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Extract the MSI and other files from the slim installer, also extract the MSP from the update installer, run the following command
msiexec /a <msi_name>.msi /p <msp_name>.mspBTW there is no need for updating this installer, it already has this months security updates -
If you compress with lzma2 you get that error, use regular lzma
If you want one similar to the original, then use the rebuild (I only better compress the MZZ file for 100 MB space saving)
Now the "slim" is still the "full" framework, only that I remove setup stuff (you will find the VBS that I use to edit the MSI on the first post) and I do a admin install for better 7zip compression...this is why you see \ProgramFilesFolder and \Windows directories, you can use the VBS to slim your package and delete all setup files exept the 4.5.1 MSI and the MZZ file
I been meaning to do some videos on what methods I use to make my slim and rebuilt installers (in case I am unable to continue) but it keeps getting put off
No problem here, it must be your PC or connection.
Check your PM.
stsaerox got a reaction from stormraider in Windows 7 Extreme Lite?I think that it is a cool topic and he/she needs somewhere to start. My main problem when I've tried was that I had many bugs It took me so much time and I could not resolve anything. I've started searching again today and there are my conclusions that I keep if I test again. These are in slimmed down windows that worked better than mine:
I cannot verify the source since I did some edits in this....
should not cause any harm
You mean imagex, no all you need is imagex.exe (if you are on windows 7 you have dism.exe already installed, just need to extract imagex.exe from waik/adk)
I think there are programs that can mount vmdk but have never tried them. I have tried vmdk to vhd converters, so you can mount the vhd in windows
stsaerox reacted to compstuff in [Question] Update Packs and Everything RelatedIf you take a look at my latest ini you will see all the files from McRip that I use... I think this will help you see what your missing and how to apply the various items... please keep in mind that I choose to add many items that I am sure others leave out.
stsaerox reacted to compstuff in [Question] Update Packs and Everything RelatedI'm not the best person to answer this but I can get you started in the right direction. Technically I will never fully comprehend how the guys are such experts at differentiating the superseded updates etc but the general forum about all of this is found here: http://forums.mydigi...tfix-repository
McRip and Komm both maintain the "motherload" of updates along with amazing tools for their use. Komm's KUC is one of my main tools for developing and maintaining my integration's. Burfadel also has toools and items that I use as well.
If you follow the forum and use their updates and tools you should "learn" what you need but I won't kid you... personally I find this a daunting task and much of that is due to MS not releasing a service pack for so long which means using about 400 updates to maintain an image.
EDIT: For got to mention that WinToolKit has the function to download the updates from McRip's repo and that gives you about 90% of what you need in one shot
OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 UpdatePack v1.0.9 FINAL ENU
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 7A2AC7C5DD72BB4BC0C18D677A8B8FB1
Filesize: 206.18 MB (216198876 bytes)
This XP post-SP3 All-in-One QFE/LDR Update Pack differs from RyanVM's/user_hidden's one as it includes by default more stuff like IE8, DX updates, all .NETs and WMP11 for an easier integration, along with official and nearly all request-only hotfixes (RyanVM's Update Pack is more selective with request-only hotfixes, which is fine): all in a few MBs and integrated in native "true" mode.
Onepiece's XP Update Pack can be used along with Nlite from v1.4.9.1 or RVM Integrator from v1.6.1 b2.1 on a clean (untouched) XP SP3 ENU source.
From v3.5.1 XP post-SP3 AIO UpdatePack can be integrated in a XP MCE 2005 SP3 source.
Please don't ask for inclusions or exclusions: if you like a different configuration use one of the existing vanilla XP UpdatePacks with your preferred addons and you'll get your own XP disc without the need to remove anything.
However if you don't like all the additional stuff included in OnePiece's XP Update Pack, you can easily uninstall some of them from Windows Components Wizard after windows setup.
Then you can use a Run window to totally delete the components from your live system, typing this command:
rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection OPMWXPUP.inf,%OptionalComponentsNAME%.CleanUp
Other supported switches are HIDE (removes the component from Windows Component Wizard list) and SHOW (shows the component in Windows Component Wizard list):
Alternatively, you can also disable their installation listing the one you don't like to install (but not .net 2.0!) in a Winnt.sif file (see also here), under [components] section, with an "= off" by their side. For example, if you want to disable installation of Windows Desktop Search you will add this string:
[Components]...WDSearch = off... All the Winnt.sif optional components codes are shown below. List only those you want to disable!
