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nonno fabio

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Everything posted by nonno fabio

  1. If winnt.sif file doesn't exist already in your source, you can create it: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314472 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/328326
  2. Yes, it's correct. As .NET 1.1 unistallation could damage other .NETs it has been chosen to hide it under Component Wizard: Sysoc.inf NetFx11=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,NetFx11.inf,hide,7 netfx20=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,netfx20.inf,,7 netfx30=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,netfx30.inf,,7 You can remove the addon from your updated CD with RVMi and OnePiece_Remove_NETFX1.1SP1_AddOn.cab (see Onepiece Remove Addon pack)
  3. It depends on your machine but only 3.5+4.0 needs at least 20 minutes to install on a real PC, less than normal setup in a running system but a long time anyway. I don't know what else you've added in your CD but remember that if you integrate Onepiece's AIO UpdatePack you don't need .net addons because they're all included already. You can press Ctrl+f11 during setup to see what's happening.
  4. QFE updates addon is only an integration of .net 3.5 family true addon. It overwrites existing GDR updates with QFE ones so it must be integrated only along with .net 3.5 family addon and placed after it in integration list (o in a second RVM Integrator run). Please take note that QFE branch .net updates often cause problems with WindowsUpdate (they're not recognized and newer updates could fail) Yes, if you want the whole .net family you must download 1.1 and 3.5 and 4.0 addons. If you prefer a minimal .net installation you can download and install only 2.0 addon.
  5. You can use Nlite or RVMi, as you like. If you use Nlite, you must list it in the Addons section. There's only one 3.5 addon, "OnePiece Microsoft.NET Framework v3.5.30729.3644.3 True AddOn ENU": all the links are mirrors of same file. Same answer for .net 4.0. If you integrate 3.5 addon, you don't need to add v3.0 and v2.0 addons because they're are already included All Onepiece's .net addons are updated with all public hotfixes (GDR branch) released until today. Italian .net 1.1 is a mistake, sorry. .Nets are language independant but localized addon are bundled with the corresponding language pack. Fixed, thanks
  6. about first question, you can remove mrt.exe from the pack and and its references from entries.ini file then remove KB890830.AddReg from OPMWXPUP.inf file. If you have experience with addon creation you can alternatively put together a specific remove addon with an entries.ini file like this: Entries_RMRT.ini ;by OnePiece ;####################################################################################################### ;This section contains version information to nLite & RyanVM Integrator Entries_RMRT.ini ;# a huge thanks to all Italian guys (in particular and special thanks to Nonno Fabio) ;# Huge thanks to all guys of WinCert Forum and Eng2ITA Forum and RyanVM Forum ;# This file contains a list of all necessary entries to add in the various installation ;# files of Windows for the integration of OnePiece Windows_XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack AddOn. ;####################################################################################################### ;This section contains version info for nLite & RVM_Integrator [general] builddate=2010/12/24 description=OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack language=ALL title=OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack version=1.0 website=http://voidseesaw.com/onepiece/ Windows=XP ;This section allows you to edit things that normally would not be possible to edit. [ExtraFileEdits] OPMWXPUP.inf|[KB890830.AddReg]|[KB890830.AddReg.Disable]|1 ;Removes files from i386 which are no longer necessary [obsolete_files] [b]MRT[/b].exe .net 2.0 is part of net 3.0/3.5. .net 2.0 doesn't require 3.0 or 3.5 to work but 3.5 requires 3.0 and 2.0 and 3.0 requires 2.0. And Onepiece's XP Update Pack itself requires .net 2.0. So you can remove from OPUP .net 3.5 (or .net 3.5 and .net 3.0) but not .net 2.0
  7. This because you've integrated 3.0 family true addon instead of 3.5 one? Or you've actually chosen 3.5 family true addon and something unknown has "broken" its integration? In this case simply retrying on an untouched source often fixes the problem.
  8. Thank you for pointing this out. If you integrate 3.5 family .net addon (and nothing else) in a clean XP SP3 ENU source, WU/MU shouldn't claim for nothing. In non-english XP WU/MU asks only for 3.5 Language Pack. It can be added alongside .net 3.5 true addon using a Svcpack addon. KB963707 is requested only when Firefox is present in your running system.
  9. grpconv.exe is not touched by XP UpdatePack so the latter can't be the cause of your issue. Make sure that the XP CD you're using as a source is positively untouched. If needed, redownload SP3 and slipstream directly in your original CD. Then integrate UpdatePack and test in a VM.
  10. Some settings in Nlite could have "damaged" your XP source during integration. Retry with RVM Integrator 1.6.1 b2.1 instead and a clean XP CD and test the result in Virtualbox again
  11. Most of the users should download from one of faster links in first topic. Voidseesaw repository is intended for users with very slow connections which break frequently. Unfortunately Onepiece is one of them and he can't upload in remote mode on Mediafire and Megaupload as he does with the other upload sites. If anyone with a Mediafire/Megaupload premium account would like to upload UpdatePack there and then share the link, he is welcome
  12. updated Silverlight and Flash Player ActiveX addons
  13. I think you're doing nothing wrong. Drivers and all the other stuff is integrated directly by DISM which is a Microsoft official tool, nothing better to do such a job. Sometimes it's faster, sometimes it's slower, it's not easy to find a reason.
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