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  1. Good morning. I am struggling with a strange RunOnceEx situation. I have been using this procedure for years from W7 up to W11 22H2 and it works regularly on both HOST PC and virtual machine, but these days an unexplainable thing happens to me. When I run this procedure on a newly built pc with Ryzen 9 7950X and still running W11 22H2, the RunOceEx does not run, when I try the same ISO with RunOnceEx on another PC or virtual machine it runs. I have been going crazy for a few days and can't figure out why and don't know what solution to look for. Any ideas? This is the "setupcomplete.cmd" script that I have always uitilized. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo off for %%w IN (D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) DO IF EXIST %%w:\sources\install.wim SET CDROM=%%w: REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %KEY% /v Flags /t REG_DWORD /d "20" /f REG ADD %KEY% /V Title /D "Post Installation..." /f >NUl REG ADD %KEY%\06 /VE /D "Calculator Legacy" /f >NUL REG ADD %KEY%\06 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Software\Calculator_Legacy_2.0.exe" /f >NUL REG ADD %KEY%\07 /VE /D "7-Zip 22.01" /f >NUL REG ADD %KEY%\07 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Software\7z2201.msi /quiet /norestart" /f >NUL EXIT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sincerely thank you
  2. Why can not I download files? :questionmark:
  3. Thank you for the addon updated Wonder if it's possible to have the addon for 64-bit THANKS
  4. Good evening. I wanted to ask if there is a tweak to remove the symbol from the icons UAC. Thanks
  5. I no longer update the clock, what can have happened? The message tells me: "Insufficient permissions to perform activities Contact the administrator of the computer" I'm already an administrator, I do not understand !! THANKS
  6. When I install Windows 7 and after I install the addon via RunOnceEx VirtualBox (3.2.6), the silent installation hangs with the following message. How can I fix this? THANKS
  7. Thanks, this is very helpful when I reinstall the OS
  8. Good morning. As for custom themes that I have saved on time in personal themes, I wanted to know which path is nestled on my theme, because I save it to another medium to be able to restore from the format. I went in the path C: \ Windows \ Resources \ Themes but I've found, where the hell you hiding? Thanks
  9. The option "-b" is not 'documented, but is used by the OS I think every 2 or 3 days. (However it sees fit when the OS ...) to do it only when the system but is based on data from the Prefetcher, so if by chance the prefetch 'was disabled or if the PC has not yet had a being at rest ( "On Idle") for enough time, this process is not 'yet ever initiated and the defrag, not finding the registry key that says when he made the last optimization boot files, which recalls that mistake. the key is this HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Prefetcher\\LastDiskLayoutTimeString However I solved the problem by running this command and restarting rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks
  10. Running the defrag of boot files on my PC, running AVIEN correctly, as screen Instead on another PC running not to be successful, he says that the register entries are missing I tried to reinstall from scratch S.O. And with the system "clean" gives me the exact same message. What can it be? Thanks
  11. At least with XP folders in Windows Explorer, are highlighted Seven with Ultimate RTM, I can not understand why the folders are not marked with some symbol. Thanks
  12. DMD replied to OnePiece's post in a topic in Windows XP
    la prova
  13. DMD replied to OnePiece's post in a topic in Windows XP
    Ho provato a creare nuovo utente, poi ho fatto disconnetti e dopo vari lampeggi dello schermo mi appare la password di accesso a Windows in questo modo.
  14. Thanks for the information. But I verified that it is better to first run the file Alky_XP.exe (Ricks_WindowsSidebar...\svcpack) and after the file sidebar.inf regards