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  1. Hey, thanks again for warm comments Off-Topic Comment(Click to Show) pa, ovo znači da učim hrvatski, dragi Purgere (jako obo
  2. I'm glad you've liked it ..i hvala na srdačnoj dobrodo
  3. EASY .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 + 3.0 SP2 + 2.0 SP2 + Language Pack Integration 1. Download .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 from this link: http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/0/e/20e90413-712f-438c-988e-fdaa79a8ac3d/dotnetfx35.exe(NOTE: The other dotnetfx35.exe available on MS Download does NOT containt SP1 for .NET 3.5, BEWARE!) 2. Unpack it with WinRAR or by command switch /extract:yourfoldername 3. After it's done you can rip off uneeded components: A) if you do not wish to have files for 64-bit editions of Windows, simply launch a search (F3 button), type 64 and delete all directories and files within the results if you wish to delete Vista .NET components, simply erase whole dotnetMSP folder4. Now, download the appropriate language pack from the following website & put it inside the extracted .NET 3.5 SP1 redist folder: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=8489ed13-b831-4855-96f7-dd35e4c02a20 5. Having all files in place, create an installer. I used WinRAR SFX module with an option to launch the silent .NET setup. Here is my SFX script NOTE1: Remember to add your language code (PLK, CHS, DEU, FRA, etc.) NOTE2: If you want 100% silent setup with no progress bar displayed, simply change /qb to /q command NOTE3: No need to create a switch for the language pack! The setup will install it automatically for all .NET versions, just remember to keep its original filename!6. Enjoy your new & shiny .NET 3.5 SP1 Framework installer! Inside the RAR SFX & the list of files: After installation: I hope it will help someone during the exhausting fights with .NET installers Thanks to everyone that contributes here; truly a magnificient community!