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  1. no i'm using only DriverPacks no USB Add-on Pack. thank you for participating USB Add-on Pack problem.
  2. Hello every one, I'm having a problem with my unattended windows when i plug a usb mouse to a new usb port the new hardware wisard appears asking for drivers, using the keyboard i hit next, next,...... it searches and finds drivers. the problem is the windows should automatically install usb mouse without "new hardware wisard". a flash drive and game controller have been tested they have no such problem. i'm using: Onepiece Update Pack v2.4.1 Driverpacks integrated using DPs BASE method 2 V'ISO transformation pack by Ricktendo64 any ideas please help
  3. the update pack works but the 2003 office can not be installed at runonce and if tried to install it manually half way of the setup a msg pops up request the office CD to be inserted in the CD drive. i hope this issue get fixed. :help: thanx