BitLockerToGo = BitLocker To Go ReaderBrowserChoice = Browser ChoiceDirectX = DirectX Post-SP3 UpdateICCDSCD = Windows Feature Pack for StorageIMAPI2 = Image Mastering APIMDX = DirectX Managed CodeMSXML4 = MSXML 4.0 SP3 Parser (KB2721691)MU = Microsoft UpdateNETFX30 = Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 Service Pack 2NETFX35 = Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1NETFX40 = Microsoft .NET Framework 4PowerShell = Windows PowerShellPowerShellISE = Windows PowerShell ISESilverlight = Microsoft SilverlightWDSearch = Windows Desktop SearchWgaNotify = Windows Genuine Advantage NotificationsWinRM = Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)WRMC = Windows Rights Management ClientXP_EOS = Microsoft Windows XP End of Service Notification Or, again, you can remove them from XP source after UpdatePack integration. Simply extract one or more of the small RVM-only addons from this suite and run a single new RVM-i integration session for every one of them on your updated source: OnePiece Remove AddOn
Update (8 April 2014)
Update (8 April 2014)
Update (8 April 2014)
Update (8 April 2014)
Update (8 April 2014)
Update (8 April 2014)
Update (8 April 2014)
Update (8 April 2014)
Update (8 April 2014)
Update (8 April 2014)
Update (8 April 2014)
Hash MD5 07C39C13FEC9099B603BC00C3B209234
Filesize: 19.8 KB (20303 bytes)
NB *"REMOVE" addons are RVMIntegrator-only!! the entries.ini removal values are not supported by Nlite.
** Please note also that, due to a RVMi limitation, Removal Addons could break XP setup if integrated in the source at once in the same RVMi session: you must run your regular integration with Nlite or RVMi then, before making the .iso, one or more additional sessions of RVMi to finish off your source with the desired removal addon.
*** removes all single WinMFC components. So if you use it, you don't need to add:
to your integration list
Let's recap! the right order is:
Run RVMi and integrate Update Pack - rerun RVMi and integrate first Removal addon - rerun RVMi and integrate second Removal addon - ... - rerun RVMi and integrate last Removal addon - rerun RVMi and integrate your preferred SW - make the .iso.
Integration side effects (not UpdatePack bugs): setuperr.log will point out harmless error messages about some IE files like imgutil.dll, inetcpl.cpl, inseng.dll, mshtml.dll, msrating.dll, pngfilt.dll, occache.dll, webcheck.dll (caused by the patched Syssetup.dll used for integration and then restored with the original one). If you don't tolerate it you can integrate in addition Onepiece Repair IE8 cosmetic problems addon which does nothing else than cleaning those false errors in your setuperr.log file. Please note that in some rare configurations the integration of this "repair" addon could cause issues, so we don't suggest to use it. OnePiece Repair IE8 Cosmetic Problems AddOn
Updated (March 27-2009)
Hash MD5 5C7AF8CA9F637C993F4AEEFFB63F39ED
Filesize: 1.28 Kb
There's an incompatibility of new msi installer official release KB981669 with a single app of Windows Live suite, Photogallery. Microsoft hasn't fixed it yet so if you need that specific app you must revert to very old KB967756 using this addon by 5eraph.
If you don't want to loose the new version, there's also a temporary workaround for working systems that allows you to install Photogallery in an updated XP What's inside Onepiece's XP Update Pack: Hotfixes List
What's new in latest release: Changelog
To update the included Adobe Flash Player ActiveX use Create OnePiece Adobe Flash Player True AddOn and integrate the resulting after UpdatePack.
As an example this is v20.0.0.228 True AddOn just created with Create OnePiece Adobe Flash Player True AddOn
OnePiece Adobe Flash Player v26.0.0.131 True AddOn
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Update (22 June 2017)
Hash MD5 69F5516C9CCDF0DB62B11450925B7E5D
Filesize: 9.04 MB (9483969 bytes) You can also extract both the UpdatePack and the, delete entries_Flash.ini file, copy/move newer Adobe Flash Player AddOn files inside UpdatePack, overwriting the older one and then archive UpdatePack again.
How to update the DotNet True AddOn
Complete mirrors, including prerelease and legacy versions, are available here:
Localized XP Updatepack final releases (main languages):Onepiece International XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Packs FINAL
Made with DXUPAC! only DotNet LangPacks are not included (as they're useless) but if you want them too, integrate (download it from one of Onepiece's Files Repositories) after UpdatePack.
All credits are in entries.ini file: however many, many thanks especially to RyanVM, Nuhi, Siginet and Xable.
new release (added kb2799329)
As you know, AIO UpdatePack installs also .nets 1.1, 3.5 family and 4.0 in "true" (native) mode. Their installation requires a lot of time (even if it seems true integration take less time than traditional integration of a Svcpack addon).
