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Everything posted by EGOvoruhk

  1. Thank you very much, that works perfectly! Might I ask why you didn't include the version of .NET that Microsoft put on the disc? I just found it odd that you released an addon like this that required an additional addon. Not that I mind. Now that I know what I'm doing, I'm probably going to edit yours and add in my .NET pack, so that I can just insert one thing into nLite everytime. I just honestly wanted to know Also, any change of making an XP x64 compatible version? I was goofing off with (a PureVideo-less) Obrit30's 4.8 version, and found that it integrated with nLite, and actually installed in VMWare! I couldn't test videos, but Media Center opened and everything. I tried with yours, and it failed when trying to integrate. Just a thought
  2. Can you recommend an addon that will integrate with nLite? I found 2, but they're giving me errors in nLite when I try to integrate them. Or do I not insert them in the Add-on page like I do yours?
  3. Hello all. I just came across this add-on, and I think it's great. I'm new to the whole add-on "scene", and I had a question about the .NET requirement. What is the best .NET add-on to use with this? It doesn't need to be 1.1 SP1 and 3.5, just whatever will enable this to work like the real version of MCE 2005. I saw a comment about not using onepiece's add-on, which happens to be the first one I found, heh Note: I'm using nLite to integrate everything, if that makes a difference Thanks in advance!