Reputation Activity
bober got a reaction from LUZR4LIFE in 7 Sins of Windows 7if it dosent affect the user in general why give a f*ck.
-Education > drop out of school.
-DRM > just dont dl drm media files.
-Security > who needs it?
-Standards > you want to be productive ,use a PC. If ure a moron and need a natural feel to ure informatic ignorance; buy a MAC
-Monopoly > its always fun to win.
-Lock-in > better than a lock-out
-Privacy > yeah, i always keep all my personal info like banking and federal tax info in neatly and obviously named files on an unpassworded machine member of
an unsecure WIFI network.
bober got a reaction from BLaCk in [Closed] XPtsp Green Batch v1.4.7.1This will be the new home for the batch releases of XPtsp.
Other topics will arise accordingly to the type of XPtsp that it will represent.
I hope to include more and more member made modifications.
Sleeker resources are being added to the pack. Big thx to Amnesia
for doing the translation and many many updates!!
Also a big thx to Ricktendo for the initial work on the batch, VTP8, VistaMizer, Energize and the guys over at (for original resource creation).
Best visual results are achieved by integrating Rick's Windows Sidebar addon
Batch Scripts:
FileName: XPtsp.Green.v1.4.7.1_batch.exe
File Size: 58.3 MB (61,217,718 bytes)
MD5: cecfe3d58409be849cb3ddfd0da25d10
FileName: XPtsp.Green.v1.4.7.1_batch.addon.rar
File Size: 66.3 MB (69,566,668 bytes)
MD5: ca2be06e2a3ec98c825f6ba8061044c5
Change log:
Last updated June 7th 2009
-more info 2 come...
Last updated April 3rd 2009
Added IE8 suport for TRUE addon's
Updated February 16th 2009
minor adjustments (againnnnn):
-all .theme files to reflect new name of cursors
-fixed typoe in inf (thx dougie)
Updated February 16th 2009
minor adjustments to (again):
-xpsp2res.dll.res (thx amnesia)
Updated February 13th 2009
-intro.wmv (thx Kaylar)
-added hex code to patch setupapi.dll, sfc_os.dll, uxtheme.exe in batch(thx Fixit)
Updated February 4th 2009
-added hex code to patch setupapi.dll in addon only
-added home_ss.dll
-added home_ss.dll
-re-added cursors to user32(thx orbit30 hope it works this time)
-removed autorun folder
(thx to amnesia for the new theme files
and to dougie for finding a way for the new autoruns.)
Updated January 30th 2009
-latest ehres by Ricktendo64
-Sysdm.cpl.res thx Amnesia
This is a tool to patch/overwrite files from an xp disc image that you have copied to ure hard drive.
To install the batch Addon version; integrate with ryan vm integrator
Please use it AFTER you have integrated/slipped any updatepack/servicepack.Alot of files
are replaced by these packs it will overwrite the changes made by use it last!.
To install the batch version; simply brows to the root folder containing the i386 folder via the
locate button on the winrar sfx installer(the file you just downloaded..XPtsp.v1.x.xx.exe)
(or alternatively;drop the executable directly in the same root folder containing I386 and
run the sfx and launch the procedure, no need to locate)
bober got a reaction from NIM in 7 Sins of Windows 7if it dosent affect the user in general why give a f*ck.
-Education > drop out of school.
-DRM > just dont dl drm media files.
-Security > who needs it?
-Standards > you want to be productive ,use a PC. If ure a moron and need a natural feel to ure informatic ignorance; buy a MAC
-Monopoly > its always fun to win.
-Lock-in > better than a lock-out
-Privacy > yeah, i always keep all my personal info like banking and federal tax info in neatly and obviously named files on an unpassworded machine member of
an unsecure WIFI network.
bober reacted to Fixit in [Tool] Live Boot Screen Patcher v2.4 (09-Sept-'09)You'll need to use a 4bit 16 color bmp whit a resolution of 640x480 pixels..
atm i'm working on some new features that will i.e allow u to change the colors of the pallet and use zipped bitmaps in stead of boot.res files (for live patching)
i'll also write a small tut how to make bootscreens using freeware only. i found that "gimp" works the best for me..(dont save with multiple opend layers)
i'v remade some XPtsp bootscreens and hex edited them so u can see what u are doing
BMP's to work from.
when done u can just use them as they are ... (u don't have to make them black for that)
Check if the file properties are still the same after u saved your edited bitmap... (else you'll get a black screen or even a bsod)
if u want to use your bitmaps in a XPtsp patcher u can only use the standard color pallet, else you'll have to do some hex editing to the kernels..
bober got a reaction from Fixit in [Closed] XPtsp Green Batch v1.4.7.1This will be the new home for the batch releases of XPtsp.
Other topics will arise accordingly to the type of XPtsp that it will represent.
I hope to include more and more member made modifications.
Sleeker resources are being added to the pack. Big thx to Amnesia
for doing the translation and many many updates!!
Also a big thx to Ricktendo for the initial work on the batch, VTP8, VistaMizer, Energize and the guys over at (for original resource creation).
Best visual results are achieved by integrating Rick's Windows Sidebar addon
Batch Scripts:
FileName: XPtsp.Green.v1.4.7.1_batch.exe
File Size: 58.3 MB (61,217,718 bytes)
MD5: cecfe3d58409be849cb3ddfd0da25d10
FileName: XPtsp.Green.v1.4.7.1_batch.addon.rar
File Size: 66.3 MB (69,566,668 bytes)
MD5: ca2be06e2a3ec98c825f6ba8061044c5
Change log:
Last updated June 7th 2009
-more info 2 come...
Last updated April 3rd 2009
Added IE8 suport for TRUE addon's
Updated February 16th 2009
minor adjustments (againnnnn):
-all .theme files to reflect new name of cursors
-fixed typoe in inf (thx dougie)
Updated February 16th 2009
minor adjustments to (again):
-xpsp2res.dll.res (thx amnesia)
Updated February 13th 2009
-intro.wmv (thx Kaylar)
-added hex code to patch setupapi.dll, sfc_os.dll, uxtheme.exe in batch(thx Fixit)
Updated February 4th 2009
-added hex code to patch setupapi.dll in addon only
-added home_ss.dll
-added home_ss.dll
-re-added cursors to user32(thx orbit30 hope it works this time)
-removed autorun folder
(thx to amnesia for the new theme files
and to dougie for finding a way for the new autoruns.)
Updated January 30th 2009
-latest ehres by Ricktendo64
-Sysdm.cpl.res thx Amnesia
This is a tool to patch/overwrite files from an xp disc image that you have copied to ure hard drive.
To install the batch Addon version; integrate with ryan vm integrator
Please use it AFTER you have integrated/slipped any updatepack/servicepack.Alot of files
are replaced by these packs it will overwrite the changes made by use it last!.
To install the batch version; simply brows to the root folder containing the i386 folder via the
locate button on the winrar sfx installer(the file you just downloaded..XPtsp.v1.x.xx.exe)
(or alternatively;drop the executable directly in the same root folder containing I386 and
run the sfx and launch the procedure, no need to locate)