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Posts posted by bober

  1. ok well im the repackaging a new release,up until now, only resources have ben updated(thx to amnesia),so if any one has suggestions or have spotted probs,now's the time (amnesia the problem you spotted is ok,if you test it ull see the file gets patched fine,but thx for the intrest.)

  2. nice addon but ure international langs are strange,why have 3-4 english string sections for different countries that use the same lang,and whats written in those different sections are identical, plus in the russian section its written in english, same for the chinese section.so basically u have eng and fra, so just put 1 section per language and not per country(cause if the country uses the same lang then why duplicate?).n e ways thats just my 2 cents.but its still good work tho.

  3. the nrie7 addon's original file is inetcpl.cpl.mui , in the resource folder the file is called inetcpl.mui.res.

    onepieceie7 addons has: inetcpl.mui

    nrie7 addon has : inetcpl.cpl.mui

    so i made 1 res file: inetcpl.mui.res so only the code changes when applying the res file to either nr's file or onepeice's file.

    edit:also, i jsut test ricks mce addon and i must say it seems to be working great,if you plan on using it ,as always use xptsp at the end so ure setup will be detected as mce and ull get the full mce patching(which looks great)

    ok so evrything seems ok, im currently editign the ehres.res cause thers some oddness with some pngs/html settings...n e ways im tryign to fix it and ill upload after.

    edit:ok well i managed to fix the res and things really look sleek.so ill uplaod

  4. this part is no good:


    "%res%\%name%.%name1%.%ext%.res",,,&echo duzenleniyor %name%.%name1%.%ext%%pe% -c %NRIE7tmp%\%name%.%name1%.%ext% >nul

    the res file in my pack is:

    inetcpl.mui.res and not inetcpl.cpl.mui.res ( if both are present, the new update ill upload wont have it as it dosent make sense having 2 x the same file with different names when the script can patch both file witht he same res.)

  5. lolol yeah sorry about that,some times i forget to explain stuff.

    and about the coding part ,the only change appart from returning the 2nd set com=DLL to uppercase,only this line was changed:

    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" %cp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%big%.%com%" >nul


    ill try and do one last update 2nite cause i realy dont have much time these days.also, ill chek the patching of the new ie7 addon as onepeice has updated his addon and ill make sure files are still getting patched correctly.

    n e ways thx for looking into this.

    i have a question.....does an xp source modded with viso exactly the same as viso installed using viso live after installation??

    ull have to ask amnesia.but in theory yes it should.

  6. set name=winntbba
    set ext=dll
    set big=WINNTBBA
    set com=DL_
    1-if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" %xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
    2-if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" Del "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
    3-if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" set com=dll
    4-if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" %cp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%big%.%com%" >nul
    5-if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto winnt32a
    6-%rh% %del% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", stringtable,,
    7-%rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
    8-%pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
    9-%cp% /v /y "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul

    1a-if WINNTBBA.DL_ is present extract it to i386\temp

    2a-delete WINNTBBA.DL_ cause we only need the uncompressed version

    3a-if WINNTBBA.DL_ dosent exist set com as dll to search for uncompressed version

    4a-if WINNTBBA.dll exists copy it to i386\temp

    5a-if WINNTBBA.dll dosent exist jump to next label

    6a-del specific objects in winntbba.dll

    7a-add resources over winntbba.dll

    8a-pe checksum winntbba.dll

    9a-copy back to i386 WINNTBBA.dll

    yes,the scripting is not optimal,some lines could have ben done in one instance.but when i edited the batch and decided to add certain lines to take care of files that may be present twice b oth in its compressed and uncompressed stated. it was just too crazy for me to remove some lines while adding others (theres what 6000 lines in the batch?),so i opted to just add lines.and yes some times the case dosent match,but it has no impact on the process.

    the way the winnt* file are patched is in case they are present twice or if either only the compressed version is present or vice versa.when i made the modification these 4 lables,i made sure to test and re-rest the posibilities,and each time the resulting file was an uncompressed winnt*.dll file with no compressed duplicate. i urge people to test as i have done in the past.so simply test the code concerning only these 4 files and see.pls test by putting both compressed and uncompressed file to the i386 dir, then test with only thoses files compressed and finaly test with only uncompressed files.i can asure you the outcome will always be 4 uncompressed files with no compressed duplicates:

    @echo off
    color 3A
    mode con cols=67 lines=23
    title XPtsp script
    set rh=Programs\ResHacker
    set pe=Programs\PEChecksum
    set cab=Programs\makecab
    set xp=Programs\expand
    set res=Resources
    set tmp=temp
    set sptmp=spcabtmp
    set spcab=DRIVER.CAB
    set xtra=Extra
    set ao=-addoverwrite
    set del=-delete
    set cp=copy
    set mcextra=Extra\mce
    set homextra=Extra\home
    if not exist "%tmp%" md "%tmp%"
    set name=winntbbu
    set ext=dll
    set big=WINNTBBU
    set com=DL_
    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" %xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" Del "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" set com=dll
    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" %cp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%big%.%com%" >nul
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto winntbba
    %rh% %del% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", stringtable,,
    %rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
    %pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
    %cp% /v /y "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
    set name=winntbba
    set ext=dll
    set big=WINNTBBA
    set com=DL_
    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" %xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" Del "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" set com=dll
    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" %cp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%big%.%com%" >nul
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto winnt32a
    %rh% %del% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", stringtable,,
    %rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
    %pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
    %cp% /v /y "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
    set name=winnt32a
    set ext=dll
    set big=WINNT32A
    set com=DL_
    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" %xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" Del "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" set com=dll
    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" %cp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%big%.%com%" >nul
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto winnt32u
    %rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
    %pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
    %cp% /v /y "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
    set name=winnt32u
    set ext=dll
    set big=WINNT32U
    set com=DL_
    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" %xp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" >nul
    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" Del "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" set com=dll
    if exist "i386\%big%.%com%" %cp% "i386\%big%.%com%" "%tmp%\%big%.%com%" >nul
    if not exist "i386\%big%.%com%" goto end
    %rh% %ao% "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%
    %pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul
    %cp% /v /y "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul
    echo ull have to manualy delete the temp/working/prog/res dirs.
    echo looking in the temp dir if the files have ben copied over and
    echo modified is a good indication that the process is working,
    echo also compair the files in temp with the ones in i386 for reference.

    as stated a couple of posts back im getting more and more school work and will not be able to maintain, update, fix etc.. this project.

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