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Posts posted by bober

  1. Hi,

    sorry if it's a stupid question, but is this like X-Pize (double-click, uninstall)? Or do I need to make a clean install to use it?

    Thanks in advance!

    well this tool is to patch ure windows install source.so in order for the patch process to work you must dump the contents of a win xp disc and run the tool .

    the actual code is working if U use Onepiece IE7. U can add a new section in order to patch also inetcpl.cpl.mui if it is found with this name

    yeah thats exactly what im gonna do, but i wonder what addon it is, and what cab archive the rest of the files are in,cause im sure there are more files not getting patched.

    Another 'annoyance' I just noticed with beta16 batch-addon is bober's added a check in the batch file to look for \i386\driver and if it's there to halt the integration.

    I use AutoImage and perform all integrations in one shot, this new batch file breaks that. I've altered the batch file to remove the check and everything is fine for me. (But I use OnePiece's AIO updatepack)

    well its kinda of a good annoyance as if the addon is ran along side an update pack,the modification wont be applied.ull have to keep manually removing the check.

    about the winn* files.its strange that they get deleted,i would have noticed.mine dont get deleted and i dont think the case should matter.ill change it but i still find it very odd.thx for the input.

    I found cause of failure!

    b16 is breaking, if Windows Update is removed.

    b02-b15 working OK without WU.

    ps. I'm working almost every day in nLite since year 2004

    could you list the files removed is you can.

    @ RUD: can you show me what ie7 addon ure using.and how you integrate it to ure source.

  2. You know, I never really noticed it before, but winntbbu.dll has all the text missing from the main (right) pane during setup.

    When did this change happen? :/

    Not that I'm worried about it, like I said, I just noticed it.

    Keep up the great work guys!

    yeah this is wanted, i purpously deleted the giberish and lies m$ is feeding while widnows is installing. ;) lol

    It's IE7-Setup.exe downloaded from M$ web and added two hotfixes. All files added by nLite.


    For someone who wants Polish version based on XPtsp v1.0.10b16 Batch.


    thats what i thought, you have to understand that an installer running later in the windows process cannot be patched cause the files arent present in i386 when xptsp is patching.true addons overwrite files in the source so they are available and dont change later in the install process.so if you want ure ie7 to be patched plz use a true addon or unpack the ie7 installer and manualy patch them and rebuild the installer.

    also: there will be some work to do on ieframe.dll/ieframe.dll.mui seems ms has change the layout of the dialog,as everythign used to be centered but now after updating to the latest ie7 hotfixes and manualy patchign the resources the avi dl dialog is no longer centered.i will wait a while b4 updatign cause 1st,there are no updated ie7 true addons available and what good is it to include the fixed res files to patch a file a certain way when it is not available yet...so once the ie7 true addons are released ill fix it.

    after further investigation im not sure if ieframe.dll.mui is the culprit...

    seems they may ahve revereted back on using ie6's shdoclc.dll dialog for dls,but i have no idea this ism only speculation

  3. ok so can you manually extract xptsp files to ure root dir where i386 is and edit xptsp.bat.plz remove the "@echo off" should be 1st line. save it and run the batch.once you know the batch is interrupted please copy the lines where the batch has stopped at.also i really do recommend integrating the addon version alone .

    also is it possible that it is just taking way longer cause you have more files in drivers.cab than you had b4?

  4. @bober:

    I've just finished verifying the batch script for WinXP SP3,WMP11,OnepieceIE7

    Problems found:

    hmmapi.mui.res is not apllied -> rename the res file hmmapi.dll.mui.res to hmmapi.mui.res

    XPRngOut.wav from the package is the same with that from SP3

    wucltui.mui.res file size is 0; the code is ok but there is nothing to patch

    and ofcource :spcplui section from the batch



    ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%ext%

    %pe% -c %tmp%\%name%.%ext% >nul

    set com=DL_

    %cab% /D CompressionType=LZX /D CompressionMemory=21 "%tmp%\%name%.%ext%" "i386\%big%.%com%" >nul

    spcplui is fixed i forgot to update lol,about wucltui.mui.res i know about this, a while back i said i was gonna remove it and i forgot to do so.

    about hmmapi.dll.mui.res to hmmapi.mui.res it also should be fixed when i update.

    thx for noticing.


    lol too bad there arent "sidetracks" incase of derailements.

    i had 2 hmmapi res files,now theres only one (hmmapi.dll.res) code adapted to patch hmmapi.dll and hmmapi.dll.mui depending on the case.(nrie7/onepeice)

  5. seems xptsp.inf created by the gui breaks the install.meanwhile that a fix is made you can try one of the batch scripts instead.

    hotplug.dll.res - icons changed

    mmsys.cpl.res - some bitmaps changed

    mstsc.exe.res - icons and bitmaps changed



    thx man, will add.


    can any one also confirm that inetcpl.mui or inetcpl.cpl.mui get patched(onepeice or nr ie7 addons) is getting patched or not thx.

