[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
I'm still using the "older" version of the Sidebar... Are there any significant improvements in this Vista SP1 version - in terms of performance, etc.?
[AddOn] Windows Vista RTM Sidebar (XP Only)
Hi Rick, Same sort of question again... Do I need to uninstall the Sidebar and install this new version? It doesn't look like there are any changes to the Sidebar itself. I (obviously) already have VAIO XP installed and the Segoe UI and Calibri fonts (installed with Office 2007) as well as the Simhei font (came with Windows XP). Also, with all due respect to you, I do not use the VistaLHClocks gadget... The main changes that I can see in this new version is the combination of the VAIO XP package, the Vista Fonts package and the Sidebar package into an All-In-One package. Therefore, is it necessary for me to uninstall what I currently have and install this new version? Thanks!
[AddOn] Windows Vista RTM Sidebar (XP Only)
Works great! Thanks Rick (and SoKoOLz)!
[AddOn] Windows Vista RTM Sidebar (XP Only)
Sorry to bother you with this question again, Rick, but... I currently have the Apr-8-2007 v2.4 version of the Sidebar installed. Should I uninstall it and install the May-25-2007 v7.05.25 version?... or is there a simple way to achieve the same results (eg. delete the vshell32.dll file and add the CPL shortcut/file?). Thanks in advance!
[AddOn] Windows Vista RTM Sidebar (XP Only)
I don't really need the vshell32.dll right now, but I like to know that I'm runnning the "latest and greatest"! Thanks, Rick!
[AddOn] Windows Vista RTM Sidebar (XP Only)
I currently have the Apr-8-2007 v2.4 version of the Sidebar installed. Should I uninstall it and install the May-19-2007 v7.05.19 version?... or do I simply need to copy the vshell32.dll file to the Sidebar directory? Thanks! :thumbsup_anim:
[AddOn] Windows Vista RTM Sidebar (XP Only)
I had the same problem with the default weather/iweather gadgets. There are other weather gadgets that I tried but they had their shortcomings as well, until I found... The Weather Network's WeatherEye Gadget for Microsoft Windows Vista Sidebar (http://www.theweathernetwork.com/inter/wea...istaweathereye/) The Weather Network is Canadian-based, which is perfect for people like you and me who live in Canada! I have found this gadget to be very accurate - it updates once or twice each hour, from what I can tell. Give it a try!
[AddOn] Windows Vista RTM Sidebar (XP Only)
Thanks for the answer - good to know! Someone claimed that he/she managed to get the Sidebar installed and running without using the WLAN API, but my guess is that he/she did not fully test it.
[AddOn] Windows Vista RTM Sidebar (XP Only)
Is this Wireless LAN API required if we are not using a wireless network? I don't see why this set of APIs is required for the Sidebar?...
[AddOn] Windows Vista RTM Sidebar (XP Only)
ricktendo64 already answered this back in Post #2: I used the first method, and it worked perfectly. :thumb_yello:
[AddOn] Windows Vista RTM Sidebar (XP Only)
Thanks, that's good to know. There still seems to be much confusion about the Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package, however, since most websites still indicate that this needs to be installed - even with the latest version of VAIOXP (which includes "the merge modules for the Visual C++ redistributable modules").
[AddOn] Windows Vista RTM Sidebar (XP Only)
Thanks for the reply... What is the difference between your VAIO package - link provided above: http://www.sokoolz.com/addons/r64/Ricks_VA..._AddOn_v1.1.rar and the "official" one available from the from Vista, to XP website: http://www.fromvistatoxp.com/vaio/vaioxp_b2r3.4_feb02.zip Thanks!
[AddOn] Windows Vista RTM Sidebar (XP Only)
Is the Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package still required for this new version 2.4?
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