second Sample of Windows 7 Avi.
Windows 7 Avi's for XP.
Ok, I had uploaded the Copying Items Avi, this is a
Windows 7 Avi's for XP.
I thought to let you know all that the work is still in progress and i think i will complete it by tommorow, I had made some changes in Avi, I will post the changelog and Screenshots today itself, I know you are all waiting for the release, But i want it to release with the best possible Looks and Perfection. Thanks and have patience. Till then Enjoy :welcome:
hi rom
Welcome to the Wincert and even i also love :wub_anim: this forum. :thumbsup_anim:
help please
Are you asking about inf Addons, If yes then extract the addon and find the "program.inf" example :- If you had download "Kels_Uber_Addon_v14.2" then extract it and find "UberPack.inf" file and right click and select install, that will install you Addon in a live system. I hope you get my point.
Microsoft Announced “Code7 Contest”
Microsoft has announced "Code7" contest for software developers. You have to develop a native Windows 7 application and you can win a free trip to LA for PDC09 and up to $17,777 in cash. Microsoft announced about this contest on The Windows Blog: Build an original, consumer-oriented client application prototype that runs natively on Windows 7 (for example Win32, WPF, MFC or WinForms – not an Air application or just a gadget) and addresses one or more of the following topic categories: Simplify My Life More Media, More Places Gaming Work From Anywhere Safeguard Your Work Applications for a Better Tomorrow The application must use at least one of the following Windows 7 technology features; however, judging will give more weight to entries that take advantage of more than one of these features: Libraries Windows Touch Shell Integration DX11 (DirectX 11) Sensor and Location Platform The contest has several stages and few rules you need to be aware of: To enter this contest you must create and submit a video in which you describe and demonstrate your application. The first qualifying round starts at 12:00 a.m. Pacific Time (PT) on July 13, 2009, and ends at 11:59 p.m. PT on October 10, 2009 (“Entry Period”). You will be able to able to submit your video until midnight October 10, 2009. Your entry will be included in a pool with all eligible entries based on your geographical region. Entries received by 11:59 p.m. PT on August 15, 2009, will be eligible to win an “Early Bird” prize described in the Winner Determination section below. Following the close of the first qualifications, a panel of judges will select two runner-up winners and one Finalist from each Region. Following judging, Microsoft will notify all winners and finalists and provide instructions for submitting their applications for evaluation. Finalists will be invited to present their applications to a panel of judges at the Microsoft Partner Developer Conference 2009 (PDC09) in Los Angeles, CA, USA. For the complete contest rules and legal notice, please refer to the “RULES” section on the Code7 Contest Web site: Visit this link for complete info.
Windows 7 Avi's for XP.
As Copying Items_Aurora_Normal_Star_Effect is ahead in Polling so i had started my on that Avi and glad to tell you i had finished some of Avi's and i wanted you to have a look to Final Avi of Copying Items. As i was making Avi's in Blue colour so i thought to make a Blue Progress Bar also, So it can match my avi's and will look much better and perfect. Below is the screenshot of the final Avi. This Avi is located inShell32.dll (Avi no 161). This is how my Avi looks :- So guys what do you think about it did you liked it or not ? Tomorrow or may be later tonight i will upload the Avi sample of Copying items, So you can have a closer look in your XP. Till then Good-Bye. :welcome: Enjoy!!!
[Confirmed] Windows 7 Set to RTM on July 13th.
Its confirmed by Microsoft, So Expect Windows 7 to RTM in the 2nd half of July.
Windows 7 RTM and July 13th Mystery.
Now its confirmed by Microsoft that Windows 7 has NOT reached RTM status. This is what "Windows 7 Team Blog" says: We are close, but have not yet signed off on Windows 7. We expect Windows 7 to RTM in the 2nd half of July. There is a lot of work that needs to take place for us to finalize all languages of Windows 7. At RTM our partners begin their final preparations for Windows 7, including testing and building images for new PCs. RTM is essentially the final “stage” of engineering for Windows 7 before it hits the market at General Availability (GA). As Steven notes, engineering continues on Windows 7 from RTM until GA on October 22nd. http://windowsteamblog.com/blogs/windows7/...dows-7-rtm.aspx Visit this link for complete info.
Windows 7 Avi's for XP.
Thanks for liking it, trying hard to release as soon as possible.
Windows 7 Avi's for XP.
Guys i know you are all wating for Avi Sample, as it was to be released on monday, But in India heavy rainfall is going on and due to this my Broadband is not working :ranting: (Working Very slow) and also their is current failure. Good news is that i am ready with my First Sample of Copying Items_Aurora_Normal_Star_Effect. :thumbsup_anim: I hope you will like it. As soon as my Internet starts working normally i will post the Sample. Till then Bye. :welcome: