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Everything posted by J.S.Prasad

  1. J.S.Prasad replied to ricktendo's post in a topic in WPI, nLite and RVM Addons
    Thanks for Updated working link.
  2. J.S.Prasad replied to ricktendo's post in a topic in WPI, nLite and RVM Addons
    All the above links are dead.
  3. Thank You Sir It is a very Usefull tool.
  4. Is this Addon Microsoft VC2010 Runtimes not integrated in Addon Kels Runtimes 6 or MS Runtimes 6 Addons? Thanks
  5. Sir please check this site http://code.kliu.org/ HashCheck Shell Extension version 2.1.11 have ver dll file, same size but Ver and Date Different. When I was installing Ubberpack by .inf there was a alert that sys32 have a newer ver the above file I installed by SVCPACK. Thanks
  6. The HashCheck.dll require to be updated as version is out. Thanks
  7. Thanks Kel for notable achievement. At last You got it.One thing it is not working in right pane of explorer.I give xpboot.img path from I recently dnloaded file from msfn forum.
  8. I find some new codes on http://www.msfn.org/board/right-click-create-t36086-pid-472442-page-80.html/page__p__472442#entry472442 I try in my system 1: editing Ubberpack.inf to ------------------------------- HKCR,"Folder\shell\Make Bootable ISO" HKCR,"Folder\shell\Make Data ISO" HKCR,"Folder\shell\Make Bootable ISO\command",,,"%11%\MakeISO.cmd ""%1"" BOOT" HKCR,"Folder\shell\Make Data ISO\command",,,"%11%\MakeISO.cmd ""%1"" DATA" _______________________________________________________________________---- 2:Editing makeISO.cmd -------------------------------- @ECHO OFF &SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS TITLE Creating %2 ISO of %~nx1 SET "LABL=%~nx1" SET "LABL=%LABL: =_%" ECHO/Removing possible attributes on %~n1 and its subfolders... ATTRIB -R -H "%~f1" /S /D ECHO/&ECHO/Removing any thumbs.db files from %~n1 and its subfolders... DEL /S/A/F/Q "%~f1\thumbs.db" 2>NUL ECHO/&ECHO/Creating %2 ISO... IF "%2" EQU "DATA" (SET OPTN=-l%LABL:~0,32% -yd -n -x -o -m -d) ELSE ( SET OPTN=-l%LABL:~0,16% -j1 -m -o -b"%~dp0xpBoot.img") "%~dp0CDIMAGE.EXE" %OPTN% "%~s1" "%~nx1.iso" >NUL PING -n 11 -------------------------------- It make Data and Boot ISO on DESKTOP Thanks all
  9. Sir, same thing happen when I when I right click a folder on desktop the line Make Data Iso vanish. For Make Bootable iso this error Invalid argument<c:\Documents> The path is wrong This problem seems that %~dp% is not taking proper path. But indside except %USERPROFILE% Working well Thanks again.
  10. make iso for data CD working well What's the problem with Urs System? Make a makeiso.cmd Code --------------- @Echo Off Start WScript "%SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\makeiso.vbs" %~dp0% ---------------------------------------------------------- copy and pestthis makeiso.cmd to Urs windows\System32 folder and check again.
  11. pl See in C:\Windows may be there.Clean Reg before installing this.
  12. Thanks Sir, It is working fine in my system now.
  13. Thanks.
  14. I want to a write a config script so that WA installer auto select the Addons list and install in GUI.Is it possible? thanks
  15. The Software required loging & and password how to create it? is it online? Thanks
  16. makeiso again fail On making a small change in makeiso.cmd Start "" wscript "%~dp0makeiso.vbs" %* to CScript "C:\Windows\System32\makeiso.vbs" %~dp0% Or WScript "C:\Windows\System32\makeiso.vbs" %~dp0% It works fine and faster Thanks once again.
  17. With a little change in WaInstaller.inf [DefaultInstall] CopyFiles =WAInstaller.Files to CopyFiles =WAInstaller.Files,Tools as 7za.exe was not copy in Tools Dir It works it works fine I Install about 10 addons in Win7 Thanks for making this great utility.
  18. erroor is can not find CDImage.exe So remove [CopySys] CDImage.exe entry from Ubberpack.inf and problem fixed. Regshot updated to v2.0.1.68 and working fine now.It is Using $Doc\user\LocalSetting\TEMP in place of C:\HIVE. makeISO.cmd replaced in makeiso.vbs not work perhaps due to my system problem as I overwrite new v 15.2 over old ver. Error is D:\WinXpSp3_201003 is not valid Win32 application. i am not able to fix it, I will check it On VM again leter. VistaSwitcher working Ok with ALT+Tab have no icon in startup menu mmm also working ok Lots of thanks to replace cdimage to makeISO and spearing your's valuable time.
  19. Regshot seems Temp setting problem Lots of Thanks for my request consideration.
  20. Sir, pl fix cdimage error it is my humble request. lots of thanks. RegShot in Utilities menu also seem problem.
  21. I am still looking for.
  22. Thanks. Is cdimage.exe can replace makeiofs.exe or any other as AV-QH reading it trojan and program fail to install.