You are right! Controlled by UIFILE 110 (set up a new connection, connect to a network, choose homegroup and troubleshoot icons) So UIFILE 110 is right, as you see the preview. I managed to change from 24x24 to 32x32 or 48x48. I think UIFILE 111 is for "minimap" icons. I already edited but I can't do this to be 48x48. Here is the UIFILE 111 sample: (The original is: width="32rp" height="32rp but the modification it doesn't work) <style resid="minimap"><if class="navbutton"><button contentalign="middlecenter" font="gtf(CONTROLPANELSTYLE,4,0)" foreground="gtc(CONTROLPANELSTYLE, 4, 0, 3803)" width="48rp" height="48rp"/><if keyfocused="true"><button contentalign="middlecenter|focusrect"/> And in Vista it looks completely different:<stylesheets> <style resid="minimap" > <if class="navbutton" > <button font="gtf(CONTROLPANELSTYLE,CPANEL_CONTENTPANELABEL,0)" foreground="gtc(CONTROLPANELSTYLE, CPANEL_CONTENTPANELABEL, 0, TMT_TEXTCOLOR)" contentalign="middlecenter" /> <if keyfocused="true" > <button contentalign="middlecenter|focusrect" /> So there must be a way to do this properly, but I can't figure out how can I do this at the moment..