T23 is .net 3.5 setup time. You can verify what happens during Windows setup by switching to classic setup (press ctrl+F11). .
new release (see changelog)
new release (see changelog)
stsaerox reacted to Kelsenellenelvian in [Addon] Kel's CPL All-in-One v12.6UNINSTALL previous versions BEFORE installing this one!!!
v12.6 Log:
BSODView v.1.4.0
CPU-Z v1.58
GPU-Z v0.5.5
HWMonitor v1.18
WhatInStartup v1.3.3
WinUpdatesList v1.31.31
HP USB Tool v2.2.3
Dumped IE cookies cleaner
v12.2 log
v12 log
BlueScreenView v1.31
GPU-Z v5.1
The whole package is now uninstallable via the add/remove panel.
This pack contains:
BootSafe v2.0.1000
Bootvis v1.3.37.0
BlueScreenView v1.4.0
ClearType PowerToy
ClipBoard Viewer
CPU-Z v1.58
GPU-Z v0.5.5
HD Tune v2.55
HP USB Format Tool v 2.2.3
HWmonitor v1.18
MemTest v4.0
Microsoft AutoPlay Repair Wizard
Microsoft TimeZone Requires .NET Framework
Microsoft Virtual CD-ROM Control Panel v2.1
MSI CleanUp Utility 4.4
New MSConfig
Services and Devices v3.4
Smart Driver Backup v2.12
TweakUI PowerToy v2.1
WhatInStartup v1.40
Windows Task Manager
WinUpdatesList v1.31.31
User Accounts 2 CPL
Size 4.06 megs
Hash =
CRC-32: 8daf4d2b
MD4: e9339b2047a88ba6a035d27f5b4cecb9
MD5: 4770a75127f43ddc276153c53d5a46cf
SHA-1: 2ca12e1d5e10939718666abaa9d45c4966c6760a
Get it here!
Size = 4.23 megs
Hashes: File: Kels_CPLBonus_v12.6.exe
CRC-32: 6ed90586
MD4: f44efc9d755468cbd8f9f6268f18c6ea
MD5: 50cf719c9e41cd9e2e6dd26d83398298
SHA-1: d3ff9c0e7308e871d3be9bd4a4dcf51450be55f5
I wrote some scripts to do exactly that!
Not with waik, you may need a tool or a script for that
BTW if you integrate the exact same updates the wim should not suffer much in the size department, wim compression is very smart this way
stsaerox reacted to EB1000 in Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINALI wouldn't recommend installing any type of disk defragmentation software. No one of the available tools does a good job anyway, and they tend to cause more problems and take a lot of resources running processes in background. the best way to keep a fragment free disk is to use Mydefrag 4.x.x and run it's Monthly script OFFLINE using a live windows CD (Windows PE based).
Now XP post-SP3 AIO UpdatePack can be integrated in a XP MCE 2005 SP3 source.
First you must slipstream Service Pack 3 on a clean XP MCE SP2 source with the help of Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator.
Then integrate UpdatePack using Nlite or RVMi. As you know Onepiece's UpdatePack cannot include MCE-specific hotfixes, as RollUp KB900325 and KB973768, but you can run them from Svcpack at T-13: KB900325 needs a running .net 1.1 framework to install and it will find it.
stsaerox reacted to Legolash2o in Windows 7 Forum TrashI'm going to test the integration, I'm also adding a new feature update integration feature which i hope you will like, it's a secret for now
EDIT: Confirmed not working, DISM error 0x801f0005 ()
EDIT2: Confirmed that WIM Filter is causing the issue.
I've made a few fixes to the downloader but i don't think they would fix the issue. However.... I am going to add an alternative download method to see if that helps, it uses the default vb .net tool to download files. It was used in the original VUT and it brought up a little screen with a progress bar).
Hopefully the next version will work properly (not out yet).
stsaerox reacted to Legolash2o in Windows 7 Forum TrashStill would like a print screen please
stsaerox reacted to *Reaper* in Windows 7 Forum TrashJust curious.... You did extract BEFORE
you tried to add it with the Toolkit right?
Because the toolkit wont accept a .zip file for updates.
You have to extract the .msu files from inside the .zip
then use the tookit to add the .msu updates...
stsaerox reacted to Legolash2o in Windows 7 Forum TrashHmm, working fine for me. The only time it says "0 updates added" is when im adding x64 updates when i've selected an x86 image or x86 updates when i've selected an x64 image.
EDIT: Try the new version and provide a screenshot
stsaerox reacted to Legolash2o in Windows 7 Forum TrashIf you cannot see the "SoLoR Updates" list can your please:
*Post a screenshot
*Test this link:
*Are you using a proxy server?
*Any other useful info
Even let me know if you can see it.