Boot screen ?
@ LeGendxp: Well... I tried... 16 colors isn't much to work with lol... So I ended up with this: You can use the LBS patcher to easily change it Here you can download the bitmaps (extract with 7zip). Otherwise you'll have to hexedit each of the 4 kernels with the colorpallet of the .bmp's yourself and add the .bmp's (background + progress bar) to all of the kernels in your XP CD Source. Two kernels in the I386 folder and four in the Driver.cab file. Hope you like, Kirs
[Game] Frets on Fire
Thats true, but luckily you can change the settings and use any keys you want
[Tool] Live Boot Screen Patcher v2.4 (09-Sept-'09)
Made some other new bootscreens, here's a few of them: Download: Kawasaki_boot Download: Darth vader_boot Download: BSOD_boot The rest can be found here :welcome:
[Game] Frets on Fire
Found this and thought I'd share it with you It's a freeware version of a fake Guiter Hero for the PC. You can download and add songs, or make them yourself. You can find it here Enjoy! :welcome:
[Tool] Live Boot Screen Patcher v2.4 (09-Sept-'09)
I tried and ended up with this: Download Se7en Energize {Art by UtCollector} Download Grey Vista {Art by killer7ben} :welcome:
Live Bootscreen Patcher/Switcher V2.4
Hoi! Heb wat custom bootscreens gemaakt en wou die met jullie delen Download Windmills_boot Ook nog eentje met tulpen?? lol Download Simpsons Z_boot Download Lamborghini_boot Download Yoda_boot Hier staan er nog meer... Groetjes!!
[Tool] Live Boot Screen Patcher v2.4 (09-Sept-'09)
Hi! Here are some custom bootscreens I made from images I found, hope you'll enjoy them. To see a bigger version of them, just click on the images. The download links are below. Download Simpsons Z_boot Download Lamborghini_boot Download Bart Simpson_boot Download Yoda_boot Download Goku_boot Download horse_boot More bootscreens can be found here Greetz!