  6. ı use NR_IE7

    well it is almost impossible that it dosent work ,there is a section in the batch that especially takes care of inetcpl:

    set name=inetcpl
    set name1=cpl
    set ext=mui
    %rh% %ao% "NRIE7en\%name%.%name1%.%ext%", "NRIE7en\%name%.%name1%.%ext%", "%res%\%name%.%ext%.res",,,&echo patching %name%.%name1%.%ext%
    %pe% -c NRIE7en\%name%.%name1%.%ext% >nul

    Sure, I can add it as well. I'll try to build a special Icon Theme for this edition as well.

    no hurries.but thx.did you find a way to make icons faster?.. lol

  7. but it would be nice to find where the ballons are.

    "XPNETDG.EXE.RES is renamed to XPNETDIAG.EXE.RES so that the GUI can deal with it easier."

    if you want i can also change the the resourse name for update conveniance.but just to be sure were ont he same wave lenght:

    the cabbed file = XPNETDG.EXE

    and when uncabed = XPNETDIAG.EXE

    on an other note im having probs with my mobo, in sata ide more the board only support 4 out of 6 sata ports.so idealy i have to install win on the ports in AHCI mode instead of ide,but the damn drivers are screwed up. i have tried almost every combination and i just cant get the system to install the drivers.my board has an nforce 780a chipset. so if anyone has the same chipset and was successful to install win on sata in AHCi mode please tell me how they did it.(tried adding drivers via driver packs .net(added the drivers to the pack)tried simply via f6 floppy,still a no go.tried adding manualy to txtsetup.sif and adding them to i386 and $OEM$\etc,again a no go,but driver packs were present so the setup may have took the drivers from driver pack instead.)

  8. well i just changed a couple of typos and also added some lines to the nr ie7 addon.other than tweaking nothing much has ben done.as stated a couple of posts earlier, the "major" changes are:


    also i fixed the problems mention by kaylar (thx) so ill be reuploading. i have also added to the nrie7 section :nrie7iexplorem (patching of iexplore.mui.res)

    and iexplore.exe.mui.res was renamed to iexplore.mui.res

    also plz note that dvdplay has ben moved to the sp* section and that XPNETDG.EX_ has a different internal name > xpnetdiag.exe "

  9. apparently im a moron and forgot that pp is the propram path and that infact the code should look like this(altho ure way is just as good):

    REG ADD %KEY%\987 /VE /D "running OEM info generator" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\987 /V 1 /D %PP%\oemgen.exe" /f <<<<

    "oemgen.exe is missing from i386\svcpack\ "

    um no its not,its gets executed fine here,ive never had any problem and each "real" install i have done was modified by oemgen.exe.

    "Notice the lack of forward-slashes?"

    lol well it still worked but yeah it should have needed some

    but anyways thx mr smartepants for the comment.

    in :spcplui section at the end before the compression change set com=EX_ to set com=DL_

    argh ... will fix.

    on an other note i might not be able to update in the next few weeks as i have a program to make in VB for school.so if any other bugs or typoes are found ill be able to fix it if they are found by the end of the weekend.


    yeah thats what i thought, the damn dialogs and strings will have to be manualy edited and be saved an a res file.my thoughts are thta the ptach process can be done as usual and depending on the lang selected the patched files could then ben ID patched afterwards and for the files that need translating a re patch could occure or it could be vice versa, it could be determined 1st,id lang patch the res files instead and include the dialog/string etc.. lang specific res file.

  10. heres a sample on how to batch change lang IDs;

    Restorator.exe -open access.cpl.res -setLangID 0x040C -noBackup -save -exit

    0x040C is for french ids. restorator is used as it can apply the id on all the objects at the same time in a res file versus reshacker which we need to specify each object .(id have to investigate but maybe we could switch to restorator to do the patching, i dunno how the command line would differ)

    --rant-- :censored:

    btw, remind me to never ever include the glass toast in xptsp, its driving me nuts its just a whorthless piece of garbage.i had bad experiances with it a while back, and some one said it would be a cool addition to xptsp or soemthing so i reinstalled it and now i remember why i hated it so much.

    --rant over--

  11. Hey, Bober. Got a question for ya.... If XPSP?RES.DLL files are modded, will language-specific stuff change? Or just bitmaps and icons? (Mind you, I haven't looked at the XPSP?RES.DLL.RES files)

    umm well appart from the normal ID ing of each object of the res to the correct lang code there is only one issue.

    xpsp2res.dll.res has a dialog section which would need to be translated. but apaprt formt hat jsut changing the lang IDs of the said resoruces should do the trick.

    also i fixed the problems mention by kaylar (thx) so ill be reuploading. i have also added to the nrie7 section :nrie7iexplorem (patching of iexplore.mui.res)

    and iexplore.exe.mui.res was renamed to iexplore.mui.res

    also plz note that dvdplay has ben moved to the sp* section and that XPNETDG.EX_ has a different internal name > xpnetdiag.exe

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