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Posts posted by bober

  1. yeah the batch is not perfect, but i am very happy with the job dougie's gui is doing.

    but im happy to see ure intrest in the project!.

    here is a thought, integrate ure stuff with n lite,now use xptsp,after remove with nlite ure stuff ,then ure done!.

    also: there are files that are being added that arent defaults,ive had a look at ure autoit script and there is a missing function for xp version specific file patching. also there are several files that need the deletion of the res objects in the destination file b4 receiving the res patch. at first glance the batch does appear to do same thing all the way thru.

    Thanks for the info. The issue was: "UPDATE 1. Found a temp fix for the nLite problem... Go to the advanced settings under Bootable ISO, and change the ISO Engine setting from Default to Mkisofs and you will no longer get the boot issue when you use nLite to create an ISO./ edit:this problem should be fixed now, no need work arounds anymore.plz test and report. "

    Is there an XPtsp with Blue Folders, or this is just done manually? Thanks.

    mr fixit has remade the whole pack in blue;


  2. @ snakeckraker

    if you dont want to be answered lies,dont ask.lololol

    *but seriously i dunno if users using win 7 and posting their screenshots should be permited, i dunno how the legitemacy of their actions can be juged (maybe they are a beta tester but..)

  3. im currently upgrading but this what i have at the moment:

    mobo:asus formula crosshair II

    cpu:AM2 6000+(3ghz)(zalman fan)

    mem:2 gig dual chan. 800mhz platinum (crapy timings,cheap mem)

    vga:xfx 260gtx black edition

    sound:creative X-Fi fatal1ty champion(with front pannel console)

    hdds:5 seagate x 500gig sataII 7200rpm, 1 seagate x 80gig sataII 7200rpm psu:700 watt OCZ

    optical:LG supermulti dvd burner






    do mice keyboards and screens also count?

    screen:LG 20.1 inch wide screen lwtx204

    mouse:razer lachesis

    keyb:logitech g15 (old blue model,wich is better)

    i can produce crapy quality cell phone pics if needed.

    btw: im looking forward to sli my gtx 260 blk ed.,adding corshair dominator mem and buying a phenom II cpu..eventualy lol

  4. argh more updates, ill do one last update ..maybe this week.

    dougie i think ure right, there is something wrong with the speech tab, im completely missing the tab in ure screenie.

    also super duper work on the live patching,ill try to have a test run in a VM.

    amnesia thx for all those updates!

    and about that nice bootscreen, i have no idea what the win 7 boot looks like but im thinking of maybe including it in the win 7 version of xptsp thta i will work on.

  5. I found another bug (I think).

    In XP Pro and MCE, there's no problem. But XP Home is missing this bmp from the 'remote' tab of the system manager (right click My computer, select properties, click remote)post-3472-1229115344_thumb.jpg

    well infact its not a bug, lol home dosent have a remote thingy..but the tab is there(i think its just different or something),so id have to chek out the differences in the sysdm.cpl and see whats going on.but ill see what i can do.

  6. Confirmed 'Home' worked fine with previous 1.1 build. I'll try with this one too (pro, home, mce)


    Confirmed new build branding is correct with MCE.

    nice, thx for ure tests.

    "..is there blue or green bitmaps integrated?

    ...my blue and green German resources will get ready soon.

    Is it possible to upload them?


    i focused on only green resources,mr fixit is working on making them blue, so if you have some work done maybe you could "whiteboard" ure stuff mwith mrfixit's and agree on using one an others work, i dunno,so ask mr fixit.

    considering everything is prety much finished ima take a break from all this.gona ponder the new se7en resources for a while.

  7. i screwed up the res files, i did not have photoshop and th 16 color palette installed, so i blindly droped the res files in each fodler thinking i wouldint mix it up,lol sorry will fix later 2 night.but mean while i think the bootscr.res in the xtras\home dir should be ok,its not branded at all.

    "Edit, All the other branding in the OS is Pro. It's only that boot screen that is branded MCE. "

    ? oh so you checked the other 2 reses and theyr all pro? crap.thx for the heads up.

  8. so the main changes are in the final:

    each xp version ahs its own bootscreen now,and i have added a hexer that dougie re-wrote for me to hex taskmgr's colors as they were hard coded.i alredy have a blue and pruple hexer,infact this small utility can hex prety much any file,so there are alot of possibilities...(its in the programs folder)(beware, only try patching on a clean taskmgr.exe file if you want to try it manualy. you can eather drop taskmgr on tmhexer.exe or run it via command line like so:

    tmhexer.exe "ure path to where ever\taskmgr.exe"

  9. NICE

    so this next update is gonna be a windows 7-blue masterpiece of modification, cant wait!

    any chance of losing the atrocious version numbering scheme? lol gotta remember that all thoes ends up in the system panel :P

    acctualy im finishing normal xptsp,i have a good friend (mr.fixit) working on making xptsp blue,and then there will be xptsp se7en which is gonna take a while to work on.

    btw amnesia nice find!!

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