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Everything posted by robi450

  1. Yes will be in blue I'm just upload a sample Or here is an aero black from forum.oszone:
  2. We will update the setup screen buttons to this From :http://forum.oszone.net/thread-114084-5.html
  3. Yes I'd like it But some png is missing and I don't want to publish while all is not ready. I hope to will be available very soon.
  4. Welcome everybody I was thinking about it which bmp should be in Xptsp Neon Blue. So I decided to start two poll: The first :The Tower Speaker (Big thanks to MANIKANT) And the second is :MSN Wich will be the best :questionmark: I'm wait for the final result of the vote
  5. Hi First of all you need a glass panel here is the link: http://xstyleone.deviantart.com/art/Glass-panels-111448446
  6. Thank you chicho1970 You are welcome
  7. Here is a joystick sample:
  8. Thank you and you're welcome Yes it's possible.
  9. Here is another msn: And a control panel (This is just an idea )
  10. Thank you :prop:
  11. Ok thank you and the time doesn't matter
  12. Wow this is much better than mine: :dribble: I like this so please make with this icon Thank you
  13. Nice :thumbsup_anim:
  14. And mine:
  15. Ok Thank you very much MANIKANT You are a true friend and I'm a noob in this :passifier: here is the icon:you sent this and I like this icon And here is mine because I like both So can you make both :questionmark:
  16. I try it but i'm sorry but i can't :sad02: :sad01_anim: I open the archive inside but I can't drag in.
  17. Ok thank you I 'll try it :thumbsup_anim:
  18. THank you very much :beerchug:
  19. So I extracted and change the firefox icon with reshacker.And after :questionmark:
  20. Yes I understand But after how can I make this an silent install :questionmark:
  21. Ok here is a link: http://www.entertainmentwallpaper.com/imag...s/movie/487.jpg For example:Terminator 3 And I know you are very busy now :sweatingbullets: So is not urgent to do.
  22. Ok I'll post you very soon It was a hard day (two exam :sweatingbullets: )