Hello Ricktendo, I'm using 'Alky for Applications' 1.0 for a long time in order to have the real sidebar under XP. I really enjoy this, I never wanted to test another bar like tosje or anything, since it works perfectly thanks. But today I have a tiny question to submit, I hope you have an answer : "Is it possible to adapt the Continuum messenger gadget, (from thirteen23) to the sidebar under XP ?" I tried to use it, but the error says that the dwmapi.dll can't be called or something like that. I tried to DL & register this dll without any success, and I think it's because this librairy is the one that makes the glass effect work under vista (perhaps I'm wrong, I don't know). So the question means "would it be possible to fix the problem in order to see how even so it could work ?" Sorry for the bad english, I hope you'll understand. Best.