Window7 Toolkit and Windows 7 x86 French
Hello, I tried to install the toolkit on a french version of windows 7 and I received a message that this os in not supported. See the attach file. Many thanks for your answer.
Win jv16 PowerTools 2009 Full License
My name is Anceau I'm 48 years old I'm living in France Good luck to everyone !! :thumbsup_anim:
[How To] Integrate Vista SP2 into Vista SP1 DVD?
Hi, In fact the problem was coming first from OOBE (System preparation tool 3.14) when I selected OOBE with select "generalize" and shut down options "shutdown" the virtual machine restarted, This problem has already been reported from OEM manufacturer, if I remember.. And I could not clean the system before with "compcln.exe" because you have to answer Y or N when this program is launched. My installation was done with a french vista and SP2 in English and then the answer should be O or N for "Oui" or "Non" in french. I finally have taken an vista in English (first generation without SP1 integrated) and I installed SP1 in OOBE and then SP2. I could clean, shutdown the machine without problem and capture the wim file. I tested the new fresh DVD in VMWare without any problem. However I have a question : Is it possible to download all the update for vista in OOBE mode, I mean automaticly from Microsoft, there is a tool for OEM I think to force updates ?? Thanks and have a nice day. :thumbsup_anim:
[How To] Integrate Vista SP2 into Vista SP1 DVD?
Sorry you are right, I apologize :sweatingbullets:
[How To] Integrate Vista SP2 into Vista SP1 DVD?
It seems that nobody here is interested by the question. However the problem is solved. Thanks anyway. :confused02:
[How To] Integrate Vista SP2 into Vista SP1 DVD?
To bjfrog: Many thanks for the useful informations however I'm facing a problem, the command "compcln.exe" does not work in OOBE after installing SP2 and reboot, if you do "yes" the windows in prompt just close and nothing else. Another question when "generalize" and "shutdown" in OOBE the system restart, is this normal or not ?? Could you please give more information or am I making a mistake ?? Thanks for your reply.
Hello, everybody this is the first time I come to this forum. Informations are very helpful and the VUT is a must, I use it today and will report my experience. See you soon :thumbsup_anim:
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