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Everything posted by J.S.Prasad

  1. It is really Very good. Thank you
  2. here is Prio 1.99 main link http://prnwatch.com/prio.html I checked it only tool tip appear in task manager there was no change except. I am afraid to set priority before knowing which should be high. can Any body tell which should prefer high.Site show a large shell menu.
  3. thanks for remind I have update it to this link http://www.ryanvm.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8418 As my Inet connection fail for 2 days I could not update it here. ________________________________________________________ Updated 9.79
  4. Sorry i.e. Mr.broonster
  5. Your pack {Kels CPL Mega Pack v11.2} is perfect. If you could add My private Folder icon in it,it become worthful. Regard
  6. Sir, very very thank for quick reply. i am under construction still. Regard
  7. Microsoft PowerToy AIO_enu_addon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A collection of Microsoft Power Toys Utilities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The complete package is uninstallable via the add/remove panel. Require net framework 2 or above All.dll files updated till date Restart needed after install/uninstall After installation of this package your start menu look like --> Start Menu Icons ------------------------------------------------- Accessories Link -------------------------------------------------- List of utilities This pack contain _________________________________________ 1 Task Switcher 2 ClearType 3 Cmd Here 4 Virtual Desktop Manager 5 HTML Slide Show Wizard 6 Image Resizer 7 Microsoft Location Finder 8 Microsoft Logon Loader 9 Taskbar Magnifier 10 Microsoft Calculator Plus 11 Microsoft SMS Sender 12 Power Calculator 13 CD Slide Show Generator 14 SyncToy 15 Timershot Webcam 16 Tweak UI 17 User Profile Hive Cleanup Service 18 Windows Install Clean Up 19 Extension HighMAT 20 Color Powertoy 21 MS Photo Info 22 Microsoft RAW Image Thumbnail Viewer for Windows XP 23 Microsoft Bootvis 24 Microsoft VirtualCd 25 Microsoft AutoPlay 26 MSConfig 27 Microsoft Time Zone 28 Manage Your Computer Tweakomatically 29 Copy Profile 30 Microsoft USMT 2.61 31 Windows Support Tools 32 Windows Resource Kits 33 AutoPlay Repair 34 ISORecorder 35 RobocopyGUI 36 VirtualWIFI 37 Clear Cache Feature for Internet Explorer 38 XMLNotepad2007 39 TrueType 40 Windows Journal Viewer 41 Microsoft Private Folder --------------------------------------------- Control Panel ______________________________________ Control Panel Icons --------------------------------------------------- Control Panel Programs _________________________________ 1. Microsoft AutoPlay Repair 2. Microsoft Boot Vis 3. Microsoft Logon Loader 4. Microsoft Time Zone 5. Registry Editor 6. System Utility 7. Virtual CD Control Tool 8. Windows Install Clean Up ______________________________________ All integrated powertoy readme you will find them in ->Start Menu \ Accessories \ Powertoys for Windows XP, The links are generally in the Start Menu and ->Start Menu \ Accessories \ System Tools and Control Panel. --------------------------------------------------------------- Reference Links: Link 1:http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?/topic/2858-microsoft-powertoy-suite-full-true-addon-ita/ Link 2:http://www.eng2ita.net/forum/index.php?topic=1807.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DownLoad Link (.inf Addon) Size: 29.1 MB (30,613,504 bytes) File: Microsoft_PowerToy_INF_AddOn.7z MD4: 67f8005b347e8b40b80a85bf11974d63 MD5: 18e5a44d8a12de417c5df96c9a8469c3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DownLoad Link for svcpack addon Unzip This addon for Silent Installer File: Microsoft_PowerToy_svcpack_addOn.7z Size: 27.4 MB (28,794,880 bytes) CRC-32: 2f588b78 MD4: 80cc7b5fcf88bba8281c80d0ded15bfd MD5: a23a219eea5a05aa1e820ea648673737 SHA-1: d402ab748ee46bb04fba0ef2c1f1f6ed44b09382 _____________________________________________________
  8. Updated Ver 3.51
  9. broonster may pl visit this link http://forums.adobe.com/thread/659552?tstart=0 and http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/fp_distribution3.html
  10. Mr. Geej can you pl integrate uTorrent Serenity Mod Pack in your Addon. uTorrent Serenity Mod Pack is an custom built of the popular uTorrent bittorent client, the modder tweaked this little software for user share ratio to the tracker in a more secure and comprehensive way - a complete list of features with download link is available after the jump. Link is: http://utorrentleechermodserenity.wordpress.com/2010/06/18/utorrent-serenity-mod-pack-v2-dht-patch-noreport-etc-utorrent-2-0-2-build-20165/ Regard
  11. Addon_STDUVIEW 1.5.597 View all most popular document formats using one program.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- System Requirements OS: Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 Processor: Intel / AMD compatible at 1 GHz or higher RAM: 512 MB or higher Additional: GDI+ (exists on all system except Window 2000) Administrative permissions for program installation To register visit: http://www.stdutility.com/stduviewer.html File: Addon_STDUVIEW 1.5.597.7z CRC-32: f802f2a5 MD4: 7252a830b1073b3d363cefa286f11411 MD5: b797780b35e593862fdfef0c7e5738b0 SHA-1: c062dae441bb4e47517aea69088dfde50e615f85 Size: 2.10 MB (2,211,840 bytes) Addon Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?6e9qwb40h35zqq2 --------------------------------------------------------------------- For Silent installer unzip the addon and install the stduviewer.exe in SVCPACK Folder
