Hi, I'm new here, sorry for bumping an old topic. :sweatingbullets: I have Windows XP SP3 32 bit and I'm trying to install Snipping Tool This is what I did: - install MS Net Framework 3.5 (already installed in my system long before) - install Alky for Applications 1.1 for Windows XP, with Vista Ultimate key - succeeded - Reboot. (I'm using Windows sidebar ported from vista to XP, so I already installed Alky before but without the key, I uninstalled Alky and reinstalled with the key like instruction) - install Windows Journal Viewer 1.5. Then I extracted the SnippingTool.exe and SnippingTool.exe.manifest to C:\Windows\system32 But when I click on snippingtool.exe, nothing happens, it doesn't give me any error message, it just won't run. Am I doing something wrong? I read the instruction and tried follow carefully Hope someone could help, thanks in advanced