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  1. Thanks a lot, man! That's good news!
  2. First of all, thanks Kels for this pack! Also, could you tell me please what are the following two files, "comdlg32.ocx" and "Wc.com", needed for?! I'm asking you this because I did a trimmed version of your UberPack for personal use, with only the apps that suit my taste, and I'd like to narrow down to only what's needed for me. I use only the following, from your pack: *ClearType turned on by default *Compumatrix WallPaper Changer v2.1 *Microsoft Calculator Plus v1.0 (Replaces calc.exe) *Microsoft Makecab v6.0.6001.18000 (Vista SP1 final version) *Microsoft OpenType\TrueType Font Properties Extension v2.30 *Quicklaunch is now enabled by default. *Show\Hide IE icon on the desktop tweak (It's in folder options now) *TaskSwitch XP v2.0.11 (Uninstallable) *Unlocker v1.8.7 (Includes Unlocker Assistant and is uninstallable) *SendTo 7zSplit *SendTo UpxGui 1.8 *SendTo Uneversal Silent Switch Finder (Special WPI version) *.dll/.ocx/.ax Register/Unregister Regtweak *Advanced .inf install/uninstall Regtweak *Copy To/Move To *HashTab v2.1.1 *ModifyPE (but only in System32 - no ModifyPE It shellext) *Open cmd Here v1.1.1 *Open in a new window (added to PowerMenu) *Synesis File Case v2.0.2.31 *Mmm proggie for Custom PowerMenu So, is it safe to delete those 2 files, if I use only the components listed above? Thank You very much, again.
  3. Thanks a lot! You saved me from some aditional work in modding Kel's Bonus Pack with only the apps I use.
  4. Very sweet addon, but there seems to be a problem with the download link. Could you please re-upload it?! :please: Thank you!