  12. Mr ravirajpoot Here is new ziddu link for You with MD5 Hash. This addon has revised registry keys no desktop Icon. File: Addon FoxitReader_4.00.0619.7z MD4: 1c27ab945127cbdc1ce4f3d156a54651 MD5: 55eb306ea8595e5514794e1990fa26db Link: http://www.ziddu.com/downloadlink/10617571/AddonFoxitReader_4.00.0619.7z For switchless installer just extract the addon and run FoxitReader4_enu.exe in SVCPACK folder. Thank you
  13. Ok I have no a/c ziddu.com but I will make it for You. regard
  14. WinUtilities Free Edition 9.9.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated on= February 13,2011 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All-in-One system cleaning and optimization suite More than 20 award winning system utilities in one bundle 100% Freeware! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Supports Windows 7, 2000, XP, Vista, 2003 Server.32/64bit version WinUtilities (Free Edition) is a multi-functional system performance and optimization suite for Microsoft Windows. This collection of tools lets you supercharge your PC's performance, enhance its security, tweak and optimize its settings, and customize and personalize your screens. Registry Cleaner makes your system more stable by cleaning out the bad Registry entries that build up each time you install and uninstall software. The program's Registry Optimizer defragments and rebuilds your Registry, making your entire system run more smoothly and quickly. The program includes powerful tools to clean and optimize your hard drives. The Disk Cleaner removes clutter and unnecessary files from your PC, allowing it to run more quickly. The DiskDefrag module defragments your hard drive, keeping it running efficiently. WinUtilities's Windows Optimizers keep Windows running faster. The Memory Optimizer ensures that memory is released properly when you stop running each program on your system. The software has Security and Privacy tools to protect you from malware and identify theft. The History Cleaner module erases your Internet history and other private files that could be used to track your online activities. The File Shredder function permanently deletes files and folders so that this data can never be recovered. The EXE Protector lets you add password protection to sensitive applications. The Undelete function lets you restore files that you accidentally deleted. You can even save files from deleted partitions. By making it simple to do routine management on your system, WinUtilities keeps your computer running smoothly. You can manage the Windows Startup process, ensure that programs are uninstalled properly, and automatically schedule your detection and maintenance scans. Optimize, clean and boost the speed of your Windows. Protect your privacy and security. Block spyware, trojans, adware, etc. Fix certain application errors. Simple, fast and User friendly interface For only private use Built-in Modules ------------------------------------------------- Disk Defrag: Defragment your disks and improve computer performance and stability File Undelete: Recovers deleted files on NTFS and FAT volumes. Disk Cleaner: Cleans disks from information that clogs your system and reduces the performance of your computer. Registry Cleaner: Scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the Windows Registry. Startup Cleaner: Helps you to easily manage program execution at windows startup. History Cleaner: Erases all traces of activity on your computer, save spaces and protect your privacy. File Splitter: Splits any type of file into smaller pieces and rejoin them to the original file. File Shredder: Erases files and make sure that no data thief can get his hands on your sensitive data. EXE Protector: Protects any Windows executable file with a secure password. Memory Optimizer: Optimizes the Memory Management of Windows. No special configuration is needed, Memory Optimizer will auto configure itself. Duplicate Files Finder: Helps you to free disk space by finding and removing duplicate files from your system. Shortcuts Fixer: Provides you with an easy way to address the invalid shortcuts and reports back to you so that you can remove it from your system. Process Manager: Allows you to check your system's performance and manage the running processes. Uninstall Manager: Manages the programs installed on your system and uninstall unneeded software. System Information: Shows you the detailed information for your computer hardware and software. Registry Backup&Restore: Back up and restore the Windows Registry. Registry Search: Search the Windows Registry by a specific wild card. then you can delete or export them. BHO Remover: Manages the BHOs that are currently installed. Auto Shutdown: Schedules your computer for log off, stand by, hibernate, or shutdown at a specific time. Windows Tools: Provides you an easy way to launch the utilities build in Windows. System Control: Organizes and manage your Windows Settings Task Scheduler: Configures the cleaning tasks that take place automatically. