First of all, thanks Kels for this pack! Also, could you tell me please what are the following two files, "comdlg32.ocx" and "", needed for?! I'm asking you this because I did a trimmed version of your UberPack for personal use, with only the apps that suit my taste, and I'd like to narrow down to only what's needed for me. I use only the following, from your pack: *ClearType turned on by default *Compumatrix WallPaper Changer v2.1 *Microsoft Calculator Plus v1.0 (Replaces calc.exe) *Microsoft Makecab v6.0.6001.18000 (Vista SP1 final version) *Microsoft OpenType\TrueType Font Properties Extension v2.30 *Quicklaunch is now enabled by default. *Show\Hide IE icon on the desktop tweak (It's in folder options now) *TaskSwitch XP v2.0.11 (Uninstallable) *Unlocker v1.8.7 (Includes Unlocker Assistant and is uninstallable) *SendTo 7zSplit *SendTo UpxGui 1.8 *SendTo Uneversal Silent Switch Finder (Special WPI version) *.dll/.ocx/.ax Register/Unregister Regtweak *Advanced .inf install/uninstall Regtweak *Copy To/Move To *HashTab v2.1.1 *ModifyPE (but only in System32 - no ModifyPE It shellext) *Open cmd Here v1.1.1 *Open in a new window (added to PowerMenu) *Synesis File Case v2.0.2.31 *Mmm proggie for Custom PowerMenu So, is it safe to delete those 2 files, if I use only the components listed above? Thank You very much, again.