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Download link: http://www.ylcomputing.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: WinUtilities9.9.7.7z CRC-32: 2a7e904b MD4: 4343404f069e968958393aebe1603ac7 MD5: ebb67414772fd10e15d39e33175c975c SHA-1: d346b8f934ea8f68d1fbd4473f6c8433e81d9d1e Size=9.00 MB (9,437,184 bytes) AddonDownload-Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?ri5687j72y565u0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For Switchless installer unzip the addon and click WinUtilities.exe in SVCPACK folder. Installer without Ask tool bar and home page hack made in autolt. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. Please again uninstall it from start menu it should remove desktop short cut, Double entry only may exist by registry section So pl put ; before these lines or remove them and compile again. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Registry] ;Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Foxit Reader; ValueName: DisplayName; ValueType: String; ValueData: Foxit Reader ;Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Foxit Reader; ValueName: Publisher; ValueType: String; ValueData: Foxit Software Company ;Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Foxit Reader; ValueName: DisplayVersion; ValueType: String; ValueData: ;Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Foxit Reader; ValueName: EstimatedSize; ValueType: Dword; ValueData: $28CE ;Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Foxit Reader; ValueName: DisplayIcon; ValueType: String; ValueData: C:\Program Files\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\Foxit Reader.exe ;Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Foxit Reader; ValueName: HelpLink; ValueType: String; ValueData: www.foxitsoftware.com/?Language=en ;Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Foxit Reader; ValueName: UninstallString; ValueType: String; ValueData: C:\Program Files\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\Uninstall.exe ;Root: HKLM; Subkey: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Foxit Reader; ValueName: UninstallPath; ValueType: String; ValueData: C:\Program Files\Foxit Software\Foxit Reader\Uninstall.exe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Desktop Shortcut have no issue that OK.U pl remove once manually and check again To remove it not to appear in desktop put;in [icons] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Name: {userdesktop}\Foxit Reader; Filename: {app}\Foxit Reader.exe; WorkingDir: {app} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The code in [Run] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filename: {app}\Foxit Reader.exe; Parameters: Register; StatusMsg: {cm:AssocingFileExtension,Foxit FDF Document,.pdf}; Tasks: fileassoc -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open the foxit reader during installation that should close manually. Best Regards
  16. FoxitReader_4.00.0619 SVCPACK Addon with pdf file association ----------------------------------------------------------- File: Addon FoxitReader_4.00.0619.7z CRC-32: 24dc142d MD4: 66e7974e0a9e3f1eef8aff2bed28d389 MD5: f221a36c8af619f23d0e373f0627ec17 SHA-1: 85e0f6f3b55d7aca26b6014a2333e1fd5aa18094 ------------------------------------------------------ Link: - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3vzjwmdwmtn
  17. Sorry sir Pl add a new line in --------------------- [Run] Filename: {app}\Foxit Reader.exe; Parameters: Register; StatusMsg: {cm:AssocingFileExtension,Foxit FDF Document,.pdf}; Tasks: fileassoc ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and add a new section with a line after [icons] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Tasks] Name: fileassoc; Description: {cm:AssocFileExtension,Foxit FDF Document,.pdf} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- And compile the script again till I Update it Thanks
  18. Sorry sir Pl add a new line in --------------------- [Run] Filename: {app}\Foxit Reader.exe; Parameters: Register; StatusMsg: {cm:AssocingFileExtension,Foxit FDF Document,.pdf}; Tasks: fileassoc ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and add a new section with a line after [icons] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Tasks] Name: fileassoc; Description: {cm:AssocFileExtension,Foxit FDF Document,.pdf} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- And compile the script again till I Update it
  19. J.S.Prasad replied to J.S.Prasad's post in a topic in SVCPACK Addons
    Updated to IZArc version 4.1.2
  20. Mr.Burned here is mediafire link as the esnip link is not working. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?dnbnaylkhen
  21. Thanks DaRk MaDnEsS but I wants some thing else.After the win7 installation the script install my selected addon unattended. how can i achieve? by a Reg key? Regard
  22. Sorry sir I remove link for FoxitReader331 you pl download AddonFoxitReader_4.00.0619.7z I beg your pardon for unconvinced.